Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 644: 646 Black pupil appears

Chapter 644: Black Eyes Appear

Finding the place where the time bomb was inserted, Lin Tianyao dropped it directly and threw Mr. Fashion to the ground.

The height of the two legs of this robot is more than twenty meters! This height falls, Mr. Fashion, will definitely be dropped into a meat pie!

But he has no effect now, he is dead!

But the next scene was beyond imagination. Mr. Fashion's clothes suddenly burst, and behind him, a pair of metal wings appeared, exactly the same as Lan's wings!

Lin Tianyao couldn't help but stunned, this guy, even with the lifeguard!

But he thinks about it, this is also the way. Since Fashion dares to activate the self-explosive device, he will definitely carry something that is easy to escape from the explosion range!

In fact, Lin Tianyao didn't want to take this guy's life directly! Now, he must seize the time to get this robot, and then go to Najieta to support! If he passes alone, Estes can hold his foot!

Aiming at the three bombs of the robot engine, Lin Tianyao exerted force on his hand. With the help of Chi Xiao's foothold, he flew abruptly and flew upwards. The hand fell and the three bombs were cut directly by him.

Mr. Fashion who was gliding in the distance saw Lin Tianyao solve the bomb so quickly, he couldn't help feeling sad! That robot is his hard work, and it can be said that it is a child.

But in a blink of an eye, this thing has already changed hands! He will not be sad when his things are destroyed in his hands. The key is to be robbed by others in person. This mood cannot be expressed in words!

"Fashion, you are so easy to fly! I found that you guys who attack at night, how do you like to be a birdman?"

Lin Tianyao, holding a bomb in his hand, shouted towards the distant Mr. Fashion. This guy made this gliding wings, which must have been imitated according to Lan's Emperor Gu!

Fashion heard Lin Tianyao's shout, and there was a bit of grudge on his face: "Damn guy, don't be too happy! You robbed my baby, I must ask you to repay it!"

"Huh, I also want to see what better things you can create in the future. Unfortunately, you have no chance!"

At the next moment, Lin Tianyao's figure had disappeared on the robot. When he appeared again, Mr. Fashion suddenly felt a heavy back, as if there was a heavy weight on him.

He looked back and looked almost behind him. Lin Tianyao stood on his back firmly with his feet, like a fairy riding a birdman!

" are you possible!"

Mr. Fashion called in silence! What can move instantly, there is only one emperor in today's world, that is the son of Osnet, Shira's emperor!

However, each emperor can only have one, no one can use two emperors at the same time! Moreover, there is no emperor with space to move on Lin Tianyao!

Mr. Fashion is completely messed up. What a monster this guy is! Seeing his horrified look, Lin Tianyao raised a corner of his mouth: "I have no time to ink with you. In order to make you a ghost, I will tell you , My momentary movement is not an emperor's tool, but a physical instinct!"

After finishing this sentence, Lin Tianyao gently loosened his hands, and the three bombs removed from the robot dropped directly on the back of Mr. Fashion!

"Do not!"

Mr. Fashion screamed. He desperately wanted to flip his body and shake off the three bombs on his back. However, the gliding wings were blocked by the wind in the air, and he could not move at all!


When Lin Tianyao returned to the robot using Fei Lei Shen, he saw a huge flame erupt in the distant sky! The loud noise of the explosion caused the surrounding ground to vibrate, the violent aftermath, and the blowing robots began to shake!

"My God, what the **** is that, what bombs have such power?"

Lubbock was hiding behind Brand, his body blown by the aftermath was all swaying, and he cried inconceivably.

Brand had armor to protect him, and the debris from the explosion hit him, and he didn't feel anything at all. But Lan was not so lucky!

He was caught by the net and could not move at all. The gravel was carried on his body, but he could not resist it with his wings. He was just smashed with blood and his nose was swollen!

"I want to take revenge and wait for General Estes to come and rescue me, and I must revenge you!"

Lan screamed loudly, annoyed and resented in that tone!

After the bomb was dismantled, the metal shell of the robot's heart was gradually healed together! Lin Tianyao tied Seleuc to the driver's seat, and he controlled the robot to quickly rush towards the front of the night raid camp!

In the real world, Lin Tianyao already has a lot of foundation for controlling high technology. This robot is just pulling and moving through the joystick, and he can easily drive it!

Pressing an acceleration button, the thruster behind the robot's legs also turns on. The speed of the impact is faster than when Mr. Fashion rushed over to rescue Lan!


Just when Lin Tianyao arrived at the night raid camp, a roar that frightened the sky came from a distance. Under this roar, all the birds in the forest that had been startled by the explosion sound fell off the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton of a giant monster emerged from the soil!

It was a huge and gigantic danger. In the skeleton, there was a hint of wildness! In that ancient age, it also carried an evil atmosphere, as if it came from hell!

On the shoulder of the giant beast, there is a girl with a lovely face, whose face is very similar to Chi Tong! It is black pupil!

In the open space in front of the night raid camp, Chi Hitomi, who was caught in a fierce battle, saw the giant monster appear, and her complexion instantly changed.

The look in the black pupil also became extremely shocked, and there was an uncontrollable excitement in the shock! ....