Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 712: 714 items

Chapter 712: 714 Xiang Yu


Just as Lin Tianyao was about to start, Ge Nie suddenly rushed down from the mountain. He floated lightly in front of Lin Tianyao, reached out and stopped his movements.

It was justified that someone was interrupted when she vented and she just undressed from the man, but the girl came to relatives.

Lin Tianyao endured the depression, and said in a disgruntled tone: "I said Gai Jiansheng, I just told you not to help, but now I tried to block you. Is this person your relative?"

Being so ridiculed by him, Rao Gaini was always cold and could not help embarrassing. He twitched a little bit of face: "You don't know, young man, this man is a dead soul under my sword."


Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes and suddenly remembered. Formerly Wushuang was called Wushuang ghost, but it was a strong man. Later, he died under Gai Niejian and was transformed into an unparalleled institution by public hatred.

Stretching his hand and touching his chin, Lin Tianyao thought about it: "I really remember it when you said that. But a dead man, how can he save his wisdom after being transformed into a man of power?"

Gaie shrugged and said, "I don't know this either. Perhaps the Mo family will have an answer."

He said that, he wanted to change the subject in a different way. Although Lin Tianyao has seen Qin Shimingyue, he is still not very clear about the principle of the organization's unique structure.

Since Gaieni intends to leave the organization unparalleled, he can't go directly to the killer.

But if he didn't shoot, it didn't mean that the organization was unparalleled and he just caught it.

Taking advantage of the dialogue between the two, the only left arm of Wushuang's body suddenly raised, and the position of his elbow suddenly turned. As the arm rotates, as if the pointer is turning in a circle, the iron fist is turned to the rear, and the arm that takes over becomes a fast-moving iron saw.

This action was almost completed in an instant. After the iron saw appeared, he cut it directly towards the top of Gaine's head. This cut is definitely the separation of dead bodies.

At the time of the electric light fire, Lin Tianyao's body flashed, and he took off directly from Thor, and the next moment he had appeared on the chest of the organization.

"Kendo Rule-Sword Qi is released!"

Almost in an instant, Lin Tianyao's hand had waved out. I saw an air blade flash over, and the unparalleled left arm of the machine instantly stopped in the air, and then made a free fall.

Lin Tianyao's sword energy did not disappear because of this, but flew directly to the other side of the valley, and fell down after a row of big trees.

This trick made Gane no longer calm. His lips were trembling, and his tone was extremely serious: "Young man, are you... sword spirit?"

Lin Tianyao flew a punch, directly flew out the unparalleled organization, landed on the ground more than ten meters away, then shook his arm, and replied at random: "Yes, sword gas is released, have you seen this trick? "

"No... no." Gaie shook his head and said: "I only know that the swordsmanship is the ultimate practice, in order to achieve the point that no sword wins over a sword, and condenses the sword with anger!"

When he said this, respectfulness had already appeared in Gaie's tone. Obviously, in the eyes of swordsmen, the master first. He does not have any flattery, just a heartfelt admiration.

"Gai Mou was called a sword saint. In front of the young hero, I am afraid that the two sword boys are not as good!" Gaie lowered his head and smiled bitterly. The young man in front of him had completely crushed him.

Lin Tianyao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Why should Mr. Gai be humble? Today, no one's swordsmanship can match you. Although I can use sword gas, my swordsmanship is not as good as you!"

In fact, he is also telling the truth. Chixiao's sword technique, which he just created indiscriminately, is really far from the sword technique of Gaini.

But listening to Gaie's ears was a kind of humility. He was about to say something, but Lin Tianyao made a booing gesture.

Then he pointed to the top of the valley and said: "Someone is coming."

The voice had not fallen, and a team of people had appeared above the valley. The leader is a middle-aged man and an old man. Between the two, there is also a teenager.

This middle-aged person should be Xiang Liang. According to ancient records, although he was Xiang Yu's uncle, he was more than forty years old.

As for the old man, it was Fan Zeng. This man was later called Xiang Yu by Xiang Yu, and there was an arrogance in his bones.

The young man, although he was only 14 or 15 years old, had a brisk spirit between his eyebrows, a face that was not angry and selfish, less childish and more mature.

After the three of them came down the path of the valley, they came directly to Lin Tianyao and Gaie.

Fan Zeng first arched his hand and said: "It was only when we entered the village that we were attacked by the Qin army. After asking the guards, we knew that there was a monster. Are the two passers-by who helped out?"

Gaie Nie stepped back and gave Lin Tianyao the right to speak. Obviously, the previous move of the sword gas made him completely convinced.

Fan Zeng also saw the clue, and said to Lin Tianyao: "The young man is really young and promising. Under Fan Zeng, dare to ask how to call the young man?"

"Lin Tianyao!"

The simple three words are directly thrown out. Lin Tianyao was not interested in him, but the scene was still polite.

"Lin Tianyao..."

In the distance, Shaojiing also heard Lin Tianyao's name. Her voice was weak and mosquitoes fluttered, but she couldn't hear it.

After listening to Lin Tianyao's introduction, Fan Zeng also introduced Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang. However, he called Xiang Yu Shao Yu, which is a nickname for the younger generation.

After his introduction, Lin Tianyao also called Tian Ming and Shao Siming and gave a brief introduction to the other party.

Lin Tianyao did not directly explain the identity of Shao Mingming, only saying that he was a maid. However, he did not conceal his identity.

Fan Zeng and others have no grudges with Gaie. The thing about Jing Ke is about Yan State and has nothing to do with his Chu State.

Besides, Gaie Zun was a sword sage, and after hearing the name, they felt a good impression.

After a few simple words from both parties, Lin Tianyao pointed to the distant institution Wushuang Road: "This guy is the monster in your mouth."...