Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 783: 785 Treacherous plan succeeds

Episode 783

Seeing the wood snake, the male defeated Qiu's face, finally appeared a different look, like that, it was a proud pride.

This organ wood snake is the essence of the domineering organs of the family. Similar to the existence of the Mojia's organ woodbird.

Seeing that Wei Zhuang and other top experts were shocked by this organ wood snake, the more comfortable it felt in the heart of the public. He opened his mouth and explained, "Master Weizhuang, if you like this wooden snake, I will give you one after the event. But now, the old is going to do the right thing."

Speaking of which, a trace of blood appeared in the corner of Wei Zhuang's eyes. The blood-mand flashed away, he nodded softly and said: "Go, don't give them any chance to completely defeat it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the wood snake wriggled. Although the public lost his hatred, he was very old, but his hand was extraordinary. He jumped more than three meters high and jumped directly on the wood snake.

Afterwards, the wood snake seemed to be alive, winding and wriggling, even climbing up the stone wall above his head.

Such movements are true snakes, and I am afraid they cannot do it.

After the organ wood snake climbed the top stone wall, there was an iron hook on the limb. At that moment, the wood snake seemed to become a centipede with small feet, hanging slightly above the head.

In a reverse crawling posture, just a few breaths, the wood snake crawled from the top of the cliff to the opposite side.

Seeing this situation, Wei Zhuang was also in a burst of joy. With this wooden snake, transporting thousands of troops, it is also a matter of ease.

After the public lost his hatred and climbed over the cliff, he waved his hand at Wei Zhuang and disappeared into the passage.

Originally, Wei Zhuang also wanted to go in with him. It is just that the current news inside the organ city is not yet certain. Hurry to go, it is easy to reveal identity.

But the public lost the enemy, but the old guy was proficient in mechanical skills. In his eyes, the institutions of the Mohists did not fully play a tenth role. So the effect of diving in alone is better.

Right now, all Weizhuang needs is waiting.

Before the poison of Qianyu Qianye wanted to work, it would take time. It will take time for the public to lose hatred and enter the organ city this time.

Behind these two fierce moves is to wipe out the Mo family.

The disciples of the Mo family were poisoned, and the defense of the organ city was broken by public hatred. If both of these goals can be achieved, then the Mojia, the organ city, will be completely scrapped. In other words, from now on it has completely become a barren mountain ruin.

At this moment, after Lin Tianyao ordered several leaders of the Mo family to lead relevant matters, he entered Gaie's house.

Inside the stone house, not only Gainie and Tianming are present, but even Shaoyu and Yueer are here. After Yue Er’s poison was resolved, Duan Murong’s care has now returned to normal. In such a place, the three little guys also found a playmate and stayed together all day long.

Seeing Lin Tianyao coming, Gaie got up from the seat. His face was a bit gloomy, obviously he already knew the plight facing the Mo family.

"Brother Lin, I heard that someone died just outside. Is this the case?"

Tianming is the most naughty, and curiosity is also the most important among the three children. Seeing Lin Tianyao coming over, he couldn't help but asked directly.

Lin Tianyao reached out and patted his head and said: "Yes, that guy has eaten something bad. You have to be more careful recently, don't eat anything indiscriminately! Just in case, I will bring you some help digestion Pills."

With that said, Lin Tianyao gave Duan Murong two of Baicao Dan to each of his three children.

"This pill is too small!"

Tianming looked at the two pills in his hand together to make a rice-sized pill and couldn't help but wonder. The next moment, he did not hesitate to put them in the mouth. After all, it was given by Lin Tianyao, and he did not question it at all.

But Yue'er was seeing the pill, but she opened her watery eyes wide and cried in surprise: "This is Baicao..."

Yue'er has followed Duan Murong since childhood, although the pharmacology is not well-understood, but still can understand the pill. Seeing that Tianming wants to take two pills together, she hurriedly said, "Tianming, this medicine can only be taken one at a time."

"One!" Tian Ming grinned: "For such a small thing, ten of them are not enough for me to sew between teeth, and if I eat one by one, I can't taste it."

Halfway through the speech, Lin Tianyao suddenly turned his face away and made a boo gesture to him: "If you don't eat, or eat more, the end will be the same as those of the Mo disciples outside, are you not obedient? ?"

After being frightened by Lin Tianyao's words, Tianming was full of excitement. After carefully collecting a medicine, he took one.

Yue'er is not as good as Tianming, she tilted her head, Shui Lingling's big eyes stared at Lin Tianyao and asked, "Big Brother, this Bai Cao Wan... seems to be anti-virus..."

This little girl, her temperament is really pure and straightforward and lovely. The situation is so dangerous now. If someone says that someone is poisoning, the adult disciples of the Mo family are all in panic, let alone these three children.

The reason why Lin Tianyao lied was that these three little guys were frightened. Seeing Yueer to tell the truth, he hurriedly stopped and said: "Yue'er, this is from your sister Rong. You know Baicao Dan, this is an improved digestive pill, now understand?"

Hearing what he said, Yue'er suddenly realized that he and Shaoyu glanced at each other and ate the next one.

But Shaoyu smiled secretly at Lin Tianyao when he was eating Bai Cao Wan. Obviously, this boy is older, coupled with a good family tutoring, he made his mind more meticulous. A lie should have been discovered.

Whether it is a lie or not, as long as the person who is not troubled is panicked, it will have an effect.

After fooling the past three little guys, Lin Tianyao took out two pills and handed it to Gaie Nie: "Mr. Gai, you must have guessed what happened. I won't explain much, if something really happened , You have to help me!"

After so long, Lin Tianyao finally gave Gai Dajian Sheng a chance to perform. ....