Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 693: 695 ended (middle)

Chapter 693-695 ended (Part 2)

Seeing that the surrounding Jin Wuyan was suppressed by the blood awn has become dim, Lin Tianyao had to temporarily withdraw from the invincible defense.

The demon armor suddenly became stronger, in fact, Lin Tianyao also expected.

After all, the entire armor, so far, only the upper body has been activated. If it is defeated in such a simple way, the strongest boss in this copy world is too disappointing.

Then look at the little emperor in the ruby ​​at the heart of the armor. The blood flowing on his chest has reached a shocking rate.

The Supreme Emperor Gu can only be activated by the blood of the royal family, which he has already said before.

He used Osnet's blood to mix his own blood to start the demon armor, but it can only activate the upper body. Obviously, if the armor is activated by his own ability, his blood is simply not enough.

But the situation is so critical, he has no world to find other people to extract blood. Now that Lin Tianyao is so persecuted, he will only make such a decision under desperate circumstances.

After almost half a minute, the little emperor finally pulled out the dagger in his heart. Lin Tianyao simply calculated that, according to the speed of his bleeding and this time, the outflow of blood accounted for at least one-third of his small body.

Normal people's own blood will shock if they lack nearly one-fifth, and they will even die. This little guy has gone crazy to this level, isn't he afraid of dying of direct blood loss?

This worry is obviously superfluous. If the little emperor really bleeds to death, then things become simpler and easier.

After pulling out the dagger, the little emperor's body softened directly and fell to the ground. Somewhat surprisingly, after pulling out his heart with the dagger, he never shed a drop of blood, as if the wound had healed.

Under the **** light of the ruby, the little emperor's face appeared a strange color. That color looked very strange, neither crazy like a monster, nor pale with excessive blood loss.

It looks like this, his young face is a bit daunting.

Keeping the dagger aside, the little emperor struggled to stand up. He gave Lin Tianyao his teeth and said in a cold voice: "Damn rebel, you have pushed me to such a desperate situation. Today is death, and I will definitely pull you!"

After he cursed Lin Tianyao, his hands were suddenly raised above his head. At the next moment, he looked up at the sky and shouted, "Devil armor, give me a complete inspiration!"

As he roared, the huge body of the demon armor began to tremble. The blood-mands released around him shrank violently, and gathered towards the ruby ​​in the eyebrows.

With the recovery of the blood awn, the ruby ​​became more and more crystal clear, and from a distance, it had changed from a gem to a **** light group.

After the light cluster had condensed for a while, there was a trace of bright red blood-like liquid flowing out of it. The liquid along the armor began to be transported to all parts. This situation makes the flesh and blood connected to the armor really look like a human body. The trajectory of those flowing liquids is just like the body's meridians!

"Tianyao, go and organize him! If you let the demon armor recover completely, you can't stop it!"

Najieta was terrified to see it. She picked up the big horn in her hand and shouted towards Lin Tianyao in the sky.

She screamed and said everyone's heart. Right now Lin Tianyao is evenly divided with the demon armor. If the armor is fully recovered, then the situation must be reversed directly.

Regarding Najieta's kind reminder, Lin Tianyao didn't say much. He just waved his hand and said: "Relax you, if the Supreme Emperor has only this little power, then it will disappoint me too! I want to see how much spray the little fart boy can make."

Three times twice called the little emperor little fart boy, now still calling it in front of the entire emperor. For the little emperor, this is simply an insult.

If it weren't for activating the armor now, he must have spouted a suffocating blood.

However, he still chose to endure at the moment, and he was quick to speak, which was done by a small person. As long as the demon armor is fully activated, he will let everyone see the true strength of the royal family! After defeating Lin Tianyao, the rule of the empire still belongs to him.

With such a thought, the depression of the little emperor's heart also reduced a lot. At this moment, the degree of activation of the demon armor is also coming to an end.


After the blood flowed out of the armored legs, the legs that had been paralyzed finally began to show signs of recovery.

Underneath the impossibly unrecognizable palace, a deafening loud noise came again from the depths of the mountain.

The movement this time was more intense than before. Not only was the earthquake, but even the ground near the residential area outside the imperial palace began to appear cracks. Many buildings collapsed at the same time.


The demon armor suddenly raised his hands and slammed on the ground. The next moment, his body was pulled from the ground with the support of his hand. It looks as if someone is climbing out of the pit.

"Haha... finally inspired, rebel, I will let you die without burial today!"

The demon armor recovered completely, and the little emperor shouted wildly.

At this moment, the real body of the demon armor finally appeared in everyone's eyes. The supreme emperor of this legend, after a thousand years, was finally able to see the sky again.

This time, because the little emperor completely inspired the Supreme Emperor with blood, the blood of the demon armor became more real. The flesh and blood of the connection has also become a real human body.

Seeing the little emperor so proud, Lin Tianyao's mouth slightly raised, and he lowered his head and looked at his hands. The thought that had sprouted in my heart finally popped out. ....