Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 643: 645 robot is mine

643 645 The robot is mine

This little girl is really cute to the extreme. When you are fighting for life and death, you can still cry at the enemy!

Seliu was held by Lin Tianyao's Chixiao, and she didn't care about her own safety at all. Her eyes were always on the immobile Emperor Jubi, who was still in the distance. The hope in her eyes seemed to be waiting for it. Wake up in the next moment.

"Are you afraid of dying?"

Lin Tianyao Chi Xiao rubbed softly on the smooth neck of Celius, and whispered in her ear.

Seleuc screamed: "My hand, you kill me if you have the ability, otherwise I will make you die!"

Mr. Fashion saw clearly, he held his head up and shouted loudly towards Seleu: "Seleu, don't be impulsive!"

With that said, he murmured towards Lin Tianyao: "You'd better put Seleuc and Lan quickly!"

Lin Tianyao lowered his head and sneered at him: "Are you showing off your brain, now your life is in my hands, do you dare to talk to me like this?"

Mr. Fashion laughed: "Boy, I am afraid you have forgotten something. Do you think that my detector is only the one destroyed by you? Do you think that General Estes will be easily taken by you? Is one move forced to retreat?"

He said so that Lin Tianyao's heart moved, he vaguely vaguely thought of something!

"Are you procrastinating me?"

Lin Tianyao chopped a knife on Seliu's neck and directly knocked her out. The next moment, his red night, directly on the transparent glass above the cockpit head!

Mr. Fashion seems to have thought about what will happen next. He closed his eyes slightly and whispered in his mouth: "General, we can do only so much! You must hurry up!"

His voice was clearly heard by Lin Tianyao, and at this moment he finally realized the problem!

He had previously slashed the dangerous species mount of Estes at the top of the mountain, and she did not do much to fight back, but let him leave.

Originally, Lin Tianyao thought that Estes had deliberately let him go. But this time, this idea has been completely subverted!

Estes deliberately let him go, and then let the three men such as Mr. Fashion be dispatched to deal with Brand and Lubbock. All she wants is to tune the tiger away from the mountain!

After Lin Tianyao left, she led a large army and directly attacked the night raid camp, taking the opportunity to start against Najieta and others!


The wise man will lose a lot of thoughts, Lin Tianyao really whispered Estes's mind this time! In front of him, the girl always looked like a mistress in a boudoir, and it was the same way before she was confused.

How could an empire's top general not think of the city at all?

The purpose of Estes is to destroy the night raid, then defeat the Revolutionary Army, make Lin Tianyao lose his attachment, and then stand in her position and submit to the empire! But her idea is completely wrong! If it is someone else, perhaps her plan can succeed.

But Lin Tianyao had no chance.

In this copy world, Lin Tianyao is the master of everything. Which side he stands on, which side is the winning side, no one can stop!

After crossing the glass of the cockpit, Lin Tianyao jumped in directly and pulled Mr. Fashion out of the seat!


Just as Mr. Fashion's body left the seat, a sharp sound began to sound around the cockpit!

Immediately afterwards, red lights began flashing around the cockpit, and the alarm sounded more and more rapid!

"You activated the self-exposure device?"

Lin Tianyao's voice was dull, and he stared coldly at Mr. Fashion's face, as if to see him through!

There is a sinister smile on Mr. Fashion's face: "Boy, your strength is indeed very strong. Even General Bude is planted in your hands, how can we be your opponents?"

"Even if my robot explodes, it won't cause you any substantial damage, but delaying you will definitely do it!"

Mr. Fashion said, suddenly burst into laughter, the laughter was unpretentious. There is also a kind of unrestrained fun!

Lin Tianyao's eyes narrowed, and he gently picked the collar of Mr. Fashion's clothes with the tip of Chi Xiao's knife and said: "You may have forgotten a little, that is, you robot, I value it, you want to explode, I Won't give you a chance!"

In Mr. Fashion's astonishing eyes, Lin Tianyao grabbed the clothes on his back directly and took him off the robot.

While jumping down, Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao was slammed into the armor in front of the robot.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao's body was falling, with Chixiao together, as if the hands of her son were ripping his belly, from the chest of the robot, all the way down to the waist, and directly cut its belly. Big mouth!

At the bottom of the drop, Lin Tianyao gently flipped his hand, and the Chixiao knife body also traversed.

The knife no longer keeps the blade down, and naturally there is no destructive force like a broken bamboo, which is directly stuck in the waist of the robot.

As the armor on the chest was cut away, the structure of the robot also appeared. Various thread heads and hydraulic devices seem extremely scattered, but in order!

There is a huge red engine in the left and right chest and abdomen of the robot. On the side of the engine, there is a time bomb shining in red!

Mr. Fashion, who was holding Lin Tianyao's hand, opened an O-shaped mouth when he saw the bomb next to the engine. He could never imagine that Lin Tianyao could even think of such a way!

Mr. Fashion used a memory metal shell when designing this robot. Memory metal is like human skin. After being destroyed, it can be restored automatically.

But this memory metal can only recover automatically, but it cannot grow extra. Just like the random building blocks, one piece is missing and cannot be regenerated!

It is exactly this way that Lin Tianyao dared to directly cut the armor of the robot's heart, because the memory metal can be restored in time! ....