Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 779: 781 has been hacked

Chapter 779: 781 Has Been Invaded

"This... what the **** is going on, why is there such a thing on A Zhong's body?"

Seeing the black unicorn-shaped tattoo, the big hammer was dumbfounded. His tone revealed incredible.

The mark of this unicorn is only as big as the thumb cover, and it is still hidden in the neckline of the clothes. The ordinary person can only see clearly when he stands behind him. But Lin Tianyao is different. The strengthening of the Jinwu blood vein makes his sight clearer than ordinary people by dozens of times.

But the problem in front of me is not that simple. Although I found this unicorn tattoo, what they represent is not clear to both.

What's more, this time it was a live mouth. Lin Tianyao reached out and tapped on A Zhong's neck, woke him up, and asked, "Tell me, what is your identity and who sent you to be a ghost."

After Ah Zhong woke up, he was still confused. Asked by Lin Tianyao, his face was completely blank, and he shook his head while saying, "Lord Lin, I can't understand what you said."

"Still acting stupid!"

The big hammer shouted, and the palm-sized palm was pressed against Azhong's head, lifting him up like pulling a radish. His face was fierce and he said: "Damn, I still treat you as a brother , I didn’t expect you to betray us."

A Zhong was mentioned, and suddenly felt his neck was torn off. He thumped in the air and shouted, "Iron Commander, what are you talking about, I really don't know!"

Lin Tianyao saw that he didn't seem to be lying, so he winked at the big hammer and motioned to let him down. Then said: "Where did the unicorn tattoo on your neck come from?"

Speaking of tattoos, A Zhong was even more confused. He touched his neck with his hand and he was surprised. "Is there a tattoo on my neck? How can I not know?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Tianyao understood what he was doing. Seeing A Zhong's appearance, things have reached this point, he has no need to continue to lie. Moreover, he does not seem to be lying.

In this way, maybe he was also used in secret, but he did not know it!

However, according to his previous accounts, he did not get started on the way back to the newspaper, so what method did the intruder implement the plan?

No matter how the intruder implements the plan, since he can control A Zhong quietly, it is possible to control other people according to the gourds. In this way, he should have successfully mixed with the Mo disciples now.

Such a clueless tracing is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. But one thing is for sure, that guy is good at disguising and has a good attainment.

As he pondered, the big hammer suddenly said, "Lin Shaoxia, what should this boy do?" Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Now shut him up, this matter is not so simple, you have to notify others immediately that the intruder may have penetrated into the interior of the Mojia."

After letting the big hammer send someone to lock up A Zhong, the two found Master Master and incidentally called the others to the meeting hall.

Xiao Gao's injury did not seem serious. He vomited blood at noon, and now his face has turned rosy, showing no signs of weakness at all.

This magical phenomenon caused Lin Tianyao to turn his eyes to Duan Murong. As expected, the little Nizi seemed to understand what he meant and smiled slightly.

After everyone was there, Lin Tianyao recounted all the previous things to everyone. For this mysterious intruder, although he can be mixed with the disciples of the Mo family, he has not yet been able to enter the upper level.

After all, if you want to replace a person's identity, you must control that person. The leaders of the Mo family are all stunted people. If the intruder wants to deal with them secretly, even if he is sure to kill them, there will be no movement.

Therefore, it is temporarily safe among the top management. Lin Tianyao does not have to worry about their safety.

It's just that since the guy sneaked in secret, he must have taken on the task and cooperated with those inside and outside.

Since he can mix in, he doesn't risk dealing with high-level. Then the targets to start with are naturally those at the bottom.

With this thought in mind, the mission of the intruder is also somewhat eye-catching. If all the disciples at the bottom of the Mo family are controlled, then even if all the leaders at the top are safe, it will become the commander of the bare rod.

However, the man was mixed in the crowd, and there was no way to find out. How to solve this problem, this trouble made Lin Tianyao unable to think of a solution for a while. He also expressed his doubts.

After everyone listened, they could not help showing a nervous expression. The stakes among them are also clear at a glance.

"Lin Shaoxia, isn't Wei Zhuang scared away by you before? How could they have the courage to come over in such a short time?"

It was Master Class who spoke, and he saw some finishing touches when he came to support the war. With such terrifying strength, do those guys forget the pain instantly when the scars are cured?

This is not just a master class, but other people also have doubts. However, since the intruder appeared, it can show that the previous deterrent has disappeared. Those guys are still thieves!

Lin Tianyao frowned and said, "No matter what they think, if there is no other person behind them, they will definitely not have the courage to challenge me again. The most important thing right now is to find out what this inner ghost wants to do. We found out today that A Zhong has already frightened the snake."

When I asked Ah Zhong before, it really seemed a bit sloppy. But this is also something that can't be helped. If there is a clue not to track down, then the situation is even more dangerous.

The intruder should now know the news, so there should be no action for a short time. This is considered a temporary security.

"What matters now is how I don’t know the defense of the organ city, continue to relax, and give others a chance!"...