Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 679: 681 Rescue

Episode 679

When he rushed to the little emperor's collar palace, there was no longer a guard around! Even the door is open at this moment, there is no one in it!

In the emperor's palace, the defense was relaxed to such an extent, which made Lin Tianyao's brows wrinkle!

Now the imperial capital has been surrounded by the revolutionary army! Osnet and the little emperor wanted to escape, there was absolutely no chance!

They so disregarded the defense, it must have gone to the Supreme Emperor!

However, with Osnet’s scheming, this defensive slack look should be a blind eye! There must be an ambush in this palace!

Of course, such an ambush, in the eyes of Lin Tianyao, is simply floating clouds.

With a sneer in the corner of his mouth, Lin Tianyao's feet moved, and an afterimage appeared behind him. The next moment, he was already standing in the hall of the collar palace!

This place, Lin Tianyao was here for the first time, not just him. I am afraid that apart from the little emperor, there were few people in the entire empire!


Lin Tianyao's body just stopped, and there was a sound of chain friction on the top of his head. At the next moment, a huge steel cage was hooded down!

At the same time, the ground under his feet also began to vibrate, and countless iron cones broke directly from the ground under his feet!

This organization was seen by Lin Tianyao in the dinner hall!

However, this time it was even more powerful. Small holes in black paint began to appear on the surrounding walls, and then a dense needle began to shoot densely inside! These thin needles, with green light shining on them, are obviously quenched!

"Mantis is a car!"

Faced with these institutions, if it is someone else, there must be no way to escape! After all, the six sides of this hall have been wrapped up! The people in it are directly sealed into a dead corner, avoiding inevitable!

However, such an ordinary institution seems insignificant to Lin Tianyao's eyes!

After a low growl in his mouth, a flame suddenly erupted in his hand at Chiye!

As the flame sprayed out, his hand was suddenly cut out!


A loud noise blew out of the palace for a moment, and the wall where the poison needle was sprayed in front of him was completely cut off the next moment!

As the wall collapsed, he also launched the thunder god's art. Under the flying thunder god, the venom needle could not keep up with his speed, his body rushed directly behind the wall!

When his body was steady for a moment, the scene in front of him changed dramatically with the outside world!

Because behind this wall is a dark space! Above the head, it seems to be a mini night sky! Under the night, a little star flashes!

At his feet, there is a vast abyss, his feet, as if stepping in the void! Under that abyss, there is a huge demon! The two huge horns above the demon's head were directly under Lin Tianyao's feet!

Such a psychedelic scene, even if the members of the night attack come, it is difficult to distinguish it!

It's just that Lin Tianyao is very clear that all this is not true, this is just a simulative method! Master of architecture can do it!

But in this building, the formation method is also added! This formation, Lin Tianyao looks very similar, because in the copy of the fairy tail, he has seen countless times for the magic array!

Moreover, this magic circle is definitely not as simple as a low-level magic circle! Contrary, the strength of the people who built this circle is definitely not under the dragon exterminator!

Not only is this magic circle, Lin Tianyao was born with a question from the beginning, what method did these emperor tools create?

The only explanation he can get is that these emperors have joined the magic circle in their structure! The most obvious is Shila’s Emperor. The space teleportation is exactly the structure of the space magic array!

Moreover, the Emperor's Emperor summoned the Emperor's Emperor, also from out of thin air, all these need to use space magic!

Only when the space magic reaches the highest level can we observe the sky machine and see the working principle of the sun, moon and stars!

At this moment, Lin Tianyao seems to have discovered something.

After he left from the copy of the fairy tail, he was forced to enter the temporary copy of Tokyo Ghoul. And then, it was this temporary copy in front of me.

Although he entered the copies for the purpose of experience, it seems that each copy has no connection on the surface, but there seems to be something involved in it, and it has become a line!

The more he thought about it, the more surprised Lin Tianyao was, he even vaguely felt that he was involved in a mystery, a big mystery!

But these, he has no time to continue thinking! On the contrary, there are some secrets that must be verified by time. It is completely useless to be anxious!

Moreover, Estes was captured by the old dog of Osnet. I don’t know what the situation is now. If I don’t hurry to save her, I am afraid it will be too late!

However, the demon at his feet, how to look, wants to be a giant armor! In other words, it is a kind of emperor with evil spirits generally similar!

But the kind of energy fluctuation revealed by it far exceeds the evil spirits!

Moreover, this armor is so huge, I am afraid that only the robot that Mr. Fashion previously built can wear it!

At this time, a sudden burst of laughter came from the silent space, and the laughter was full of playfulness and madness!

Lin Tianyao has almost no suspicion, but heard this is Osnet's voice!

"Dog thing, you really are here. If you come here now, I can make you die happy! If you let me go to you, I will make you die better!" Lin Tianyao snorted coldly in his hand. Hold tight!

Osnet heard the words, and the laughter became more and more crazy: "Are you going to kill me? Little boy, I will tell you today! You are going to die soon! Not only you, the revolutionary army will soon be destroyed. Alright!"...