Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 678: 680 Enter the Royal Palace

Chapter 678: 680 Entering the Royal Palace

I don't know what tricks such as Red Hitomi used. There are more than 5,000 revolutionary troops brought from outside this time!

In addition to the 2,000 people in the prison, there are more than 7,000 people, which is more than a thousand more than the guards of the imperial capital!

Under such a stalemate, it is equivalent to giving Lin Tianyao and others a good chance to get out!

You need to stay and command, as long as Najieta is enough! Among the people who attacked at night, she had commanding ability, only she and Lin Tianyao were away.

However, at present, this plan is all brought out by Lin Tianyao! He must be on the front line!

Similarly, everyone can see that he is still worried about Estes! After all, in the palace, there has been no movement until now!

On the contrary, not only is there no movement, but a little scary and quiet! The revolutionary army broke into the imperial capital and was unmoved, with only two results!

First, the little emperor has given up resistance! And the second point is that they have a stable capital!

The first point is that it is absolutely impossible! Even if the little emperor admits counsel, the old thing of Osnet will not agree! Therefore, they must be planning a counterattack now!

In fact, Lin Tianyao is also very clear that the only pocket card currently owned by the Minister is probably only the supreme emperor of the legendary royal family!

However, if according to the previous agreement, Estes and others should have made a mess in the palace now! Why is it still so quiet now? This is a bit out of the ordinary!

After Lin Tianyao thought about it, the only explanation he could draw was-What happened to Esters and others!

As soon as this thought came up in his heart, he hurriedly shouted to the surrounding members of the night raid: "Let's, let's go to the palace quickly. If I guess well, it is definitely in trouble now!"

When everyone saw him say this, they also had a bad idea in their hearts.

If Lin Tianyao is worried about Estes, he will never be so dignified! In their eyes, Lin Tianyao has always been calm and rarely has such a situation!

Without hesitation, everyone nodded together, and then flew towards the palace at the top of the mountain!

After coming to the palace, the crowd went directly to the banquet hall. Tonight is the banquet of Estes. According to the time calculation, everyone should be here now!

But when the crowd came here, the scene in front of them really surprised them. Even Lin Tianyao shook his body slightly, obviously was shocked!

I saw that the original grand hall was full of soldiers. The table where the food and wine was originally placed is now red with blood!

And the blood is not the blood of the imperial soldiers, but the members of the vets!

At the table, the vet members were neatly arranged beside the table in the order of the original seats. Their heads were all pressed against the table, and the executioner's knife was already in the air. At the next moment, it was the scene of the head falling!

Fortunately, this massacre has just begun. But Lin Tianyao also came a little late. The two Borus and Wally were already two headless bodies kneeling on the ground!

Their heads were placed in the center of the table as if they were a round ball. The two pairs of eyes were still wide open, and they could not be closed anyway! There is still a trace of unwillingness and anger!

"Do it!"

Just when Will's turn was beheaded, Lin Tianyao issued a command directly!

Almost at the same time, the members of the night raid suddenly fell from the room beam like a ghostly body.

With a scream, the soldiers and executioners have fallen into the pool of blood!

They didn't understand until they died, but the identity of the butcher at the previous moment changed only momentarily! They turned into fish on the cutting board!

The members of the hunter who had already closed their eyes and waited to see someone came to the rescue, could not help but breathe out a sigh of relief!

This kind of life-and-death scene really can't be released casually! They are really dead two companions!

Those smashed around, in the eyes of the members of the night raid, are no different from the leeks in the vegetable field.

Simply, kill them all on the spot!

After releasing the members of the hunter from the shackles, Lin Tian hurriedly grabbed Will's shoulders and shook them fiercely: "Why are you subdued? And, Esdes, where did she go?"

Lin Tianyao's heart has already thumped, and Estes and her have just reconciled. If at this time she is in danger because of this plan, he will blame himself!

Will's head was dizzy by Lin Tianyao, he hurriedly said: "Lin Tianyao, if you are a man, hurry to the palace of the little emperor, and General Esdes is grabbed by Osnet! You must be careful, that guy's imperial tool can seal other people's imperial tools!"

Estes was captured by Osnet. This news made Lin Tianyao's fists clenched!

That **** old ghost, at this time, did not forget to find a shield for himself!

With the chips of Estes, he will certainly come up with many tricks!

But he did this, but he dug his own grave!

At this moment, Lin Tianyao made up his mind, no matter what the final result was, Osnet, he would definitely cut his skin with a knife and torture him to death!

Lin Tianyao's reverse scale is his woman. Others can stab him with a knife, and they can all smile! But if the woman who moved him, then he will die!

"You first take Will to join the big army, I will go to Estes!"

Facing the members of the night raid briefly, Lin Tianyao's body rushed toward the little emperor's collar palace.

This sentence, the death order has been issued, and they have not given the red pupils the opportunity to refute them!

"Tianyao, what's wrong with him, he's gone by himself, so dangerous! Let's keep up with the help!" Leo Nai groaned with dissatisfaction! ....