Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 778: 780 You can't hide it

778 Chapter 780

After waiting for a while at the gate, the big hammer led a disciple of the Mo family over. Seeing that the disciple is loyal and honest, he walks in a well-formed manner, and at a glance he is an honest man.

The two approached, and the big hammer reached out and patted the Mo disciple's shoulder and said: "This is A Zhong. I sent him back to report before. Lin Shaoxia, if you have anything, please ask."

When Ah Zhong saw Lin Tianyao, his face was very excited, and his eyes were full of admiration. Like other disciples of the Mo family, he listened to Lin Tianyao's supernatural war.

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao felt helpless for a while. If someone pretends to be, it will definitely not be so wonderful. This guy in front of him is really himself. Moreover, there is no fear in his eyes, it is obviously not a ghost in his heart.

It's neither an intruder posing as a traitor, is it really suspicious?

I have this idea in my heart, but Lin Tianyao can't agree on it at all. His instincts, including seamless reasoning, tell him that the intruder really exists.

Thinking, he asked A Zhong: "Brother, did you encounter any suspicious characters when you came back to report before?"

A Zhong heard the words and shook his head again and again: "No, after the great hammer commander blocked the wicked man, I was very stable along the way."

"Then why didn't you report in accordance with the rules, but instead directly found the master class?" Lin Tianyao continued to ask.

Hearing his inquiries, Ah Zhong's tone choked up, revealing a hesitant look.

Seeing him hesitating, the sledgehammer's face changed, and even Lin Tianyao's brow frowned.

He shouted loudly: "Don't ink, honestly explain!"

When Lin Tianyao shouted, A Zhong was startled. He shivered and said stutteringly: "At that time, the brethren went to see Mr. Gainer and Xiao Gao's contest, so I went directly to the master class , Look at the contest by the way."

This answer is completely different from what Lin Tianyao expected. This guy really is not a ghost.

But the big hammer was not so easy. He slammed directly on A Zhong’s head and scolded loudly: "Damn, we died so many brothers. Let you come back to report, and you still want to watch the drama. If I hadn’t seen you and me for so many years, I really wanted to hack you!"

"Iron Commander Rao Ming, I was really curious for a while, but I didn't delay the slightest reporting time!" A Zhong saw the big hammer angry, begging for mercy again and again.

"All right, let him go down."

Lin Tianyao waved to A Zhong, beckoning him to leave quickly. It is inferred that something is going to happen, but now no clues can be traced, and he is even more depressed. Seeing that the two were going to quarrel again, he felt that his ears were not clean.

But he also had a sense of excuse for this. The big hammer gave A Zhong a glance, and he let him go.

When Ah Zhong turned and left, the big hammer sighed: "Anyway, it's a brother. It's really annoying to do such a marginal thing."

With that said, he turned to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, you don't have to worry too much. Although your reasoning is unsuccessful, but there is no intruder, is it not a better thing?"

Although the big hammer is a little straight, the comfort is still a bit horizontal. He said so, Lin Tianyao accepted it.

However, if this matter is as simple as that, then it will be better, fearing that the moth will come out when the vigilance is relaxed.

Suddenly, just as Lin Tianyao was about to enter the city of organs with the big hammer, a black mass appeared in the corner of his eye.

That thing, to be precise, is a tattoo. From a modeling point of view, it is a dark ink unicorn!

Seeing this pattern, Lin Tianyao stopped suddenly, and he grabbed the big hammer and said: "Do you Mo disciples, do you have a tattoo like identification?"

The Big Hammer saw him suddenly stop and couldn't help but froze for a while. What did he want to do?

Although he was somewhat surprised by Lin Tianyao's manner, he still answered truthfully: "The tattoos used for identification are only available for the killer organization. Normally organized troops and disciples will not have this kind of thing. Lin Shaoxia , This is common sense, don’t you know?"

After listening to the explanation of the big hammer, Lin Tianyao's mouth suddenly raised a small arc, he sneered: "No, I just want to confirm with you!"

After saying this, his body had disappeared.

I was still talking the previous moment, but the next moment was gone. Is he alive in the daytime? The sledgehammer was stunned again and again, he didn't even understand what was happening, and there was a scream in the distance.

The location from the scream was exactly the direction A Zhong left. When the big hammer saw it, he saw Lin Tianyao was standing there. He grabbed A Zhong's neck with one hand and raised it.

"Lin Shaoxia, what the **** is wrong with you, why do you have trouble with your brothers?"

The Big Hammer was also a little angry. Before that, because of the hidden bat, Lin Tianyao had doubts and he could accept it. Now that things have been made clear, why is he still entangled? Could it be that such a hero with martial arts has such a measure?

Seeing the big iron hammer came over with an angry face, Lin Tianyao slammed on A Zhong's stomach, let him lose his ability to act for a while, and then he was still on the ground and said: "Iron commander, if you don't mind Let me call you Brother Iron. You tear his collar and look at his neck and you know why I did it!"

The big hammer is unknown, but looking at Lin Tianyao's face with a faint smile, he finally chose to believe it. He reached out and gently tore apart A Zhong's collar, and what he saw in front of him suddenly made his eyes wider than the corner of the bull's eye.

Behind A Zhong's neck, there is a black tattoo with the size of a thumb cover. The ball is a black unicorn.

"This... what the **** is going on?"

The big hammer couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. He stretched his hands and rubbed his eyes, but the tattoo was clearly on A Zhong's neck. ....