Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 715: 717 Liwei

Episode 715

What does it mean to turn your face when you turn your face, Lin Tianyao is now of this type.

This is not his own idea. It's just that dealing with people like Xiang Liang cannot solve the problem fundamentally without tough measures.

Now that Fan is boosting, he may not have any other ideas. But after this matter passed, it was hard to guarantee that he would not have any ambitions.

After Wei Zhuang came, this small village was no longer a hidden residence. Shaoyu and others must definitely find a safe place again. No guarantee, they will go to the Mo family together.

If Xiang Liang inserted a few words at that time and intentionally made some braids, then the relationship between the Mo family and the Mo family would definitely have to go wrong.

So, just in case, Lin Tianyao must resolve this trouble early. This Xiangliang must make him completely soft.

The previous sentence, listening to the ears of others, had a sense of no one in sight. Lin Tianyao is powerful, as everyone knows. He said that he clearly despised Xiang Liang.

From another point of view, he was so polite as before, probably to find a place to stay. In his heart, he simply looked down on these people.

Xiang Liang was the leader of these Chu troops. Lin Tianyao ridiculed him, and there was no difference between ridicule and Chu army.

After being treated like this, Xiang Liang's beard was about to curl up. He reached out and pointed to Lin Tianyao's nose and scolded: "Boy, do you really think you're counting something? How dare you ridicule the old man like this?"

"Sneering you? I tell you Xiang Liang, if you are right or wrong, if you are suspicion, believe me or not, I will throw you out now?"

Lin Tianyao snorted coldly. Where was the gentle face with Yan Yuese's face? The rest is only cold and ice-like killing intent.

This change made everyone's face look low. Although the Chu sergeants pointed at Lin Tianyao with a spear, they did not dare to approach at all, but retracted their bodies several steps back. The powerful strength of the previous defeat of the organization's Wushuang still made them very palpitated.

Fan Zeng on the side didn't expect Lin Tianyao's sudden trouble, his cheeks twitched, his hands in the air, he didn't know what to do.

If they really turned up with Lin Tianyao, they would have no chance at all. Before Wei Zhuang came, they were directly destroyed here. However, Xiang Liang's temper is also clear, let him bow his head, it is absolutely impossible.

"Xiang Liang, don't be impulsive!"

Fan Zeng took a step back and patted Xiang Liang on his shoulder fiercely, signaling.

Where Xiang Liang listens now, he is an old man anyway. How can I stand so ridiculed by a young man from Lin Tianyao?

Without hesitation, he stomped lightly under his feet, stomped on the ground with his right leg, and rushed towards Lin Tianyao. His hands crossed back and forth in the air, posing as an eagle claw.

This beam is really an impatient person, and actually went straight to it. Looking at his posture, it is considered a master level. The eagle claws were waving in the air, and there was a cry of breaking the air. The power contained in it was shocking. If this catch continues, I am afraid that even the rocks can be caught directly into powder.

Seeing Xiang Liang make a move, the surrounding Chu army began to burst into applause.

"Straight out move, it seems that you really want to desperately."

Lin Tianyao's mouth flashed a sneer. Faced with these two eagle claws, he did not dodge or dodge, and did not even have a movement.

Xiang Liang saw him like this, and thought he was scared by his own moves, a flash of joy flashed between his eyebrows.

Fan Zeng aside frowned. If Lin Tianyao is really such an intimidating counselor, how to deal with the unparalleled organization? At this moment, there was an unknown hunch in his heart.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Xiang Liang's body was already in front of Lin Tianyao. Just as his eagle claws were about to grab Lin Tianyao's neck, the figure in front of him suddenly disappeared.

With one paw gone, Xiang Liang suddenly froze. A big living person close at hand, seeing that he would be screwed to death, why suddenly disappeared?

As he wondered, he suddenly felt his shoulders were patted. He looked back subconsciously, and suddenly his eyes were about to fall out.

Because Lin Tianyao was standing behind him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"You... why are you behind me?"

Xiang Liang swallowed hard, his tone stuttering. There was cold sweat on his forehead.

If Lin Tianyao ducked to avoid, and then walked around behind him, this master move will appear. But this time, Lin Tianyao was still standing in front of him at the moment before his eagle claw fell. Without this blink of an eye, the person appeared behind him, which was as illusory as ghost.

"Boom boom!"

Lin Tianyao didn't answer Xiang Liang's question. He just raised his hand, bent his fingers, and knocked three violent shocks on his forehead.

These three knocks were very serious, and Xiang Liang's forehead appeared with three big bags almost instantly.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded. An old guy was knocked on the chestnut by a young man. This is just the same reason that I gave the grandson a kowtow, contrary to common sense.

"Little boy, the old man fights with you!"

Xiang Liang's face turned into pig liver color in an instant, he cried out, and the eagle claws were crazy and grabbed towards Lin Tianyao's heart.

"It's really ink, I said you can't!"

Lin Tianyao curled his lips, lifted his feet and kicked fiercely. Xiang Liang's body was kicked out directly and fell more than ten meters away.

Although his foot is powerful, but there is no substantial harm. If not, Xiang Liang must have been burped directly.

Xiang Liang struggled to get up from the ground. Although he felt chest tight, he was not injured. He straightened himself and wanted to continue attacking.

At this time, Fan Zeng couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed over and asked Lin Tianyao for mercy: "Lin Shaoxia, Xiang Liang is also old. For a while, if you give me a thin noodle, forget it."...