Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 710: 712 Warriors

Chapter 710 Chapter 712

"You... what did you do to us?"

The four people couldn't move, and couldn't even express their expressions. He could only turn his eyes to Lin Tianyao, screaming in excitement. As you can hear from that tone, they are now terrified.

Lin Tianyao's mouth slightly raised his mouth and said, "It's nothing, but it's just your acupuncture point. Can you tell me what happened here?"

After hearing the words, the four people turned their eyes to the other person's face and looked at them. After eye contact, one of them said: "Aren't you coming with that monster?"

"Monster? What monster?" Lin Tianyao was also a little surprised. This world doesn't seem to be like the crimson pupil, is there a dangerous species, where is the monster?

The four saw Lin Tianyao's expression and saw that he was not lying. In this way, the alert in their eyes also disappeared, but instead they looked angry: "Just now, suddenly a monster rushed into the village and started killing people without saying a word. We are not his opponent at all. . It happened that both Mr. Xiang and Mr. Fan went out today, otherwise the monster must have been beaten directly."

Between the words, the anger in their eyes turned into a kind of sadness. Obviously, they are sad about their lack of ability and the death of their companions.

Mr. Xiang, Mr. Fan? Hearing these two names, two people appeared in Lin Tianyao's heart.

This place is where the soldiers of Chu retired, so Mr. Xiang and Mr. Fan, are they Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng?

According to Qin Shiming's story, Xiang Yu is still in his youth. Then the current leader of the Chu Army must be Xiang Liang.

Guessing this news, Lin Tianyao was in a good mood.

Because of the relationship between the main tasks, Xiang Yu must have a good relationship. Moreover, Chu's relationship with the Mohists is good, and with their help, entry into the Mohists will be much smoother.

The Chu people are sentimental and sentimentally most important. Fan Zeng, Xiang Liang, and others were not here, and it was clear that the village was almost destroyed. If Lin Tianyao rescued him at this time, he would definitely be able to have a good relationship with them, and it would not be impossible to even call him brother.

Without continuing the ink, Lin Tianyao directly asked the four people, "Where is the monster in your mouth, please tell me, I will go and destroy him now!"

"Are you here to help us?" The four of them exclaimed in unison, and there was an unstoppable excitement in surprise. Lin Tianyao was able to say this, which was simply the savior that God gave them.

"Also wordy, hurry up."

Seeing them in ink again, Lin Tianyao shouted loudly.

"He was still in the east of the village before, and then rushed out of the fence. Except for the few of us who stayed and guarded, everyone else went through the siege. If the young hero can help us, we are grateful."

Too lazy to listen to their flattery, Lin Tianyao took a direct step towards the east. Being able to break into the village can also cause such great damage. Obviously, it is not what ordinary beasts can do. I don’t know what this monster is. From the previous location, it rushed to the last house in the east of the village. There are few intact houses, and there is a mess after the destruction. And there was no one else in the village. Obviously, as the four guys said, everyone went after the monster.

After exiting the village from Dongtou, I walked about Mosanli Road, and there were bursts of shouts in the valley ahead, not accompanied by the screams of others.

After flying Thunder God's technique, Lin Tianyao's body flashed from the mountain to the valley.

At that moment, the monsters in Chu's population came into his eyes.

Lin Tianyao almost didn't laugh when he saw the monster. What kind of monster is that man? It's clearly a weirdo of the organization-the organization is unparalleled!

Mechanical surgery has always been the most mysterious thing. What ordinary people see are simple small institutions, so they are all heard, but I don't know the secret.

This mechanism is unparalleled, just like a real-world robot. It's just that this is made successfully by combining living people and institutions. This is equivalent to the result of a disabled person having a prosthesis.

It has to be said that these soldiers really don't have the ability to fight before the government has no two sides. After all, where is the human body comparable to the machine?

As soon as Lin Tianyao appeared in the valley, the Chu soldiers spotted him instantly. While they surrounded the organization, Wushuang, several of them turned their gun heads and began to defend Lin Tianyao.

Obviously, they regarded Lin Tianyao as a man with the organization.

Seeing that they were so hostile, Lin Tianyao waved his hands and explained: "You, I'm here to help you solve the problem, don't get it wrong."

With such an explanation, those soldiers of the Chu Kingdom immediately put their guard down. It's not that they are easy to accept explanations. It is really urgent. They have no way to deal with the unparalleled organization, and then they can't deal with Lin Tianyao's fate.

Moreover, if Lin Tianyao is in the same group with the organization, there is no need to explain.

"You guys step back, this big guy gave it to me."

Lin Tianyao stepped forward, motioning his arms and beckoning the Chu soldiers to leave.

Everyone heard and explained that they were surprised. They did not know what medicine Lin Tianyao sold in the gourd. It's not clear who the guy who popped up was. In a daze, no one left, but still stood still and motionless.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but sigh: "You guys, this ink is really deep in your bones. Those four guys are just like you."

Without continuing to care about the others, Lin Tianyao shone directly and came to Wushuang's organization.

The matchless organization saw a sudden start, and his dull eyes appeared a little angry. It seemed extremely annoyed that the person in front of him dared to offend him.

"Ouch, being made into an organ, there is still so much wisdom left."

Institutional Wushuang's such a look made Lin Tianyao somewhat surprised. He began to have some interest in this mechanism. ....