Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 750: 752 The last hole card

Chapter 750: 752 The Last Card

At the same time, when Lin Tianyao and Duan Murong were tender and comfortable, Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang had already fought against Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang was indeed seriously injured, and the power of the flame carried by Lin Tianyao's palm almost destroyed his soul.

Right now, he really does not have much confidence in dealing with Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang. Fortunately, Chi Lian has joined the battlefield.

With the help of Chi Lian, the four men fought in equal shares and did not form a one-sided situation.

However, this situation made Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng unacceptable. After all, they are the most powerful forces, and Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian are seriously injured.

Just at the glued knots of both sides, suddenly, Wei Zhuang's body flickered, and a fatal flaw appeared under his ribs.

As soon as this flaw appeared, Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang were at the same time happy, and they all put their palms together and patted towards Wei Zhuang's stomach.

If this palm hits, Wei Zhuang's internal organs will definitely be shattered. There was only one result, and that was the death on the spot!

Chi Lian saw this scene, her eyes split, she exclaimed, and she had to pull out to defend Wei Zhuang to block the blow. But the two were separated, and even if she stayed for a few breaths, she would be too late.

Seeing that Wei Zhuang was about to be killed on the spot, Chi Lian couldn't bear it anymore. She screamed with sadness and indignation in her tone: "Lin Tianyao, you don't keep your promises!"

At the same time as this word appeared, Lin Tianyao replied blandly: "You have played Wei Zhuang here, you can't deceive everyone!"

This dumb answer made everyone stunned. Even Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, who shot, were surprised.

The two of them went down and killed Wei Zhuang absolutely. Even the Da Luo fairy could not stop it. If Wei Zhuang is acting, why should he use his life to interpret?

Just when the two were in doubt, Wei Zhuang's body flew towards the back instantly.

The speed at which he flew out was extremely rapid. If this kind of action is light, no one can do it today.

If Wei Zhuang was not injured, he could indeed do it in the heyday, but he is now struggling to compete, how can he use it lightly?

When things happened so suddenly, Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang did not have a chance to respond at all. As soon as they shot down, they did not stay any longer and rushed towards Chilian.

Even if Wei Zhuang cannot be killed, the woman who killed him can do the same.

But an astonishing scene appeared again. Chi Lian's body, like Wei Zhuang, flew towards the back quickly. After a few breaths, he landed on a branch in the distance.

After the two separated, a huge black shadow flew from the branch.

The shadow seemed to be a person, but it had a huge pair of bat wings. It looked like a bat.

"Hidden bat!"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng exclaimed at the same time, and even Gai Nie, who had been calmly watching the battle, couldn't help but unfold his body when he saw this scene, and replaced Yuan Hong in his arms into his hands.

After circling a few circles in the air, the hidden bat fell beside Weizhuang and others. His voice was very spunky, and he also said with a hoarse: "A few of you, do you think you can kill Master Wei Zhuang easily? Lao Tzu has been waiting for a long time!"

With that said, he took out a bamboo tube from his arms, and then clicked the organ at the point. A huge firework burst into the air suddenly.

After the fireworks bloomed, the surrounding ground began to shake violently.

There was a shock on the ground, and Duan Murong's face smiled sadly: "It's still time to come, Tianyao, do you regret it?"

In her opinion, Lin Tianyao should not have this difficulty. If he does not help these people, he wants to leave with his strength no one can stop.

Looking at Duan Murong's sad face, Lin Tianyao reached out and gently stroked: "How can I answer you? If I don't come here, how can I meet you? You can rest assured that we will not die today. !"

Lin Tianyao's tone of saying this, Duan Murong has seen many times. And every time he said that, there would be a way to deal with it.

Now that he can survive, who wants to die? What's more, when it comes to the man destined?

However, although Duan Murong hopes there is a way, but there are not many helpers around, how can he escape?

After all, the facts are more accurate than the miracles imagined. Duan Murong shook his head gently: "Tianyao, you don't need to comfort me. If you want to find a way to escape, then you must also be with me. I won't choose to live alone. !"

She apparently misunderstood, she thought Lin Tianyao was fighting her life to let her go.

Lin Tianyao smiled and shook his head: "Silly girl, do you think I will do the stupid thing of martyrdom? Did you forget a person?"

"Forget someone?" Duan Murong murmured and began to think.

After an instant, she suddenly widened her eyes and exclaimed in a low voice: "Are you saying Master Master?"

Thinking about it, she instantly understood. After the white bird collided with the organ wood bird before, Master Class disappeared. It seems to have never appeared in general.

Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers and said: "Yes, it is Master Class. I actually expected Weizhuang to play some tricks, so Master Class secretly moved to rescue the soldiers!"

Those of them want to escape from Wei Zhuang's pursuit, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the organ city safely.

However, if others are allowed to inform the news in advance, and they have the ability to protect themselves, now only Gaie, Lin Tianyao and Pitoo have these skills. However, Pitoo has internal injuries and cannot easily use the electro-optical gait. And Gaiei had to carry the dawn next to her. As for Lin Tianyao, he is also responsible for managing the overall situation.

So at this time, two people who reported the news were unable to find it.

It's a pity that the road to heaven has no way, and the appearance of Master Class gives the best turning point.

Master Class has an organ wood bird, and at the speed of the wood bird, there is no difficulty in delivering messages.

So Lin Tianyao used time to settle the collision between the two birds, and then briefed Master Class about it and asked him to report. ....