Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 645: 647 Emperor Eight Rooms

Chapter 645: 647 Emperor With Eight Rooms

"Black pupil, you..."

Chi Tong blocked Will's giant sword with a knife, kicked him hard under his feet, and then pulled away, calling towards the black pupil on the dangerous skeleton!

"Sister, I didn't expect it! You are so degenerate that you joined the Revolutionary Army!"

Black pupil's face doesn't matter, but the tone is sarcasm!

"Emperor has eight rooms, Necromancer calls!"

After sneering at Chi Hitomi, she raised the black room with the black light in her hand again.

The land around Najetta and others was turned again as the eight houses lifted up.

Everyone saw the situation, thinking that there was another dangerous species to break out of the ground, hurriedly ward off the enemy in front of them, and drew away!

But after the land turned, only a few figures appeared from it!

Among these people, there are even acquaintances!

"Natara... isn't he dead?" Chi Tong stared at the handsome man with blond hair in front of him.

This man is her friend who grew up with Kuroto. But when he was already performing tasks, why was he resurrected now?

Compared with the shock of Chi Tong, Najieta's one-eyed eyes also flashed a little surprise! Because she also saw acquaintances.

"General Roger, isn't he also dead..."

After a brief shock, everyone responded! These people seem to be summoned by the black pupil through the eight rooms!

Najta squeezed her fist fiercely and shouted at the red pupil sitting on the shoulder of the dangerous species: "Black pupil, how can you do such a sad and mad thing! They are all dead, why don't you let them Leave calmly, and ruin their bodies like this!"

Black Hitomi put Bafang on his shoulders and chuckled lightly: "Who said they are dead, in my eyes, they will always be alive! As long as I am alive, they will definitely accompany me!"

With that, she turned her eyes to Chi Tong and continued: "Sister, since you join the Revolutionary Army, you are destined to be enemies with me! I can't try to save you because I know you! Since it is so, I don't want to let you Die, you are my sister, and I want you to be with me forever! So after I kill you, I will resurrect you with eight houses!"

"Black pupil..."

Chi Tong's silver teeth clenched tightly, and the blood held in the blade of the handle held by Cun Yu!

From the moment she saw Natara, she understood! Between her and Kuro Hitomi, the love of sisters or something has been completely crushed by this sinful world!

"Let's go together!"

The eight pupils in the black pupil gently waved, and the controlled dolls rushed towards the night attack.

However, the robot that Lin Tianyao rushed over has already attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing this, Esdez did frown, and she yelled, "Fashion, don't I let you hold Lin Tianyao, how come you came here so quickly? Can the three of you beat him?"

With that, her tone seemed a little surprised. Lin Tianyao's strength. Mo said it was her, she and Bude joined forces, but none of them succeeded! How can three fashionable people beat him?

Hearing the cry of Estes, Lin Tianyao suddenly smiled. This girl really hit this attention.

It's a pity that she will fail again this time!

While everyone was in a fight, Lin Tianyao's robot rushed towards the black pupil directly.

Black Hitomi thought that Mr. Fashion came over, and was not prepared. Instead, he grinned and said: "Mr. Fashion, I wanted to ask you a long time ago. Is your robot powerful, or is my dangerous species more powerful?"


A loud noise reminded me of the words of Black Hitomi!

This change caused everyone to stop their movements. They don't understand anyway, how can fashion attack themselves!

Struck by a robot in danger, without precautions, the skeleton directly fell to the ground. The black pupil didn't hold his body, and fell towards the ground.

After seeing this, Eszter gritted his teeth and squeezed a few words out of his mouth: "Damn, I knew the plan was unsteady! They might be wiped out in fashion!"

At this moment, how could she not guess that Lin Tianyao was driving inside the robot?

She moved her body, waved her hand, and an ice platform appeared out of nowhere, catching the body where Black Hitomi was about to fall.

Lin Tianyao will not give up this opportunity, he controls the robot to directly pull the bones and arms of the dangerous species, and pulls the huge skeleton out!

When in doubt, Maine glanced at the robot's cockpit with a telescope. Then, a surprised expression appeared on her face.

She screamed at the crowd around the night raid: "Everyone, inside the robot is Tianyao, he is here to help us!"

Identified the identity of the person inside the robot, and the crowd attacked the night as if they heard the drumming warrior, and the blood around him suddenly began to boil.

Only the acquaintances they have been summoned by the black pupil's Hachibo have a low mood, and even have the idea of ​​abandoning the battle and leaving!

Now Lin Tianyao came over and nothing more than gave them a tranquilizer!

Lin Tianyao used robots to break the bones of the giant dangerous species into various bone fragments.

This surprise effect is quite powerful!

If he is confronted with dangerous species, the effect will definitely not be so good!

After cleaning up the danger, Lin Tianyao directly punched the robot with a robot in the stands in front of the night raid camp.

Everyone in the dogfight saw that they did not dare to resist the huge fist of the robot, and they all chose to avoid it.

As a result, the battle situation was also opened.

At the same time, Estes' body suddenly appeared under Lin Tianyao's cockpit. She suddenly fisted in her hand, and a huge piece of ice suddenly appeared in the air.

An ice cube appeared, directly freezing Lin Tianyao's robot in it.

"Hey, this chick, really troublesome!"

Lin Tianyao was unable to continue to drive the robot frozen by Estes! He stretched out his hand and opened the cockpit, grabbed Seleu, and the two jumped out of it at the same time! ....