Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 684: 686 to the Emperor

Chapter 684: The Highest Emperor

As Tazmi's exclamation came out, I saw the blood flowing out of Osnet's body, which started to penetrate from the transparent ground.

According to the trajectory of blood penetration, the ground seems to be a huge and complete transparent object. Moreover, the giant demon armor below seems to be imprisoned by this transparent ground.

After the blood had penetrated, it gathered towards the center of the huge head of the demon armor.

With more and more blood, a red gem in the eyeball appeared in the center of the demon armor.

After the blood flowed onto the gemstone, it was directly sucked into it. Then, the red gem began to emit a strange red light.

After this situation appeared, Osnet's smile grew stronger and stronger. Although he grew his mouth, he couldn't make any sound. But the smile squeezed out of his pain can be seen, he has a pleasure to conspire.

After absorbing the blood, the red gem formed a small vortex inside. After the vortex appeared, there was obviously a pulling force rushing out.

Driven by the pulling force, Osnet's blood, like the surging river, rushed towards the ruby ​​quickly.

"This... this is impossible."

The blood was quickly absorbed, causing Osnet's face to suddenly turn pale. It was as if a vampire was sucking his blood.

After a scream in his mouth, the boss of Osnet’s mouth began to open, seeming to find it extremely difficult to breathe. And all the exposed skin on his body turned pale. There was no trace of blood.

This situation actually reminded Lin Tianyao. He felt a little strange before. But now, the answer seems to have surfaced.

The supreme emperor tool he had always suspected before, if there was no deviation, it must be the demon armor under his feet.

Lin Tianyao was originally worried that anyone could wear such a large armor. But now it seems that this armor does not seem to be worn, but it is a whole in itself.

With the support of Osnet’s blood, the ruby ​​of the demon armor glowed with red light. In his helmet, there appeared two red ghost fires, as if they were a pair of eyes.

And such a large armor, which absorbs Osnet’s blood, is simply not enough to stop the teeth. In a blink of an eye, Osnet's fat body had collapsed. His blood has almost been drawn away. After that ruby ​​stopped absorbing, Osnet had become a corpse. Such a thin body is a zombie.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the empty room. There was madness and confidence in the laughter, but it was very young.

At the next moment, the voice shouted: "Thousands of calculations, I am afraid that the Minister may not even betray him. I have always wanted to monopolize the power of the imperial court. I am so young now. The privilege is so high, when can I conquer other courtiers?"

In saying this, even a fool knows who the word I represent.

It's just a surprise that Osnet and the little emperor were always wearing a pair of pants. Why were they still fighting inside when the soldiers were approaching the city?

When wondering, the figure of the little emperor appeared in the air. Without any wire or rope, he just floated out of thin air, as if not affected by any gravity.

Seeing the little emperor coming out, Estes directly asked, "Emperor, why did you help the old fox Osnet frame me?"

Being questioned in this way, the little emperor did not panic, but said softly: "General Estes, you can't blame me on this matter. It's all your own problem."

The little emperor was young, but his heart was not small. It seems that all the information in the past is now obsolete.

Estes continued to ask: "From your perspective, you seem to be afraid of Osnet. If so, why should you protect him everywhere?"

The little emperor sneered, "Everything in this world is mutually used. Osnet supported me to take the throne at first, but only for the purpose of power. Similarly, I also want to be able to turn over in the future. Submit to him. I just didn't expect that he was clever and was mistaken."

"What do you mean?" Lin Tianyao asked in a hurry as he heard what the little emperor said.

"Isn't this easy? Osnet is so sly and I can't deceive him of anything. My only hope is this Supreme Emperor." Then, the little emperor's body slowly fell from the air, Landed on the ground.

He reached out and pointed to the demon armor below: "The secret of this thing can only be known to the people of the royal bloodline. Osnet is even more powerful, after all, he is not a royal, so he can only listen to me."

The little emperor seemed very proud. He listened to his breasts, regardless of whether others listened or not. He explained to himself: "I told Osnett that it will take a while if I start the High Emperor Tool. Before that, he must hold you back. . Therefore, this dead fat pig will take the help of Esdes to take hostage and delay time for me."

His explanation made Lin Tianyao understand. Sure enough, this little boy, Osnet's organs had done his job, but he was miserable.

However, Estes did not agree with her. She narrowed her eyes and said coldly: "Little Emperor, since you killed Osnet with our hands, you are equivalent to killing your last helper. Do you Can you deal with us?"

When the little emperor heard the words, he laughed and said, "I would like to fight alone with the tiger to find the skin. With the Supreme Emperor Gu, don't say to deal with you, even if everyone in the world goes together, I am not afraid."...