Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 680: 682 You are so courageous

Chapter 680 Chapter 682

Osnet dare to talk like this, obviously because of the strong backstage of the Supreme God!

In his worldview, Supreme Emperor Gu, that is basically an invincible existence! Who knows, Lin Tianyao is a real outsider!

Although Lin Tianyao's strength is now sealed, but in the face of these people, there is still not much pressure!

If it was not because of the main mission, he entered the first day of this copy, he could go directly to the palace and destroy everyone!

It is for this reason that Osnet and others have never felt much fear of him. On the contrary, they also think that Lin Tianyao is only slightly superior in strength and does not have much ability!

Looking up at the stars above, Lin Tianyao suddenly laughed. His laughter was soft, as if he had encountered something extremely happy!

Seeing him smile like this, Osnet also felt a little guilty! Even though he was not so afraid of Lin Tianyao, the battle with Bude and Estes still left a shadow in his heart!

What makes Osnette even more upset is that his imperial tool, which was previously used to seal the members of the squad, has already been used! Use it next time, at least wait a month!

Lin Tianyao was the emperor's ambassador, he knew very well! If his emperor can be used now, he will certainly not be afraid!

"What are you laughing at? Is it ridiculous that you thought it was ridiculous to join the Revolutionary Army?"

Osnet took a deep breath, emboldened, and shouted!

Lin Tianyao chuckled and raised Chixiao slowly, pointing at Osnett’s nose: "I will give you one last chance now! Tell me, where is Esdes!"

This question reminded Osnett!

The horizontal flesh on his face flickered, and his voice was weird: "Boy, you don't even think about Estes! She will eventually be an old man's plaything!"

With that said, he seemed to have thought of something, and his voice became louder: "I said why the Revolutionary Army is still fighting hard, and you rushed here alone! It turns out that you and Esdes have a very close relationship. Close!"

Lin Tianyao didn't seem to hear his analysis in general, and said coldly: "Your nonsense has been said enough! I will not give you any chance!"

After saying this, Lin Tianyao's body has disappeared! At the next moment, his figure appeared behind Osnet!

This move has almost become Lin Tianyao's signature action! No matter who he met, flying the thunder god's technique directly to his back, and then slashing with a knife, it was almost uncomfortable!

However, as he floated behind Osnet, he suddenly froze! Because behind him, still sitting alone!

This person is none other than Esdes!

Because the ice emperor tool is fused in her blood! Therefore, while Estes was sealed, her body was also controlled by the shackles, which was more uncomfortable than others!

While Lin Tianyao was stunned, Osnet also turned around. He stretched his hand on Esdes's shoulder and laughed arrogantly at Lin Tianyao: "Boy, you recruit me. Tell me long ago! You cut it down if you have any kind! You hacked Estes and then joined me! With a beautiful company, I’m not alone on hell!"

Estes was unable to move, nor could she speak. She just looked at Lin Tianyao in a daze, and there were two lines of tears in the corner of her eyes!

Without the shackles of the ice emperor, she is now, like a normal person, she can cry!

If only two ice crystals were dropped, Lin Tianyao might feel better! But the tears made Esdes's cold-eyed face look very sad!

Bleeding is not terrible, terrible woman's tears!

Lin Tianyao raised his hand in the air, and stopped in the air in an instant! The flame on Chixiao's body flickered with it, and finally disappeared slowly!

Seeing this, Estes shook his head desperately! What she wanted was not this result! At this moment, she already thought very clearly! As long as the cancer of Osnett can be solved, what's the point of her death?

Because she knew very well that the thorn in Lin Tianyao's heart was this dimly emperor capital!

Unfortunately, this time she was wrong! Lin Tianyao's so-called hatred of the empire is just a play! The identity assigned to him by the main mission made him have to do this!

In Lin Tianyao's heart, the sweetheart is more important than everything!

Osnet saw the two men staring at each other for a long time without saying a word, but remained silent. It seems that this situation makes him look very happy!

Especially when he saw the flame of Chi Xiao disappeared in Lin Tianyao's hands, he was even more excited!

Because it means that his method has worked! Lin Tianyao really did not dare to kill the killer because of Essex!

"Little boy, I have given you the opportunity. Since you dare not kill the killer, the old man will not spare you!"

Osnet yelled in excitement, his fat body moved slightly, and he did not know when a dagger had appeared in his hand!

"On that one, do you want to kill me?"

Lin Tianyao's voice was cold and cold, and Sen Sen's murderous intention made Osnet's hand holding the dagger tremble.

His heart was shocked again and again, and the kind of coldness from his heart made him unable to control his body!

At this moment, Osnet suddenly understood! Lin Tianyao in front of him is far from what he imagined! This kind of killing intention, even Esdes or Bude, never had it!

This kind of killing intention can only be born out of human bones after being baptized with blood. There is no way to hone it!

If the killing intent is used to measure the blood contaminated by a person's injury, then Lin Tianyao is now the same as Shura coming out of that hell!

The more I think about it, the more terrified Osnet is, his fat body and fat are starting to tremble!