Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 752: 754 Massacre

Chapter 752: 754 Massacre

Lin Tianyao's voice suddenly expanded, resembling a loudspeaker, resounding through the sky.

Almost everyone around me heard clearly. Wei Zhuang, who was a party, was even more shocked. He finally knew what Lin Tianyao was referring to.

Immediately understood, he shouted: "Hurry up and attack me, and wipe them all out!"

Qin Jun on the side heard Weizhuang's order, and the entire cavalry squadron started in an instant, rushing into the camp in a neat queue.

With so many cavalry rushing over, it looks like a locust crossing. The sergeants of the Xiang clan, I am afraid that as long as they meet, they will be trampled by horseshoes into meat.

At this juncture, Lin Tian whistled violently.


In the sky, a clear and loud bird song responded to him. Then the white bird figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The white bird circled in the air, and then its wings closed, rushing towards the bottom.

The huge body, like a fighter plane, the air flow around it, which formed a hurricane when approaching the ground, directly blowing the cavalry who was rushing over directly.

Lin Tianyao waved his hands and shouted to the crowd while the tidy cavalry team was broken up. "Everyone hurries, here is blocked by me. It won't take long for Master Baan's reinforcements to arrive. We will not lose!" "

Later, Lin Tianyao turned his head to the end of Mu Rong said: "Miss Rong, you quickly took Yueer to ride the white bird first, and here I hold it!"

Hearing this, Duan Murong stopped immediately. She screamed: "Tianyao, we said we would be together. If you want to stay, I will stay too!"

Lin Tianyao's physical condition is only known to him. However, with the confession of Fang Cai, he cannot speak directly now. So Duan Murong was so persistent, he didn't know how to explain for a while.

But the situation was urgent, and Duan Murong stayed, which made him a little inconvenient. He only gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't leave, what will happen that month? She has just detoxified the snake poison and is still in a coma. Are you safe to give her to others?"

Speaking of Yue'er, that really talked about Duan Murong's heart.

Although she wanted to stay, Yue'er couldn't! In desperation, the tears in her eyes finally stopped flowing out.

Looking seriously at Lin Tianyao's eyes, Duan Murong's voice choked with sobs: "Okay, I'll take Yue'er first. But you must come back alive for me! As long as I don't lack arms and legs, I can keep you intact." !"

The woman's comfort is really strange. The lack of arms and legs made Lin Tianyao laugh a little dumbly.

But he nodded seriously, "rest assured, my life is in my own hands, and Lord Yan will not want to take it away!"

During the short conversation, Qin Jun had already surrounded him. Lin Tianyao put his arms around Duan Murong's slender waist, gently supported her, and gently sent her out.

The next moment, his hand was empty, and Chi Xiao appeared quietly.

After Shiratori took Duan Murong away, Qin Jun's cavalry also returned to formation. Lin Tianyao was standing there with Chixiao standing in front of him, facing the 3,000 cavalry in front of him, as if a lonely **** of war stood there, immobile.

The moonlight fell into the water and fell on him. The gentle evening wind blew his hair gently. Even if it is the hostile Qin army, that kind of gloomy world will inevitably pay tribute.

Seeing Lin Tianyao's arrogant but standing back, everyone in the Xiang clan who was running away in the distance could not help feeling that his whole body of blood began to boil and wanted to go back to the war.

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang saw the clan's thoughts and hurriedly stopped: "You still don't leave, do you want to stay together to die?"

If it was before, the Xiang clan listened to their words, there must be no refusal. But it is different now.

From the previous matter, they have produced mustard in their hearts. The patriarch and the elders are clearly cartilage in a grand and bright posture!

Some people even started to sneer and whisper: "Master Patriarch, when you encounter strong enemies, you rely on Lin Xia. But once peace goes down, you sneer at each other, and such actions are not as good as villains!"

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang said with a straight face, but they couldn't refute, they could only accept it silently.

At this time, the side Shaoyu stood up and said: "Everyone, my uncle and others are also thinking about the overall situation. I believe Brother Lin, since he stays, he is naturally confident. If we go back hurriedly, we will only add him trouble!"

Shao Yu's words still have some effect on others. After all, Lin Tianyao's teachings to him were seen by others.

It can make Lin Tianyao look at each other, showing that Shaoyu still has capital.

Although everyone was unwilling, they chose to obey Shaoyu's words and escaped together.

At the moment, Lin Tianyao is already fighting with Qin Jun.

The red night in his hands seemed to be the midnight sun, the golden light, and the silvery white of the moonlight, forming a sharp contrast.

While the golden light flashed in the crowd, it was accompanied by bursts of blood.

Each appearance of Blood Mands heralded the death of a Qin army.

Wei Zhuang, who was watching from a distance, saw this scene, and his heart jumped into his throat. According to their understanding, Lin Tianyao has been poisoned, and even the action is very difficult.

Why, why can he still have such fighting power?

In the face of the three thousand Qin Jun, he was not afraid, but killed the same amount of force. Even in the heyday, he should carefully weigh the weight.

Everything that happens on the field changes quickly! Lin Tianyao's close fight from the beginning, to the end, even became the ghost of harvesting life.

Others couldn't even see his shadow.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

A series of screams seemed to form an unknown war song, floating above the entire battlefield.

The sound was so loud that it overshadowed the roar of horseshoes.

Everyone who fled in the distance heard this voice and couldn't help but look back towards this side! ....