Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 751: 753 cards

Chapter 751: 753

With Lin Tianyao's explanation, Duan Murong was instantly relieved. The sadness on her face finally disappeared, replaced by a joy, a joy of rebirth.

Once upon a time, she really thought she and Lin Tianyao were going to die. But there is no way to be a man without heaven, this sentence is fulfilled.

After the earth shook for a long time, the trees in the forest surrounding the camp actually fell to the ground in pieces. In the blink of an eye, the dense woods were razed to the ground.

After the woods disappeared, it was a black cavalry who appeared in front of everyone. Look at the costume of the army, it is the army of Qin State.

With so many armies, a few have thousands. The Xiang clan, Lin Tianyao and others add up to more than 100 people.

So many quantitative gaps completely crushed them. If we can escape by virtue of strength, then there will be only a few people in Lin Tianyao and Gainie. The other members of the Xiang family, although they are field-tested sergeants, have a huge gap in weaponry and equipment. They have no ability to escape.

Wei Zhuang was seriously injured, and naturally no need to continue to take risks. But there are so many Qin Jun, he also has confidence.

He coughed and shouted towards Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, although my strength is not as good as yours, you are defeated in your hands. But my strategy is superior to you. Those small things before were just foreshadowing. That's it. Although you made me fall into the trap, but do things, only look at the final result."

At the same time as saying this, a smile appeared on Wei Zhuang's face. Although this smile flashed, it was a miracle to appear on his icy face all year round.

Because he was the winner in the end, although Lin Tianyao made him suffer so much, he even saw through their tactics. But in the end it was defeated by this key trick.

This trick is Wei Zhuang's way of staying for himself.

When he was designing various conspiracies, he never felt that he would fail. This is not conceit, but absolute confidence.

However, every time he succeeded, he did not relax his vigilance, so no matter what the plan was, he would leave a back path. This back path is what to do after the plan fails.

Many times, even Bai Feng and Chi Lian believe that Wei Zhuang's plan cannot fail, so there is no need to waste time to stay in this way. But he never let his guard down.

This time, he finally knew the huge reward of such caution. If he didn’t stay in this way and didn’t let the hidden bat contact Qin Jun for support, then he would really plant it here this time.

Now with Qin Jun as the backing, Lin Tianyao and others cannot escape anyway. Seeing that so many Qin troops surrounded them, the sergeants of the Xiang clan also felt cold. Although they have stood the battlefield, they have been hidden for so many years. The bloodiness of the year was not easy to be aroused in a while.

They turned their attention to Lin Tianyao for help, and after so many things, deep in their hearts, they already regarded Lin Tianyao as the backbone. As long as he is there, there may be a way to solve the present dilemma.

Wei Zhuang also looked at these in his eyes, he sneered: "Do you still count on Lin Tianyao? If I guess right, the antidote he took earlier, the toxin has begun to explode!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Chi Lian aside giggled: "Lin Tianyao, do you think I don't know? You didn't kill Master Wei Zhuang before, but you suffered from poisoning and you couldn't do it? Given the method of detoxification, maybe Master Wei Zhuang was really burnt to death by your fire cloud. Unfortunately, after a delay, you will lose!"

With that, Chi Lian turned his attention to Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, and flirted at him: "Old guy, if you listened to Lin Tianyao and fled with him, you might have a chance to leave. It is a pity that the two of you are too stupid to want to take advantage of people's dangers, and as a result, stealing chickens will not kill rice, and now you can't walk away even if you want to go!"

Isn’t Chi Lian’s statement exactly what Lin Tianyao and Duan Murong explained before?

Master tricks, everything is self-evident, every clue, can become a fatal weakness. How can they fail to notice Lin Tianyao's situation?

Now to explain this, a loud slap in the face was fanned on Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang's face.

If it wasn't for their obsession, now everyone has run away. Even if you can't escape the encirclement, at least it won't end in a annihilation.

Thinking of this, Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang wished to blame themselves on the spot. But what can they do even if they die now? It might as well wait to kill a few more Qin soldiers to create opportunities for others to escape.

Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian really got the arrogant capital now. They don't need to keep a low profile anymore, Lin Tianyao they are cooked ducks, don't want to fly anyway! After all, if the turtle caught in the urn fails again, then they have no face at all.

But Lin Tianyao turned around at this time, his face was still a light smile.

I saw him pointing his finger to the sky, his voice calmly said: "Weizhuang, are you so sure that I will lose to you? Since you have noticed so many details, why did you forget that thing?"

"That thing?" Wei Zhuang's face stiffened, with a question in his tone: "What is it?"

Lin Tianyao extended his finger to the distance, and the white phoenix in the eyes of a pair of lost souls, said: "Look at this guy, do you remember?"

Such a clear instruction, but still makes Wei Zhuang a little puzzled. Bai Feng had already lost his fighting power after being restrained by Lin Tianyao. He is no different from an ordinary person.

But according to Lin Tianyao, does this guy become a traitor?

Seeing Wei Zhuang still didn't understand, Lin Tianyao sighed: "You are as stupid as ever! Do you know where the white bird of the white phoenix went? Where did the wooden bird that collided with the white bird go? Then Big movement, are you blind?"...