Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 780: 782 poisoning

Chapter 780 782 Poison

The purple smoke before, including the hidden bat, was all under the guise of the Weizhuang School. His purpose is to allow this intruder to successfully enter the inside of the organ city.

Now that the goal has been achieved, then next, they must also prepare for the invasion.

Therefore, if the people involved in the intruder's affairs are in a state of panic and internal chaos, then there will definitely be a flaw in the defense.

The intruder is certainly dangerous, but the real danger is still the person responsible for the attack. The intruder was the one who gave him the ability to make a big difference, and he couldn't make much waves.

After listening to Lin Tianyao's suggestions, several leaders of the Mo family looked at each other and nodded together.

After accepting this proposal, Master Class walked over and he gave Lin Tianyao a soft smile: "Lin Shaoxia, the giant is not in the city now. Although we are peaceful, there are differences between us. With you taking the lead, we also Much more comfortable!"

If it is someone else, perhaps the proposed proposal is correct, and they will not agree so readily. But Lin Tianyao is different. His shocking strength has won the respect of everyone. And he was the first to discover the secret invasion of the enemy.

From these two points of view, the Mo School has completely accepted him. Now he has vaguely played the role of a leader. Master Class deliberately mentioned the Mohist giant, which is what it means.

The meeting was coming to an end. When the defensive task was about to be issued, as soon as the people came out of the meeting hall, there was a noise of riot outside. Some people even started yelling and yelling and ran over here.

"What's so panic?"

Seeing the riots, everyone had an unforeseen hunch in their hearts. Gao Jian walked away slightly from his feet and floated to a Mo disciple who rushed over and asked him.

As soon as the disciple stopped, he stood unsteady and fell over. Before falling, he strangled his throat with his hand, but there was only a "gurgling" sound inside, but he couldn't say a word.

After a while, this person died directly in the end.

When someone dies, things have completely changed. Everyone arguing about the dead Mo disciple rushed over.

Coming to the front, Duan Murong crouched down, a silver needle appeared in his hand, and gently stuck on the corpse's artery. When the silver needle was pulled out, the needle became black.

Looking at the silver needle that had turned into black, Duan Murong's face also gloomy, she said solemnly: "It's poison!"


Lin Tianyao's tone rose: "It seems that things are worse than I thought, this intruder started so quickly!"

"What now?" Big Iron Hammer handed Lin Tianyao the query.

He now casts his ground on the five bodies that Lin Tianyao admires. His own head is not bright, and he can only rely on others when encountering such things. And Lin Tianyao's previous grasp of A Zhong's subtle observation gave him a sense of dependence.

The big hammer had a big head, and everyone looked at Lin Tianyao. Obviously, they couldn't make up their minds. Lin Tianyao thought for a while and said to Duan Murong: "Xiaorong, you must hurry and analyze what a poison it is!"

Duan Murong heard the words and nodded seriously.

Then, he said to other people: "Everyone is poisoned, it must be caused by eating. Send someone to the cafeteria to check. In addition, check if there are suspicious people."

When he spoke, his face was somber. The intruder actually started so quickly. If nothing goes wrong, Wei Zhuang has assembled a team of people to wait for the attack.

Looking at the night that has gradually been pulled down, Lin Tianyao is very clear that this will be a sleepless night again.


Just when everyone chose to leave, Lin Tianyao suddenly reached out to stop them.

He sniffed his nose gently, and his expression became dignified. Because while breathing, he found something strange entered the body.

The awakening of the Jinwu blood vein made Lin Tianyao full of Jinwuyan. This flamboyant flame can make all evil objects in the world escape from nothing.

As he breathed, he could clearly feel that the air inhaled from his nostrils was mixed with a toxin.

After this toxin entered the body, it was directly burned to ashes by Jin Wuyan. But he has such a skill, but others cannot. This toxin looks very weak and can even be ignored. But human breathing does not take a long time to manage for a long time.

Extremely frequent breathing will allow this toxin to accumulate in a short time. Once a certain amount is reached, the toxin will have an effect on the human body and will form signs of poisoning.

"Everyone holds their breath!"

Lin Tianyao yelled at the crowd, and suddenly he began to breathe heavily.

Letting others hold their breath, he sucked heavily. This contrast made everyone suddenly stunned. Isn’t this something to eat?

Although everyone doubted, they did not object to Lin Tianyao's words, and they all began to hold their breath.

Lin Tianyao was able to control the Jin Wuyan in his body while taking a big breath. All he had to do was gather these toxins.

After a while, Lin Tianyao reached out and squeezed his nose, then opened his mouth to spit something in his palm.

The thing spit out was an extremely smiling powder, and the powder appeared lilac, and when it appeared, it was like a purple candlelight, illuminating a small area around it into purple.

Seeing this powder, the big hammer called out almost without thinking: "Here, this is the purple smoke we found in the morning."

Hearing this, Lin Tianyao's eyes turned to the mountain breeze outside the cliff, and in the next moment, he would fully understand!

The purple poison released before, in addition to attracting attention, has already formed an attack. The direction of the mountain wind is just below the purple smoke.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao really began to admire Wei Zhuang's scheming. ....