Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 713: 715 windy

Episode 713

Fan Zeng and others looked in the direction Lin Tianyao was pointing, and saw at a glance that the organization, whose arms had been removed, was Wushuang.

Xiang Liang reached out his hand and slapped the goatee with his chin, and said in his mouth: "Why does this person look like Wushuang ghost?"

With that, his gaze looked at Gaie. Obviously, it is no secret that Wushuang Ghost died under Gaie Jian.

Gaie was gazed by Xiang Liang's questioning eyes and nodded: "Yes, this person is the Wushuang ghost I was killed by, but I don't know who used the organ technique to transform him into a organ person."

As soon as the three words "mechanics" appeared, almost everyone's mind came up with a name-Mojia!

The Mohist School is famous in the world. The siege cloud ladder of the first generation of giants of the Mo family was simply an artifact of warfare.

In a blink of an eye, Xiang Liang shook his head again and again: "This is impossible. The Mohists advocate non-attack and love. And they have always had a good relationship with the Chu people. How can they come up with such a thing to kill my people?"

This sentence also just confirms the speculation in the minds of others. If it is said that this organization was created by the Mohists, it is absolutely impossible.

But since it is not the Mo School, who would be so powerful at organizing?

After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, and Xiang Liang could only sigh.

Fan Zeng, after observing Wushuang, suddenly turned his gaze to Gaie, with a respectful tone: "Mr. Gai, your swordsmanship really is unique in the world, and has reached the point of condensing the sword with gas, admiring it!"

He said this, obviously after seeing the iron arm that was cut off by Jianqi, Wushuang.

Gu Niewen said, his face became unnatural. He pointed his finger to Lin Tianyao and said: "Mr. Fan praised him. Although Gai was called a sword saint, he was far from reaching the point of condensing his sword. Lin Shaoxia defeated."


Almost at the same time, Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng's eyes turned to Lin Tianyao, while Shao Yu on the side was even wider.

Those who practice martial arts have a sincere respect for masters. Lin Tianyao has now reached the point of condensing the sword with qi, which in their eyes can be called a god-man.

"Brother Lin, can you teach me the skill of condensing sword?"

It seemed that Shaoyu couldn't wait, rushed directly to Lin Tianyao and spoke directly.

Being preempted by Shaoyu, Tianming immediately stopped. Anyway, he is a gang with Lin Tianyao anyway, or is he the first one to know, how can this guy get the lead?

His body flashed in front of Shaoyu, and he said proudly: "Boy, Brother Lin, I knew him first. I haven't learned it yet, do you want to be the first?"

Shao Yu glanced at his chest with both hands, and glanced at Tianming Road: "What do you know first? Brother Lin doesn't teach you, because you are a wood, not a material for martial arts at all."

Opposing each other, the two stared at each other with big eyes, and instantly saw each other as a nail in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

Lin Tianyao was too lazy to pay attention to these two little ass. He walked towards Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang arching: "Two gentlemen, it is too late now. I don’t know if it is convenient to put us on overnight?"

Although the village was completely messed up by the unparalleled institutions, there was no problem in those houses. Therefore, Lin Tianyao's request is not excessive.

After Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng glanced at each other, they both laughed and said: "Lin Shaoxia is kind, you have helped us so much, we thank you for being too late, don't you say that it's just staying here, even if you live here Why not?"

They now see Lin Tianyao as incomparably pleasing to the eye, so young, the swordsmanship has reached the stage. Such a master, no one can ask for it.

Moreover, with the appearance of Wushuang, there will be no more terrible characters behind. Lin Tianyao is here, but it is a help.

"Mr. Gai, there are some things. Is it time you told me?"

Although Xiang Liang and others were on their way to the village, Lin Tianyao walked deliberately beside Gaie and asked him in a low voice.

Gaie frowned, seeming somewhat puzzled: "What do you want to know?"

Lin Tianyao shrugged and said indifferently: "Mr. Gai, I have given you a chance. If you really don’t intend to tell the truth, it’s okay. Anyway, I will naturally know. But by that time, You have no chance to explain!"

"What the **** do you want to say?"

Gu Nie's voice was cold, his cheek twitched unconsciously. Obviously, his heart shook greatly.

Lin Tianyao pointed his finger at the Wushuang organization carried by Chu soldiers and said to him: "Don’t tell me that this organization Wushuang is running for trouble for no reason. I think this big guy is here for you Right?"

As soon as it was said, Gainie's forehead had already developed green muscles. People like him who have very little emotional fluctuations and can have such a big reaction are obviously the result of being guessed.

After a long silence, he finally sighed.

With a sigh of relief, Gaie's body seemed to be the tight rope, suddenly relaxed, and his shoulders were softened.

He whispered: "Yes, the organization is unparalleled, but it is my old man."

Seeing that he was an old man, Lin Tianyao smiled secretly. He wanted to hide such a clear-cut thing, which was really a dead brain.

However, Lin Tianyao would not be kind enough to hide it for him. He directly said: "Mr. Gai, since Wei Zhuang has sent someone, do you have no plans?"


A soft sound came out, and Yuan Hongjian in Gaie's hand had already been sheathed a little.

I saw the corner of his mouth slightly open, revealing the white teeth inside, and squeezed out a few words from the teeth: "The name of Wei Zhuang, where did you know it, who are you?"

The atmosphere became very tense for a while. Gaie Nie's changes, even Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, also noticed. Their eyes, Qi Qi looked over here.

"Mr. Gai, what happened?" Shao Yu tilted his head and looked curious. ....