Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 699: 701 finale

Episode 699

One morning one month later, all the people in the imperial capital gathered towards the central square. Because today is a day of rebirth.

The little emperor did not know what ecstasy was infused by Najta, but he took the initiative to cooperate with the handover.

For this question, Najieta gave the explanation that the little emperor saw the situation clearly and figured out his conscience.

But no matter what, he could not escape. The dynasty has no reason to survive.

Today, in the central square, the execution of the little emperor is to be executed.

Above the city wall in the distance, Lin Tianyao was sitting there, his legs hanging, swaying in the wind. After the task is completed, the leisure time is always so pleasant.

What makes him more comfortable is that beside him, there are two beautiful women who are always waiting for him.

Chelsea's tenderness, Esdes's cold eyes, this is simply a double sky. What about men and women?


System prompts suddenly sounded at this time.

Congratulations, you have completed the main task 3.

Task description: Obtain the heart of the imperial general, Estes. Task reward: 50000 function points.


Congratulations, you have completed the main task 4.

Task description: Under the premise of a successful uprising, ensure that the members of the night raid must not have casualties. Mission reward: 100000.

The long-awaited task completion message was finally sent out.

However, according to the conditions for starting the mission, he had already reached the conditions for the two missions as early as a month ago.

As mission rewards are sent, these 150,000 function points make his experience of several skills completely filled. These experience bars are shining silvery white, as long as he reaches out a little at this time, he can directly upgrade.


The system prompts: Due to the illegal use of powerful skills by the adventurer, this copy space appears turbulent, and the adventurer must evacuate within three days. Otherwise, the system will collapse!

This prompt made Lin Tianyao stunned for a moment.

It's no wonder that it took him so long to receive a reminder of the completion of the task, and his feeling is that the copy space is disordered.

At that time, I really should have listened to Xiaoxian's words.

Seeing Lin Tianyao's expression a bit unnatural, Esdess leaned into his ear and whispered, "Tianyao, what happened?"

"It's nothing..." Lin Tianyao wouldn't tell Estes about these things. But seeing her suspicious look, she had to make a haha: "That little emperor is a little fart boy after all, so I feel a little uncomfortable if he is beheaded!"

With this explanation, even Chelsea on the side couldn't help laughing. The second woman glanced at each other, apparently disbelief.

At this moment, on the other side of the city wall, three girls were still standing.

"I said the two of you, can you calm down? Now regret, there is no regret medicine in this world. You had to start early, and the result will definitely be different!" Leonai stretched out her hands, hugged Chi Hitomi and Ma Yin on one shoulder, grinning.

Listening to her saying, Chi Tong's expression was a little low, but there was not too much reflection. This was also in keeping with her temperament, and she was very reticent.

When Ma Yan, a look of indignant and said: "?.! Leiou Nai, you in the end what nonsense I am anxious to get that big goat alive Zousi a big man, even marry two wives, tolerate that."

Leonard listened to Ma Yin's words and couldn't help but laugh: "It's your stinky temperament, you really have to change it! If Tianyao says he wants to marry you now, I'm afraid he has a hundred wives, and you will Promise? Haha..."

"Leonai, I killed you!"

Maine screamed, and a small blush reached the base of his neck.

"Sister, don't you really say that?"

While Manin was chasing Leona, Black Hitomi didn't know where it came from and sat beside Red Hitomi.

Chi Tong gently held her small hand in her hand and whispered: "It's enough to have you by my side! As for Tianyao... It's still good for us to be friends!"

"Also!" Black Hitomi nodded gently: "Many times, in fact, it is more appropriate to be a friend than a couple!"

"Fuck, whoever said to be a friend? I'm going to marry Najieta. Now my daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law. I waited so long for the revolution to end. I don't want to continue to be a friend!"

When the sisters whispered, Lubbock suddenly appeared behind them and shouted with their heads stretched out.

"You guys, want to scare us?"

The red pupil and the black pupil looked at each other, almost at the same time. Two pink fists hit the eye socket of Lubbock unbiasedly. Instantly made him a panda eye!

While playing, there was a burst of exclamation at the central square.

The crowd turned their eyes along the sound, but they saw that the little emperor had fallen to the ground.


Congratulations on completing the main task 2.

Task description: Kill ministers and emperors. Task completion reward: 80,000 function points.

As the little emperor's head fell to the ground, the system prompt sound also sounded. This time, there was no delay in the release of mission rewards.

Obviously, the copy space has also started to return to normal. It's just that if Lin Tianyao stays here, the situation is not so good. After he exploded the flying fairy, his influence on the copy world has also expanded.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up from the ground.

Seeing Lin Tianyao get up, the others also moved towards this side.

"Tianyao, you said that after the little emperor died, you have something to tell us, what is it?"

Lubbock approached with the panda's eyes and asked first.

Looking at everyone's curiosity, Lin Tianyao changed his mouth and said: "Actually nothing, I'm leaving!"

"Ce, I said that I have been hiding for a long time. Have you chosen the place? Let's take the time to get you a drink!" Ma Yin was still indifferent.

Lin Tianyao gently shook his head and said: "No, it's not hermit, I'm leaving this world!"

Leonard leaned forward and reached out and touched his forehead: "Tianyao, are you crazy? How are you going to die?"

Lin Tianyao smiled and shook his head, explaining: "No, I am not a person in this world!...