Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 708: 710 forward

Episode 708

In the blink of an eye these two words came out, Gaie's body began to tremble, and a pair of deep vigilant eyes spurted a killing intention.

Lin Tianyao suddenly appeared. Although Gaie was on alert, he did not have much hostility. But the word Jing Ke seemed to be a sharp blade, pointing quietly at his heart.

Compared with Gaine, Young Master could not help but bow his head. Although she couldn't see the expression on Tui Qingqian's face, a strange light began to flash in those bright big eyes.

Although the murderous intentions were vigorous, Gaie had put Yuan Hong into the sword box, which showed that he had no idea of ​​doing it now.

"What do you mean by saying this person's name?" Gaien's voice was cold, and his brows were screwed together.

Looking at Gainie's waiting for the following, Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers and said: "It's actually very simple, at least our purpose is the same. You are for someone, so am I!"

When he said this, Lin Tianyao's eyes rolled quietly. The direction he looked at was Tianming.

His movements were very slight, and Gainie faced him only before he could see clearly. As for Shaoming and Tianming, no clues were found.

Speaking of exactly the same purpose, Gaie's face eased a little. But he still has some scruples: "I can see that you are not hostile, but how can you make me trust? In other words, what is your background?"

Gainie didn't relax his guard for a moment, and Lin Tianyao's sudden appearance and the means against the sky were all unacceptable to him. Such a strong martial artist, why has he never seen it?

More importantly, judging from Lin Tianyao's age, it is only a weak year. If he and Jing Ke are old, according to the calculation of age, he only knew him in his youth.

Seeing that Gaie was still unable to put his guard down, Lin Tianyao was too lazy to continue explaining to him. Because he doesn’t believe him anyway.

Rather than continue to waste your tongue, it is better to use some direct means. This year, the fist is big, that is the last word, you know, this copy world is a complete cold weapon era.

"Mr. Gaie Nie!" Lin Tianyao's eyes narrowed slightly, a faint smile flashed on the corner of his mouth: "If I really want to do something to you. I can now have a dozen ways to make you die here!"

As soon as this word came out, there was contempt in that tone. This contempt is not contempt, but on the contrary, it has a frank taste.

Among masters, they often tell the truth, and straightforward words are more acceptable.

After Gai Nie paused slightly, he finally nodded and said, "Since the young man said so, Gai continued to be suspicious, but he seemed too careful!"

After persuading Gaie, Lin Tianyao turned his head to look at Young Master's life and tickled her and said: "Little captive, don't think about it anymore. Even if I tell you all the secrets, You can’t escape my palm, let alone report to the Yin Yang family! What you can do now is to follow me obediently!"

His remarks have already revealed the flirting taste. Coupled with the yin and yang strange tone, Shao Shiming's eyes that had fallen into the front and didn't change color changed uncontrollably.

"Really, there is a veil all day long, the expression can't be seen clearly, it's terrible!"

Lin Tianyao stared carefully at Shao Siming's face as if he saw something, and finally failed. He could only helplessly pat his forehead and sigh gently.

"Tianming, let's go!"

Lin Tianyao stretched out his hand to Tianming, and he followed the road to lead the way.

After seeing Lin Tianyao's unpredictable martial arts, Tianming is now an admirable five-body cast. Now he was greeted by him, and he was almost crazy in excitement, followed by a pair of short legs.

Gaie Nie frowned, and finally shook her head gently, following Lin Tianyao's footsteps.

But Shao Mingming was a little wrong. She looked at Lin Tianyao's back, and there seemed to be a familiar feeling. It's just that this feeling seems familiar, but it's impossible to guess.

"Young man, I don't know where you're going, where are we going?" Gaie walked beside Lin Tianyao, with a hint of curiosity in his tone. This cold-faced uncle even has such a plain time.

Lin Tianyao pouted and said softly, "I have seen two people before this."

This is not a question. If you are an ordinary person, you must be anxious. But Gaie was a wise man. He whispered: "The people the young man saw have something to do with our whereabouts?"

"That's right!" Lin Tianyao glanced at Gaie Nie appreciatively: "The two people, if I guessed well, should be the Mo's! And Jing Ke and the Mo's are not related."

Speaking of the name Mo, Lin Tianyao sneaked a glance at the young master behind him, and as expected, her body shuddered imperceptibly. But it was soon disguised.

It was Gaine, but the reaction was a bit big. He showed a contemplative look, reached out and touched his chin: "It seems that Shaoxia and Jing Ke are really old people. He really has a great connection with the Mo School."

Seeing Gaieni say this, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but smirk in his heart: "This Jing Ke is not only related to the Mo School? He is clearly the Mo's person, and he is a person with full weight."

When I went to the Mo's house this time, it seemed logical to Lin Tianyao. First, Jing Ke is the Mo family, and Tian Ming is Jing Ke's son. This second point, he came to this copy of the task, but just to get a non-attack.

Moreover, according to the development of Qin Shimingyue's story, this Mohist is a vital existence.

But something seemed to have changed slightly again, and when Gainer learned that he was really going to the Mo Family, his hands clenched unnaturally. Seems to have received extremely bad news.

Seeing that he had something different, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but say: "What's wrong, Gaie Jiansheng, some things are better to pick out than to hide in your heart!"...