Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 749: 751 self-improvement

Chapter 749: 751 Unrestrained

Upon seeing this, Duan Murong hurriedly reached for Lin Tianyao, who was about to leave, and his voice hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, aren't you still in charge? Mr. Fan and Mr. Xiang are elders after all. Pushed up to the edge of the cliff, and they did so by force!"

In her mind, she naturally thought that Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang were good-looking, so they would start with Wei Zhuang. After all, Lin Tianyao only said that their strength was not good.

But anyone can tell that although Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian were seriously injured, they are still not opponents.

Going so hastily, there is no difference between it and death!

"Death to face and live to suffer, what do they do to me?"

Lin Tianyao glanced at Duan Murong and said coldly, "Even if they die today, that's a good thing. At least they set an example for Shaoyu. There are a lot of problems, and I can't take it easy."

Seeing Lin Tianyao unwilling to control, Duan Murong was really anxious. At the very least, they are now on the side with the Xiang clan. She clearly has the ability to protect, but let Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng die in vain, which she can't accept anyway.

But she couldn't stop herself at all. In addition to Lin Tianyao now, only Gaie has such strength.

However, Gaie seemed to obey Lin Tianyao everything, and he didn't mean to do anything.

Looking around, I couldn't find a solution. Duan Murong finally clenched his teeth and trot to catch up with Lin Tianyao.

She opened her hands and stopped in front of Lin Tianyao: "Mr. Lin, don't let me misunderstand you, and don't let me leave a shadow on you at the bottom of my heart. I beg you, is it OK to take one shot?"

An expression of grievance and coyness appeared on Duan Murong's face. She looked like a girl coquetrying her boyfriend.

Seeing her like this, Lin Tianyao also knew that she really got it right. If he doesn't help Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, then this woman may really be isolated from him in the future.

Helplessly sighed, Lin Tianyao said: "Miss Duanmu, it's not that I didn't help them, it was because we took the antidote. Now we have no strength to fight! If not, would I let Wei Zhuang go?"

As soon as he said this, Duan Murong's heart seemed to melt. Her eyes turned red.

At this moment, she wished to slap herself fiercely. Lin Tianyao was poisoned before the battle, and he can stand up to now, on the one hand, he is acting. She even ignored this important question and misunderstood him.

In this way, these misunderstandings were instantly relieved. Lin Tianyao is not unable to kill Wei Zhuang, but to test drugs for Yue'er, now he can't support him.

If he continues to fight Wei Zhuang, if this weakness is exposed, they will all be in danger. Thinking about this, Duan Murong's gaze could not help looking at Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng. The two old guys also regarded themselves as elders, and even acted so sternly, so indifferently.

Now they saw that they would fight Wei Zhuang. If it drags on like this, once Lin Tianyao cannot support it, wouldn't Wei Zhuang give him a great opportunity?

Seeing Duan Murong's sad face, Lin Tianyao barely smiled and said: "Duan Mulan, you don't have to worry about other things. With Gaie in, Wei Zhuang can't make a big splash. But next, we have to rely on others. !"

Duan Murong didn't care about anything else. She reached out and supported Lin Tianyao's arm. Her eyes were flushed and her voice was soft: "I don't care. Even if I die here today, I will stay with you!"

"You guessed it?"

Lin Tianyao froze for a moment, he did not expect that this woman's observation ability is so keen.

Duan Murong's shell teeth bit his lower lip and said: "You are anxious to take people away, don't you just worry about Wei Zhuang's reinforcements? Your body can't support it, Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng come out to make trouble again at this time. It seems that we really are today Can't go away!"

As she said, she suddenly raised her head and forced a smile on her face.

Silently, when Lin Tianyao was stunned, she gently brought her delicate face over.

Lips touch, there are not so many fancy, just like a dragonfly water, separated instantly. There is not much aftertaste left, making people feel as if an illusion has occurred.

After kissing for a while, Duan Murong did not have the courage of her little daughter. She said firmly: "Do you know that since you left alone to deal with Bai Feng, I will have some affection for you. I am not afraid of death, because I can give everything to protect Yue'er. But you are different. , You don’t have any responsibility, but you can do so much for people who meet each other."

She sighed and looked up at the moon that looked like a bright light in the sky, saying: "You are willing to test drugs for Yueer, and are willing to face my misunderstandings for everyone, all this is too much."

Everything Lin Tianyao did before was finally rewarded at this moment. At the time of separation from life to death, Duan Murong did not hide his emotions, and revealed everything.

"Duanmu girl, I..."

Lin Tianyao was about to speak, but Duan Murong's white and tender hands held his lips. She smiled slightly: "Will you call me Xiaorong? No one calls me like this except my master! We can't escape as soon as Wei Zhuang's reinforcements arrive. We can meet you at the end of life. , I die without regret!"

In fact, Duan Murong misunderstood Lin Tianyao's meaning. The toxins in his body were actually removed by Jin Wuyan. He just said he was poisoned just to give Duan Murong an explanation.

His real purpose was to make Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng the two old guys unlucky, and then teach Shao Yu a lesson. Anyway, Shaoyu was taken by those two old guys, and sooner or later he would become a reckless man.

It's just that, by coincidence, he even tried out Duan Murong's thoughts with this obscure reason.

He was originally interested in this dignified and delicate, yet strong woman. But he didn't have time to think about it and he succeeded.

Looking at the little jasper-like soft face in front of him, Lin Tianyao finally knew what happiness was called too suddenly. ....