Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 702: Systematic will

Chapter 702 The Will of the System

After coming out of the copy of the pupil of Chong Chihong, that question always haunted Lin Tianyao.

Compared with the previous copy, the two temporary copies of the pupils of Chonghonghong and Tokyo Ghoul are inextricably linked. In his view, these two copies seem simple, but the hidden things are extremely dangerous.

He even for a moment felt that these two temporary copies seemed to be inaccessible to others before it was his turn.

The simplest reason for this idea is the seal strength. Once the strength exceeds the standard, after entering the copy, it will definitely cause space collapse.

Moreover, from the copy, Lin Tianyao got a clue, a clue he can't wait to find out now. That is the connection between these copies. Even bigger, it seems that these copies have the same thing.

This thing is described in four words, that is-the sun, the moon and the stars.

Sun, Moon, and Stars, the simple word is the word universe. Regardless of any space, it is inseparable from the universe, which is a subspace.

If these are really the same as he imagined, would the system just arrange what he is exploring?

Judging from the previous explanation, different copy spaces have different requirements for entrants. But the most crucial point is that the strength of entrants must not exceed a certain standard. Therefore, these copy spaces also limit the strength of entrants.

Moreover, judging from Xiaoxian's rhetoric, it seems that more than one person was selected by the system. an unknown space, there are other people doing the same thing as him.

Those without thought will naturally not find the connection between these copies. But Lin Tianyao is different. From this point, he has clearly seen it.

These seem to be separate copies, each of which contains a separate mission system. However, these hidden clues are not mentioned in these mission systems.

If his guess is correct, then next, the same message may appear in the new copy.

If you follow these clues, it won’t take long for the hidden route to gradually surface. What's more, the rewards are definitely huge.

With the thoughts in his heart, Lin Tianyao came into the system space.

Unlike the previous sleepiness, this time Xiaoxian has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lin Tianyao coming in, Xiaoxian hurriedly came over and excitedly blushed and said: "Master, you are finally back, and I want to die!"

Xiaoxian's lovely appearance and pleasant voice are always as light and dusty as the fairy accompaniment of the bamboo and bamboo music.

Seeing her like this, Lin Tianyao's originally dull thoughts also relieved a lot. Lovingly rubbed her head gently, Lin Tianyao said: "Master also misses you, you don’t know, the days in the copy are really tough. !"

Xiaoxian cuddled Lin Tianyao's arms intimately, "Master, isn't it good now, come out from the copy, you can also rest for a while!"

She talked like this, but it made Lin Tianyao a little surprised. If it was before, he certainly wouldn't feel anything abnormal, but this time, he made such a big move in the copy of the pupil who cut down the red eye, why didn't Xiaoxian shut up?

The doubts in my heart became more and more serious, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but asked: "Xianxian, I forced to use other skills in the copy this time, and almost made the space collapse. Do you have nothing to say to me?"

He asked so, Xiaoxian's face was a little bit stiff.

After being silent for a moment, she sighed: "Master, since you have to ask, I have nothing to hide. I think you found something wrong in the copy, right?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "Indeed, although I had paid attention before, I didn't think too much about it. But this time in the copy, I really saw the clue coming!"

"Master, in fact, I don't know very well, but since you see it, do it according to your heart! There are restrictions on me over the system, and I can't give you any hints." Xiaoxian shook his head, his teeth light. Biting his lower lip, the two ideas in his mind kept fighting.

She knew more or less of the truth in her mind. But there are rules in the system, she can't say. But on Lin Tianyao's side, she couldn't wait to say it.

When her thoughts were struggling, her heart was suffering.

In fact, Lin Tianyao had already seen this problem when the copy called her. The reason why she didn't talk until she met was that she didn't want to make this short-term gathering because of this problem, and the atmosphere became very embarrassing.

Seeing her face is not very good, Lin Tianyao's heart softened. In any case, Xiaoxian is still dedicated to him, at least no matter how the system is arranged, she is towards herself.

It was not Lin Tianyao's desire to make her mood down because of her own words.

He held Xiaoxian's little hand in his hand and whispered: "Don't think about this question anymore, since the system has this arrangement, then there is naturally a reason. The real answer, I will find it myself!"

What he said was close to his heart. After hearing this, Xiaoxian couldn't help raising her head, the sadness on a small face gradually disappeared, and a smile was replaced.

Seeing her smile, Lin Tianyao was also relieved. This little girl is very good at this, and she is simple in nature.

"Master, what are you going to do next? Continue into the copy or rest for a while?" Xiao Xian pursed her lips, her voice was very small, and she looked like she kept talking.

"Do you want me to accompany you, right?"

Lin Tianyao couldn't guess her careful thoughts, stretched out her hand and scratched on her little Qiong nose, hehe laughed.

Xiaoxian shrank, and said with a small mouth: "Master, I haven't seen you for a while, and you're bad again!"

That being said, she is still very happy to see her! ....