Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 686: The power of 688 to God

Chapter 686: The Power of the Supreme Emperor

Estes's eyes showed rare tenderness, and at this moment, she had recognized one thing.

Under the Supreme Emperor, even Lin Tianyao has absolutely no ability to overcome.

But the Revolutionary Army has reached the point where it is today, and this war cannot be avoided. If you flinch at this time, there will be no chance in the future.

Because of the oppression of the Supreme Emperor, even if others want to resist, they do not have the courage. In other words, it will become impossible.

and so. Lin Tianyao, who leads the way, must stand here even if he loses his life.

Of course, according to Estes, this decisive battle has no chance of survival. Lin Tianyao will definitely die here. It can be seen from his previous dismissal of the night raid and the members of the hunter that he wanted to preserve his strength.

Therefore, Estes also made her choice, preferring to die here at the same time.

With Lin Tianyao's mind, why can't you guess what Estes thinks now?

However, these are not naive in his eyes. Thinking that he has any strength, outsiders simply don't know, if their heads are broken, they will not think that he is from another world.

Looking at Estes's appraisal, Lin Tianyao also knew that the words of persuasion had no effect. He simply sighed and said: "You stay, it will only add chaos to me. Do you know? Since I dare to stand here, I naturally have a way to deal with the little emperor. All you have to do is believe me."

Although he said this euphemistically, the meaning is obvious. That's the order of eviction.

What Esters wanted to say, the next moment, the afterglow in the corner of her eyes suddenly saw a shadow flash.

The next moment, her eyes closed and her consciousness gradually returned to chaos.

That shadow is Lin Tianyao's right hand. He has no rules to persuade, so he can only choose to use tough means. This palm down directly knocked Estes over.

"Tazmi, take Estes to a safe place!"

Lin Tianyao put Esdes' unconscious body in his arms and screamed into the empty surroundings.

As his voice fell, a figure of Tazmi appeared in a ruin in the distance.

He walked in front of Lin Tianyao, with a slightly surprised tone: "Tianyao, how do you know that I did not leave?"

Lin Tianyao heard the words and smiled lightly: "Not only this time, when we used to perform tasks in the past, you didn't fall down once, just follow behind!"

While he was talking, his eyes kept staring at Tazmi's face. The bright eyes seemed to see him through.

Tazmi lowered his head and whispered: "Tianyao, do you really want to face it alone?"

"You stay, just like Essex, do you want to help me right? But have you ever thought about it, with the strength of the two of you, can't help you at all." Lin Tianyao didn't take care of it, directly The thoughts in my heart came out. "But..." Tazmi stopped talking and his face became a bit painful.

All the reasons are lack of strength. At first, if he had the ability, there was no need to come to the capital for the village, and Iyas and Shayou would not die as a result.

However, what Lin Tianyao said also makes sense. To be precise, there is no doubt.

He and Estes stayed, but Lin Tianyao was distracted.

After hesitating, Tazmi supported Estes and turned and walked down the hill. Before he left, he couldn't help but turn around and shouted: "Tianyao, if you really can't fight, just run away. As long as we are alive, it's enough."

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly: "Relax, Supreme Emperor Gu, I really haven't put it in my eyes!"


A loud noise followed and the next moment, the ground under the little emperor's collar palace began to collapse. The splendid palace collapsed with it.

The ground at the foot of Lin Tianyao also hesitated to start a crack in the severe vibration. It is like the high mountain where the entire palace is located, splitting from the inside.

In such cases, it is as if the mountain underneath is a flower and bone. Now it is the flowering season, and it is about to bloom suddenly.


There was another explosion. Among the ruins of the palace, a huge blood-red arm was stretched out.

The arm was tightly wrapped with armor, and there were countless spikes on it. It looks like the arm of the devil from the depths of hell.

After that arm was stretched out, the imperial capital, still in dogfight, all fell silent. Regardless of whether it was an Imperial soldier or a revolutionary army, they all stopped, and their faces were all covered with shock.

The appearance of such a huge arm marks that there are other parts of the body of this huge monster within the mountains below the palace.

Such a huge body, even in the huge dangers discovered so far, definitely does not have such a large size.

Moreover, what makes people scalp numb is that such a monster is hidden under the palace. No one knows so far.

It has been more than a thousand years since the completion of the imperial palace. This monster has been hidden under it for more than a thousand years. How powerful is this vitality?

Of course, this is what ordinary people think. In the eyes of the person who knows the inside, he knows a little bit about the sudden emergence of the huge arm.

However, clearly knowing that there is the existence of the Supreme Emperor Gu, and now its appearance still makes people tremble from the deep heart. Is such a monster really human-resistant?

Mo said it was Lin Tianyao, that is, to gather all the emperors and angels under the sky, I am afraid there is no way.

By this time, the members of the night raid and the squad had reached the battlefields everywhere and began to send news of the truce to others.

At the same time, Najieta also drove past the palace. Because Chelsea told her that Lin Tianyao still remained on the mountain.

Chelsea is worried about Lin Tianyao, so she doesn't care about any advice at all. She cares that Lin Tianyao is alive! ....