Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 685: 687 The moment of the decisive battle

Chapter 685 The moment of the decisive battle

The little emperor's voice was extremely arrogant. In it, there is also an excitement.

In the eyes of outsiders, almost everyone recognized, and the empire under his control is Osnet. Cao Cao's demeanor is quite impressive.

However, what the outsiders do not know is that this kid is hiding so deep.

If the minister is using the little emperor, it is better to say that he was used. The little emperor has been weak, waiting for an opportunity to find an opportunity to make a comeback. This approach is exactly the same as Lin Tianyao's approach!

To show weakness, there must be a hole card in that hand. This little emperor's card is the Supreme Emperor.

It's just that he has never used this Supreme Emperor's tool. There are advantages and disadvantages to wanting to come.

Sure enough, while Lin Tianyao gave birth to this idea, the little emperor said it himself.

Although he has some castles, he is still too young. I don't know what is hiding. He now has the supreme emperor as a backing, and he began to feel a bit smug.

The little emperor shouted proudly: "If you choose to come down to me now, I might consider leaving you a life! Otherwise, you will die without a burial place."

At this time, the Supreme Emperor below the ground had a demon armor, and the ghostly eyes suddenly became bright. The next moment, the entire palace began to tremble.

The blood on Osnet's body was completely sucked away. The blood was sucked away and all the water from him was taken away. The corpse was blown by the wind and turned into fly ash.

"Does the Supreme Emperor Gu need royal blood to start? How can Osnet's blood also stimulate?"

Lin Tianyao couldn't help feeling skeptical when he saw this scene. This argument seems to be somewhat unfounded.

The little emperor suddenly haha ​​size. The sound of his tender voice suddenly became rough. It is as if there is another personality in his body.

The next moment, his eyes were like the demon armor, and a strange flame appeared in his eyes.

The ghost fire in the armor's helmet seemed to form a connection with the ghost fire in the eyes of the little emperor. A red light radiated from the gem at the heart of the armor and shone on him.

Immediately afterwards, the little emperor's body was swallowed by the red beam of light, swallowing him whole. As the red light faded away, his body also disappeared.

"Haha, Osnet is still very useful. Without his blood guidance, I am now as old as a dead body, and I can't start the Supreme Emperor."

As the body disappeared, the little emperor's voice resounded in the empty chamber, especially harsh.

Immediately thereafter, the ground began to shake violently. As if a major earthquake occurred.

The demon armor in the underground, flesh and blood appeared in the empty body. The seams of the armor are closely linked together.

The whole looks as if flesh and blood were born inside the armor out of thin air.

With the derivation of flesh and blood, this armor seems to have life, that is about to break the seal of transparent matter, and broke out from the ground.

Such a huge figure naturally drives the earth's vibration between actions, so it is like an earthquake.

Lin Tianyao and his three people saw it with their own eyes, and they were naturally able to accept it. However, the revolutionary troops outside were completely unprepared for the sudden earthquake and could not help starting to mess up.

"We must go out quickly. Those outside do not yet know what happened. If we don't inform them of the news. Once the Supreme Emperor Gu appears, it will definitely have an impact on the military's heart. The trouble will be great by then!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Tian hurriedly took Esdes and Tazmi to rush out outside the palace.

If the three continue to stay here, when the High Emperor comes out of the ground, they will surely press the three into meatloaf.

When the three of them rushed out of the palace, the members of the night raid and the kangari had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing them coming out, the crowd hurried forward and asked, "Tianyao, what is going on inside, how could there be an earthquake suddenly?"

"The Supreme Emperor Gu started, and quickly notified Najta to let the Revolutionary Army narrow the frontline and retreat beyond the security range. Otherwise, it will definitely be overwhelmed by the whole army!"

Lin Tianyao didn't have time to explain so much to them. Adding all the people here, facing the Supreme Emperor, I am afraid it is not enough to slap the huge demon armor.

So, all he can do now is let them hurry up and leave. As for how to stop the little emperor, he came naturally.

Hearing Lin Tianyao's explanation, everyone's face instantly turned pale. This Supreme Emperor Gu can be said to be the emperor of all emperors. When the Emperor Tool was created, this supreme Emperor Tool was created by the royal family to stabilize the rule.

Among the other emperors, there is the capital of this battle. But the Supreme Emperor Tool is the existence that crushes everything. They have no power at all.

Therefore, they did not dare to say much, and spread out. Hastily rushed to spread the news to the battlefields around the imperial capital.

After the people left, only Estes and Lin Tianyao were left.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Lin Tianyao released Estes's hand and asked her with some surprise.

Estes stretched out his hand, grabbed his hand again, and said seriously: "Don't think I can't guess your thoughts. Do you want to stay and fight alone?"

After such a long time of contact, this woman gradually began to understand him.

Lin Tianyao sighed: "This is destined, there must be a break between me and the little emperor. But you are different, you don't have to stay!"

"Where you are, I am where I originally agreed. At this critical time, you want me to leave you behind, that is absolutely impossible."...