Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 703: Mystery

Chapter 703: Mysteries

Lin Tianyao tightened his arms tightly and hugged Xiaoxian'er tighter. He knew that Xiao Xian'er must have a lot to say to herself at this time, but because of the existence of the system, she couldn't say it. The doubts in my heart seem to be unable to find the answer from Xiao Xian'er.

So, if you want to know the truth, you can only rely on your own efforts and exploration. Since the system stipulates that Xiao Xian'er can't say that he only wants to explore, then there must be a systematic reason. If he doesn't know the truth, he still chooses to believe the system's arrangement temporarily.

Take a step back 10,000 steps, based on her own understanding of Xiaoxian'er, if the system is really malicious, she will definitely stand on her side and give herself hints at the most critical moment. Although Xiao Xian'er didn't say anything now, her performance undoubtedly made her feel comfortable.

Xiao Xian'er won't harm herself! This is the foundation that Lin Tianyao relies on! It’s just that you can laugh and swear at will before, but you have to change the vulgar language. After all, the system chooses not just yourself. There is a hunch in his heart, the relationship between the people selected by the system, Probably not as friendly as the seven children declared in Digimon. Even if the original intention of the system is good, isn't the contradiction between Tai Yi and Ah He also runs through the entire anime?

Therefore, you still have to be careful, don't be as sharp as before, you have to get rid of the vulgarity!

"Master, do you want to rest for a while or continue to the next copy?" Xiao Xian'er, who hadn't seen the master's answer for a long time, raised his head and asked. She naturally didn't know what her master was thinking about, and thought the master was secretly sulking because she couldn't tell him the secret of the system, so she trembles in her voice.

Aware of this anxiety, Lin Tianyao turned back from his own thoughts. He touched Xian'er's hair with a smile.

"I naturally want to take a good rest and spend some time with you before I continue to the next copy." Lin Tianyao watched Xiao Xian'er's face slowly turn red, and his big eyes became more reluctant to welcome him. Unintelligible.

"Just, Xian'er, you can't tell me the secrets of the system, so I had to explore it myself! The system has this arrangement, and naturally has his reason. I still follow the instructions of the system." He still has some concerns that did not say Come out, since I know there are other selected people, then no one knows their progress. In view of the unclear relationship between myself and other selected people, I naturally want to speed up the pace of action and strive for Be able to take the initiative.

"Isn't the master still blaming Xian'er?" Xian'er opened his big watery eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Naturally, you are not blaming you, Xian'er, you have your own pains. Since the system does not let you tell me, then you must have his own reason, let me discover this secret and find the answer that the system wants to give me. How can I blame Xian'er on you?" Seeing the beauty aggrieved, Lin Tianyao naturally comforted and persuaded.

Xian'er couldn't help but smile when she saw that her master was not angry with herself. Suddenly, the entire space became bright, and Lin Tianyao couldn't help but stare at it. The charm of Xian'er is unmatched even by those second-dimensional beauties. However, after all, Lin Tianyao and Xian'er have a certain immunity for a long time, and they are awake for a while. "Little Fairy, help me open the channel"

Lin Tianyao settled and said firmly. No more delays, for yourself and for Xiaoxian'er, you must complete the tasks given to you by the system as soon as possible!

"Okay, master. I will help you turn on the system." Xian'er saw that Lin Tianyao had made up her mind, and she didn't say much. She was a smart girl, and she knew what to do when. Since the master has already made his own decision, he must satisfy him without violating the will of the system!

The slender hand gently waved, and the familiar light blue light group reappeared in Lin Tianyao's field of vision. Within the white world, the blue light group emitted a soft light, and kept on During the rotation, it became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into an elliptical teleportation array. Everything was still the same, except that my mood could handle the next copy task as easily as I did not know anything before. ?

Lin Tianyao knows that since he encountered the exchange system, the biggest change is rushing to him, and what does this mean, he doesn’t know, he can only follow the waves and gradually approach the system while completing the copy task. The so-called secret.

"Hope, this time, I can meet other people who were selected by the system!" Lin Tianyao stepped into the light group in front in a soft whisper and disappeared into a splendor.

What he didn't see was that the complexion on the face of the little fairy behind him seemed guilty, unbearable, and like a last resort.

With the passage of time, there was only Xiao Xian'er standing alone in the entire white space, and then there was a soft sigh.

"Will the intelligence of the system, the incarnation of the system's will, have such moments of sorrow and affection for humans?"

Behind Xiaoxian'er, a deep voice suddenly sounded. And the little fairy who hadn't waited for the panic turned around, the light of the entire virtual space disappeared at once, as if entering the vast universe, there was no trace of light.

"It's you, rebel!!" This is Xiaoxian'er, the last voice.

Lin Tianyao feels like he has gone through a long journey, but just like in a dream, he has always been chaotic and chaotic, just watching the surrounding scenery change, but without any consciousness. A strong sense of trance struck him, and his eyelids could not help being chaotic again.

"Strange, why does this trip feel so different? With my strength, how could it be so easy to fall asleep?" Lin Tianyao pondered indifferently.

"Is it the will of the unpredictable system?" In the final sober, Lin Tianyao's mind flashed through the thought like this! ....