Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 781: 783 out of

Episode 781

In fact, the initial purpose of Wei Zhuang was for this purple poisonous mist.

Looking at the wind direction outside, the position where the poisonous fog rises is just right at the upper air outlet. After being blown by the wind, it just drifted into the interior of the organ city.

What's more, after the poisonous mist floated into the air, it was blown away and diluted by the wind, and no one could find its clue.

In fact, as long as the poisonous fog rises, the people in the organ city have already begun to inhale the air containing the poisonous fog. After the dilute poison mist, because the content is very small, so everyone is in a situation of ruthlessness.

After a long period of breathing and sedimentation, the poisonous mist sucked in more and more, and eventually exploded.

The people in front of them are all masters with deep internal strength. It has a certain resistance to the toxin itself, so after inhaling the poison mist, it does not have much effect in a short time. However, those ordinary Mo disciples did not have such skills, so they accumulated too much toxin and died directly.

From these details, the implementation of Wei Zhuang's entire plan must attract the attention of the Mo family in order to succeed.

And this method of blinding his eyes is precisely the trick of trying to escape.

When the poison mist was released, the hidden bat was allowed to ambush in advance. In fact, the real purpose of the hidden bat is to intercept the Mo family who went to the detective.

When the poison mist is released, if it is approached by someone, it will definitely be found to be highly toxic. He only needs to hold back time and wait for the poison mist to rise into the sky. Even if other people go to investigate, he will only think of it as something similar to a signal.

Obviously, the hidden bat succeeded and paid the price of life.

And the mysterious intruder who cooperates with the hidden bat, I am afraid that the real purpose is also here.

Even if the hidden bat can block the detective, but if he can't resist, the secret of the smoke rising is still easily exposed.

At this point, when Lin Tianyao killed the Hidden Bat, he was ready to check it out.

At this time, the intruder played the role of slamming. At that time, if it were not for fear of how much the intruder would affect the organ city, Lin Tianyao would not rush back.

Attracted attention by this intruder, then completely caught Wei Zhuang's trap.

Now, the disciples of the Mo family are suddenly poisoned. Normal people think of poisoning for the first time, it must start with food. Now I go to the cafeteria to investigate, and I must get the result, and I still can't find anything.

If you can't find it, it will take more effort. Such a waste of time just gave Wei Zhuang and others a chance, an opportunity they had been waiting for from the beginning.

The poison mist floats into the city of organs and is mixed in the air. If everyone is poisoned, it will take a while. During this time, if someone was found to have poisonous mist, their plan would lose its original effect.

And for this plan to be successfully completed, someone must delay it. This mysterious intruder played exactly this role.

So, it seems that both the hidden bat and the invader are procrastinating each other. In fact, the two are complementary to each other. They all have a vital role. Both the assistant and the center of the plan.

Although Lin Tianyao discovered the existence of poisonous fog in time, it also prevented everyone from being attracted by the intruder.

But now there has been a poisonous outbreak, and the situation has reached a point of tension.

Yi Weizhuang can't take it lightly about the layout of the previous two plans. Because of that intruder, it is likely to play a role. This man, who can dive into the Mo family in a magnificent way, cannot just play the role of a bait.

After considering all the doubts, Lin Tianyao already had a plan in mind.

He handed the poisonous mist and dust to Duan Murong: "Xiaorong, this poisonous powder is for you. How long will it take you to prepare an antidote?"

Duan Murong frowned, she took a deep look at Lin Tianyao, and said with a solemn tone: "It will take three hours at the fastest."

It was time for her to say this, her heart was shaking. She knew very well that the Mo family faced such great difficulties. These commanders could not make up their minds for a while. All the problems were almost on Lin Tianyao's shoulders.

I took Tianming to escape, and thought the Mo family would be a safe haven. But unexpectedly, in this blink of an eye, the Mojia government city became so vulnerable.

The asylum-seekers who once came have once again become leaders of resistance.

Under all these pressures, anyone knows clearly that Lin Tianyao's life is uncomfortable. In other words, he didn't even have a little rest time.

More importantly, he is now Duan Murong's man. The man who looked at himself was so desperate for himself and for the Mo family. She desperately wanted to do something.

But in preparing the antidote, she needed three hours. At present, the enemy has been unimaginable for such a long period of time.

She said that it would take a few hours, so during these times, Lin Tianyao was desperate to protect her life.

But looking at those Mo disciples, there is already a poisonous situation. After three more hours, I am afraid that even the few leaders present could not support it.

Seeing Duan Murong's expression low, Lin Tianyao stepped forward and gently patted her shoulder: "Silly girl, don't think too much now, feel free to prepare an antidote. With me in, Wei Zhuang cannot How big is the spray. Moreover, this blame me, if I can find out earlier, it will not be like this."

His words were obviously out of comfort. However, when I made my own comparison, the effect was greatly counterproductive.

Say this to the other leaders, and they will definitely accept it. However, Duan Murong was different. The more Lin Tianyao held the blame on herself, the more painful she felt in her heart.

When feeling sad and low, Duan Murong suddenly reached out and patted his forehead, whispering in his mouth: "Why am I so stupid, I forgot such a key thing!"...