Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 714: 716 Quicksand Organization

Chapter 714: 716 Quicksand Organization

Stared by Xiang Liang and others, Gaie was instantly thrown on the tip of the knife. Now if he says the wrong thing, he must be in big trouble.

The organization Wushuang has brought such great trouble to Shaoyu's village. If it is because of Gainie, the friendship between the two parties may become an enemy of life and death in an instant.

But Gaie Nie was upright and he couldn't do anything that lied. He could only do it by keeping silent.

Lin Tianyao, who was on the side, also realized this situation, and said with a haha: "Don't mind, Mr. Gai thinks there is something moving around, so this is the case."

With the steps, Gaie borrowed the donkey down the slope. He put Yuan Hongjian in his sheath and restored his previous plain look.

Xiang Liang and others saw it. Although they were stunned for a while, they didn't say much, and turned their heads to continue their journey.

After dealing with everyone, Lin Tianyao said again: "To tell you the truth, Wei Zhuang may not come tonight, but his men will definitely arrive. If I guess well, there are definitely some of the four kings. Come over."

This time, Gaie was nothing special. The mood swings were too much to cause a disturbance before, and he has already converged. However, when it comes to the four kings of Wei Zhuang, his body is still slightly swaying.

However, he did not answer Lin Tianyao's question. On the contrary, he quickly stepped forward and stopped Fan Zeng and Xiang Liangdao in front: "Mr. Xiang, Mr. Fan, and Gai Mu have something to say!"

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang turned around and asked him, "Why is Mr. Gai?"

"I don't know the two, have you heard of the quicksand organization?"

Gaie Nie went straight into the subject without any intention of turning around.

As soon as he said this, Lin Tianyao almost couldn't help but went straight up and slapped him to the ground. This guy, his temperament is too straightforward, really don't know how to turn? Really thought you were playing a 4x4 race car, and a whirlwind tornado came directly from the corner?

As expected, after Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang listened to Gaie, what they thought at the same time, they turned their attention to Wushuang.

They had been arguing about who was transformed into Wushuang by the Wushui ghost, but was led to the wrong direction of reasoning.

Right now, the most important problem they face is another identity of the unparalleled organization-one of the four kings of the quicksand organization.

The quicksand organization was founded by Han Feizi of South Korea. After South Korea wiped out the country, the quicksand organization was taken over by Wei Zhuang.

And Wei Zhuang is the brother of Gaie Nie!

Although the relationship is somewhat intricate, but if you only look at one line, then the problem is very simple. The unparalleled ghosts of Wei Zhuang's men, and the sudden appearance of Gaie, the connection between the two, the fool can guess what.

"Mr. Gaie, is this the unparalleled appearance of this institution, is it from you?"

There was a trace of anger in Xiang Liang's tone. If it is exactly the same as what he said, then haven’t they become innocent victims? And Gaine is the culprit of all this.

Faced with Xiang Liang's inquiry, Gaie Nie sighed: "Mr. Xiang, this matter was not known to Gai before. But if you want to investigate, it is indeed my fault."

Such an answer, in fact, Gaie is also a little helpless. He took Tianming to escape Qin's chasing soldiers, but he did not expect Weizhuang to intervene. Moreover, before the arrival of the people, Wushuang had already destroyed the village.

So these two things are still not sure who is right or who is wrong.

However, since Gaie had already said that the responsibility for the matter was on him, Xiang Liang's anger rushed out. He scolded loudly: "So it turns out, no wonder I received the news a few days ago that you betrayed Yingzheng. Now it seems that you are really running away."

Xiang Liang's virtue really is the same as what he said in history. No wonder this guy later followed Xiang Yu in the face, but secretly secretly lied to Liu Bang. But these are all afterwords.

Gaie Nie's character was straightforward, and was so reprimanded by Xiang Liang, but he didn't say anything. The rebuttal he is best at is silence. To put it bluntly, it's a bit like a toad. Being beaten dozens of times, that is, the type of belly bulging, not a fart.

Such people, when they encounter things, they choose to bear it themselves. In doing so, not only did it not work, but it made people who were eager to seek explanations even more angry. Xiang Liang belongs to this kind of person.

Fan Zeng on the side looked more wise. He stretched out his hand and pressed, indicating that Xiang Liang should not be impatient. Then he asked Gaie: "Mr. Gai, the identity of the organization is unparalleled, we all know it. But we are still not sure whether Weizhuang is rushing towards you. I, the remnants of Chu, are also intolerable by Qin. "

After listening to Fan Zeng's words, Lin Tianyao felt a lot better. He reached out and snapped his fingers: "Mr. Fan, everything will be announced tonight. You can rest assured that with me, no one can make waves."

Lin Tianyao is not bragging, with his strength, Mo said what is the four kings of quicksand. Even if Wei Zhuang came in person, he did not care about it.

With his assurance, Fan Zengcheng was overjoyed, and repeatedly said: "With Lin Shaoxia's words, I naturally have no problems with the safety of my wait."

Xiang Liang on the side seemed to have something to say, but was glared at by Fan Zeng and glared back at the words in his mouth.

Fan Zeng's consideration of things is obviously much clearer. Now no matter who Wei Zhuang came from, the village has become a target. Lin Tianyao and others were on the same boat.

At this time, what the two sides are worried about is how to confront the enemy, rather than being suspicious of each other at this juncture.

Besides, if they really fight, can they take advantage? A single guy is enough to sweep them. Coupled with Lin Tianyao who condenses the sword, they basically have no chance.

Xiang Liang was completely unaware of this fatal key point.

Moreover, after he was glared at by Fan Zeng, his heart was still indignant, and the look in Lin Tianyao's eyes became extremely weird.

"Old guy, you better cover your eyes. I call you sir, that is to give you face. Do you really think we are afraid that you will not succeed?"...