Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 694: 696 ended (below)

Chapter 694-696 ending (below)

In Lin Tianyao's consciousness, a crisp and sweet female voice suddenly appeared. While the female voice sounded, there was a trace of anxiety. This voice is no one else, it is Xiaoxian!

"Master, you can't do this. Your strength is too strong. If you use other skills forcibly, it will cause this copy world to collapse!"

Xiaoxian was about to cry anxiously, but she never thought that Lin Tianyao was going to use other stunts at this critical time.

This copy is about to end, if it was used before, it is still said in the past. Seeing that the task is about to be completed now, but taking this risk, it is simply incomprehensible.

Hearing Xiaoxian's dissuasion, Lin Tianyao said softly: "I can't help it anymore. I have been suppressing my strength. Such a simple copy, but it has caused me to work hard. Now it's all over. Do you still Do you want to stop me going crazy once?"

In these words, the little fairy said nothing. Tokyo Ghoul and this copy are temporary copies. Lin Tianyao, who was accustomed to other copies in the past, was suddenly suppressed in this way, and that heart could not help but want to explode.

In this regard, Xiaoxian is also very distressed. After all, Lin Tianyao was suffocated by the seal strength to break into this copy.

However, this is a systematic regulation after all, no matter how Lin Tianyao thinks, he must endure it, this is not the time to be arrogant.

Xiaoxian suddenly appeared at this time, in fact Lin Tianyao had already guessed what she was going to say. He used a negotiated tone: "Xianxian, what if I only use one trick? Even if one trick, will this copy world collapse?"

When asked by him, Xiaoxian also hesitated. She was a little embarrassed: "Master, if you forcibly break the system seal, no one will know the consequences. Maybe you will fall into another space because of this."

Her answer was obviously a bit clever.

Lin Tianyao said: "Xianxian, are you hiding something from me?"

Xiaoxian froze for a moment, wondering: "Master, why do you say such a thing. I have never concealed anything from you, this is what the system stipulates."

Her tone was aggrieved, it seemed that Lin Tianyao had wronged her.

"Xianxian, you misunderstood. I just think that the system is not as simple as I thought. After going through these copies, I found some clues. These individual copies seem to have some connections. This is definitely the main brain behind the system!" Lin Tianyao's tone became solemn.

This time he wanted to use another skill forcibly, not because he couldn't deal with the Supreme Emperor, but because he wanted to try it out, what would happen if he violated the system.

Because a series of rules before the system seemed to paved a way, a way to let him go down.

But if you go down this road indiscriminately, no one knows what it is behind. Therefore, Lin Tianyao must understand.

After listening to his explanation, Xiaoxian fell into silence. After a long time, she changed her way: "Master, you have summoned me in the copy world this time, and I have already used up a chance. In this case, I can’t do anything! If you use the trick power that can be controlled Within the scope, there should be no punishment over the system."

This answer is obviously already in Lin Tianyao's expectations. This girl, Xiaoxian, has never been good at lying. But if her nature is like that, it’s nothing. If Xiaoxian knows the inside of the system and conceals it deliberately, then Lin Tianyao must guard against her!

This idea, Lin Tianya is now naturally buried in his heart. Because he hasn't figured out the situation now, he is even worse if he suspects indiscriminately.

But this time, calling Xiaoxian to come is not a waste of free calling opportunities. At least, he knew the next shot.

The dialogue with Xiaoxian, in consciousness, is just a blink of an eye. When Lin Tianyao opened his eyes again, the little emperor was still yelling in that mad roar.

What he said was just how to retaliate against Lin Tianyao and the revolutionary army.

Now the demon armor has been completely excited, and its power is several times stronger than before. The coercion radiated from the entire armor was like that of a strong man and a sick old man compared to before.

"Death Rays!"

After cursing for a while, the little emperor suddenly changed his tone. Immediately after that, at the eyebrow of the demon armor, the blood on the ruby ​​began to flash.

Afterwards, I saw a **** ray of tens of meters in thickness, and shot directly towards Lin Tianyao's body.

The speed of the ray is extremely fast, and it is even close to catching up with the flying thunder spell.

The time is too tight, Lin Tianyao directly uses the technique of flying thunder **** to dodge. But he barely escaped, and the ray almost wiped him off.


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the forest outside the imperial capital.

After Lin Tianyao escaped, the ray shot directly outside the Imperial Capital. In the forest, as if a atomic bomb had been lost, a mushroom cloud rose directly.

This power made some timid sergeants sit directly on the ground.

If Supreme Emperor Gu joined the battlefield, only this ray could destroy tens of thousands of troops.

The little emperor did not panic when he missed it. After all, Lin Tianyao's extremely fast speed, he is still mentally prepared.

With a plan early, the second ray was launched without hesitation.

"It's fast!"

Lin Tianyao also had some small surprises.

I am afraid that such a powerful ray will be released once, and it will take some time to accumulate. But now it seems that it can be launched one after another. Presumably this is as easy for the demon armor as the machine gun fires bullets.

"It's worthy of the supreme emperor's tools, such power, can be regarded as this name!"