Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 687: 689 I will give you peace of mind

Chapter 687: 689

When Najieta came to the middle of the mountain, when he saw the huge arm in front of him, the whole body shivered.

Such a behemoth can exude such deterrent force when it is standing still. If it acts, wouldn't it have to wait for its power?

With only one arm, the whole emperor was trembling. If that whole body came out, what would it be like?

Seeing such a horrible thing, Lin Tianyao did not choose to retreat, but dispelled the others and left alone. Was his brain broken?

Numerous thoughts popped out of Najetta's brain. The Revolutionary Army came to capture the imperial capital this time, although the original intention was to overthrow the rule of the empire in one fell swoop. But the obvious lack of strength did not necessitate continued sacrifice.

What's more, the empire's minions are basically cleaned up. It will also be sooner or later. The little emperor possessed the Supreme Emperor with a moment that he could resist, but he could not resist for a lifetime.

The reason why they had discussed so much before was that they did not understand the Supreme Emperor Gu, just a vague concept. But now after seeing it with their own eyes, all their ideas are gone. There is no second way to go now except retreat!

The more I thought in my mind, Najieta felt like she was going crazy. If she was allowed to make a choice now, she would rather stay with him on the mountain, and Lin Tianyao evacuated with others.

In her mind, Lin Tianyao is a person who is countless times more important than herself.

If it were not for Lin Tianyao's joining, Mo said that in such a short period of time, the Revolutionary Army had captured the imperial capital, that is, the assassination of those cancerous tumors of the Osnet Party would take a long time.

At this moment, Najieta seemed to regret it. She should have stopped Lin Tianyao and let him slow down. After all, Estes surrendered and Bude died. An Osnet couldn't make a big splash.

With enough time, the revolutionary army can continue to grow, and even the aliens in the north can take advantage of the opportunity to form a stronger siege force.

Just outside the third wall outside the palace, Najetta's footsteps suddenly stopped because she saw Tazmi and was rushing down from the mountain.

When she saw the unconscious Esdes, she felt as if she was hit by a big rock in her heart, and an ominous hunch suddenly appeared.

"Tazmi, when did you go to the palace? What happened to Estes, Lin Tianyao?"

A series of questions made Najieta know not how to hear the answer, so that the trembling heart could calm down.

Estes is still like this, would Lin Tianyao have already sacrificed to save her?

Tazmi's head was enlarged because of the general doubts of Najta's bullet. He shook his head and said: "BOSS, let's go down the mountain quickly. Leave the rest to Tianyao."

How can Najieta accept this answer? What she wants now is that Lin Tianyao followed them down!

Seeing that she did not move her footsteps, she still wanted to go up the mountain. Tazmi couldn't help but anger: "BOSS, you don't have to mess up at this time! Tianyao does things naturally, he has his reason!"

Tazmi's always gentle temperament is well known. Even if someone spit on his face, he may not have such a big reaction.

But now, he dare to yell at Najta and his boss!

His emotions made Najieta stunned for a moment. Before waiting for her to speak, Tazmi turned sharply and said calmly: "We are going up now, it is to add chaos to Tianyao! Even if he can't deal with the little emperor's supreme emperor, he wants to escape at least. It's no problem. We All you can do is wait and see."

Of all the people who attacked at night, only Tazmi and Lin Tianyao grew up together. In terms of understanding, no one can match Tazmi.

Now that he said that, Najieta had no reason to refuse. Although she was very anxious in her heart, she could only listen to what he meant.

When he gritted his teeth fiercely, Najetta's steel arm hammered **** the stone wall beside him, and turned and ran down the mountain with Tazmi.

In their hearts, there is only one idea at the moment, that is, Lin Tianyao must come back alive.

At the moment, above the palace, a smile appeared suddenly in the corner of Lin Tianyao's mouth.

He stared at Tazmi's figure from above all the time. The meeting between Najetta and Tazmi was also clear.

After everyone else evacuated from the mountain below the palace, Lin Tianyao turned his head and stared at the huge arm of the demon armor.

At the same time, the red sky on his right hand also turned red. The Jinwu flame, like lava, completely wrapped the blade.

"After holding it for so long, I can finally give it a go!"

Lin Tianyao took a long sigh of relief looking at Chi Xiao, who had started shaking in his hand. The long-pressed desire to fight was finally released.

"Everyone feels that my strength is comparable to that of Estes and others, so I am so worried about me. Since that is the case, I will let you rest assured once."

In this self-talking words, the people Lin Tianyao wanted to talk to were Chelsea and Estes.

Both of his women are naturally tied to him. If he had the slightest danger, the two of them must have been more painful.

While chatting, Lin Tianyao jumped suddenly.

Under the night, his body, compared to the giant arm, was as small as an ant in front of the tiger. People in other places in the imperial capital could not find him at all.

But at the next moment, almost everyone could see that under the dark night sky, a dazzling golden light appeared in front of the giant arm.

Under the golden light, Lin Tianyao's figure became taller, making it clear to everyone.

After the golden light appeared, it began to stretch suddenly and suddenly. ....