Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 695: 697 You are stronger, I am stronger

Chapter 695: 697 You are stronger, I am stronger

A little sigh in his heart, Lin Tianyao also gave birth to a belligerent heart. Since coming to this copy, he has never encountered a powerful opponent.

The past few copies are the real battles.

Now, the demon armor burst out with such a high fighting power, but it also made him feel excited.

But in the eyes of others, it was so worrying. With such a terrifying power, how can Lin Tianyao fight against the enemy? Now it seems that it is very difficult to escape!

Everyone just gave birth to this idea, and the scene before them made them completely dumbfounded.

After releasing dozens of death rays in a row, Lin Tianyao seems to have lost his ability to dodge. Seeing a ray rushing towards his body, he didn't move at all, and his body was still standing.

Seeing this scene, the vet and the members of the night raid almost couldn't help but reached over their mouths. Chelsea couldn't help screaming, and tears filled his eyes instantly.

Even Estes, who had been struggling to stay calm, reached out and grabbed Najetta's hand. Her body shuddered violently, and under excessive tension, she was already shaking.

Seeing this scene, the little emperor almost fell to the ground with a smile. He yelled wildly in his mouth: "The rebel, you can't stand it at last! Dare to do the right thing with me, and I will blow you up now."

"You really think I can't hide it?"

Lin Tianyao snorted suddenly, and this sentence seemed exceptionally clear under the silent night sky. In the same way, when everyone heard him say this, the original grasped heart also eased.


He just finished saying this, and the death ray had hit him in front of him.

However, the death ray did not shoot through Lin Tianyao's body directly to the forest outside the imperial capital as expected, but stopped directly in front of him.

I saw him gently extend his right hand, in front of his palm, there appeared a swirling nest.

The swirling nest seemed to be a crack in space in the void. The rays were absorbed directly into the spiral nest, leading to a dark place.

"This... what the **** is this?"

The little emperor's smile froze in his face, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"How do you think it's incredible?"

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, his right hand flicked violently, and the death ray seemed to be a piece of cloth, which was directly pulled aside by the swirling nest on his hand.

After stunned for a moment, the little emperor gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Huh, but it can only be blocked once, I don't believe you can block it all!"

With that, the ruby ​​of the demon armor's eyebrows shined, and the death ray seemed to be free of money. The speed of this launch is faster than before.

However, all this seems to be in vain. No matter how many rays the little emperor shot, they were directly sucked into the spiral nest in Lin Tianyao's hands.

This swirling nest seems to be a magnet, and the death ray, which is countless pieces of iron, will naturally be sucked into it no matter how it is launched.

"Go to die!"

The little emperor was completely crazy. He frantically excited the demon armor to release the death ray, but no matter how it was fired, the result was the same as before.

Now being bullied by Lin Tianyao, the little emperor was suffocating. Now the demon armor is completely inspired. The trick that was supposed to be killed is now so easily resolved by Lin Tianyao. No matter who it is, I am afraid it will be crazy!

Watching the little emperor so violent, Lin Tianyao ignored it completely. He gently moved his hand, as if throwing things away, and gently threw the spiral nest out.

After swinging his nest away from his right hand, he did not dissipate, but remained in the air.

No matter where the death ray is emitted, the final result will be sucked into this spiral nest.

Solved the irritating thing of death ray, Lin Tianyao's body also began to change towards the demon armor and approached the past.

The ruby ​​in the hesitant position has been condensing power to use the death ray, and the invincible defense that originally surrounded the armor has also stopped.

In this way, Lin Tianyao seemed even more relaxed.

Came to the little emperor, Lin Tianyao shook his head gently and whispered: "Although I don't want to use this trick, but you are too big, I have to do it for speed!"

Although the voice was low, the little emperor heard it clearly. Upon learning that Lin Tianyao was about to move, his brows were screwed together.

At this point in the battle, Lin Tianyao still kept the bottom card. Isn't this guy using his full strength from the beginning to now?

Thinking of this, the little emperor dared not continue to think about it. Because of the depth of his own heart, there was already a hint of fear. This guy in front of me is no longer an ordinary human being!

In front of the Supreme Emperor Gu, being able to escape calmly, it was extremely terrifying strength. But Lin Tianyao not only did not escape, but suppressed him. Does such strength really exist in this world?

However, Lin Tianyao will no longer give the little emperor time to think.

The next moment, his eyes began to close slowly. Around his body, a golden light appeared.

Those bright lights are tiny, if you look closer, it is a small sword with a small handle.

Countless small swords surround Lin Tianyao's body. At first glance, it looks exactly like the previous defense formed by Jin Wuyan.

As soon as this move appeared, the space around Lin Tianyao began to fluctuate. From a distance, the scene in front of him seemed to become a mirror, and began to shatter and tremble.

Looking at the surrounding space that had become turbulent, Lin Tianyao's brows also wrinkled slightly.

It seems that Xiaoxian said that there is nothing wrong with the use of too powerful moves, and the space of this temporary copy can't bear it. ....