Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 709: 711 was thief

Episode 709

After hearing Lin Tianyao's deliberate and unintentional ridicule, Gaie's eyes could not help but look into the distance.

There is nothing wrong with this. It’s just, to make it clear in person.

He had rescued Tianming and had no good place to go. The only purpose is to escape Daqin's chasing. But now that Qin is reunifying the world, where is there no Qin Bing?

Thinking this way, Gaie Nie felt that Lin Tianyao said that he wanted to go to the Mo Family, not for a while, or as he said verbally, it was related to Jing Ke. The real reason is that the Mojia's organ city has not yet been discovered by Qin.

His choice may have been brewing for a long time.

There was a deep glance in Lin Tianyao's eyes, and a smile flickered at the corner of Gaie's mouth. It seems that he had really misunderstood before. The young man in front of him really came for the dawn.

After repelling the previous chases, it is now much quieter. Even the tracking spies haven't appeared again.

Obviously, two of the Yin and Yang families were repelled one by one, and one was captured as a captive. Such a result has already scared the courage of those people.

Under such a deterrent effect, even those who do not want to lose their lives, can't put up the courage to continue to produce unrealistic ideas.

After walking out of the valley and heading towards the north for about half a day, I saw that the sky was gradually opening up, and everyone could only temporarily find a place to rest.

But where are the barren mountains and mountains, where are the inns and the like? Besides, if people now show their faces on the bright surface, they will inevitably be noticed.

In order to be conservative, Lin Tianyao felt that he was looking for a leeward place and took a rest for the night.

But the crowd had just listened to the footsteps, and hadn't had time to pick up some firewood and fire, but a sharp voice came from the distant sky. Immediately afterwards, a huge firework appeared in the bright sky.

When Tianming saw this, he couldn't help but grow his mouth, pointing at the fireworks in the sky and exclaimed to Lin Tianyao repeatedly: "Brother, look at it, there are fireworks!"

The nature of his little child naturally does not know the reason. Lin Tianyao and Gaie Ni, as they saw the fireworks, their faces became a little weird.

"This is not a Chinese New Year nor a Chinese New Year. Why do fireworks appear?" Gaie whispered to himself, and suddenly he raised his head and said in a dull voice: "No, this firework looks like some kind of signal, where I used to look Ever!"

During the speech, Gaie turned his attention to Lin Tianyao, and the meaning of the inquiry was obvious.

Lin Tianyao nodded and said, "If I guess right, this should be an emergency signal for Chu."

"The Chu Kingdom, the Xiang clan?" Gaie Nian whispered, mentioning the sword in his hand: "It's not too late, let's hurry and look over."

"It's time to go to see it, maybe you can even rub some dinner and sleep in a comfortable bed." Lin Tianyao reached out and clamped Tianming under his arm, and his body moved like a graceful night leopard in the forest Shuttle fast.

The so-called Wangshan running dead horse, this sentence really does not make any mistakes. It seemed that the firework was very close from the sky, but everyone found out that it was so far away.

After traveling for about half an hour at a rapid speed, a small mountain village appeared before everyone's eyes.

This mountain village is at the foot of the mountain, and there is a small river in front. In general, it also belongs to the category of paradise.

However, the originally peaceful and peaceful scene has now become a huge change. At this moment, the village was on fire everywhere.

At first glance, it looks as if it has been robbed by a bandit.

In the village, the shouts were deafening, and corpses flew out from time to time, and there was blood everywhere on the walls.

Judging from the corpses of the villagers, they were all wearing ordinary coarse clothes, ordinary people, but their weapons did make Lin Tianyao shine.

Those weapons are clearly available only to regular sergeants. Ordinary mountain people, where can you get such excellent weapons?

And these corpses, all covered with muscles, are a result of long-term training.

If there is no wrong guess, these people are simply mountain people disguised as sergeants.

Combined with Chu's signal flare that appeared in the sky before, Lin Tianyao immediately reached a conclusion. These mountain people should be the Chu soldiers who came here to hide after the Chu kingdom was destroyed.

However, Qin's chasing soldiers have now been repelled. For dozens of miles, it was uninhabited. Why is there such a fierce battle here?

In doubt, Lin Tianyao gently put down Tianming and motioned to take care of Gai Nie. At the next moment, he directly crossed the fence and rushed into the village.

Just after entering the village, four or five spears suddenly stretched out around him, and the dazzling gun head exudes coldness and killing intent. If it is a poor man, this landing will be stabbed into a horse honeycomb.

But this method can only deal with ordinary people, in Lin Tianyao's eyes. It is tantamount to entering Gulliver in the villain state. Those gun heads are even less eye-catching than match sticks.

Reaching gently, those gun heads broke off directly from the joint of the gun barrel.

The four Chu soldiers around were directly stunned on the spot. They couldn't even understand how Lin Tianyao escaped their attack. When they saw the gun head broken, they exclaimed at the same time.

However, these people are obviously guys who have been practicing on the battlefield for a long time. In the face of Lin Tianyao’s mysterious strength, they just froze for a moment, then they directly took the spear with the broken head in their hands. The stick made it.

"Ouch, the guy is smart!"

Seeing their quick response, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but sigh, but he wasn't slow. Guided by the technique of flying thunder, his body shuttled between them like a ghost.

In just a blink of an eye, his body has appeared outside the circle of four. And the dead man, as if he had been put on hold, stayed where he was. ....