Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 642: 644 Slaughter Dogs (Part 2)

Chapter 642-644 Dog slaughter (Part 2)

This sentence came out of Lin Tianyao's mouth!

Looking at the crazy Bibby, Lin Tianyao suddenly had an unprecedented excitement. In the last battle with Bude, that guy's strength was indeed very arrogant, but it was not fun to fight!

The key point is that Lin Tianyao has the golden blood veins and is immune to thunder. It must be that Bude, his boxing strength is also very strong, but there is no chance to launch it!

But this time, there was an excellent opportunity. After this crazy man, the combat effectiveness is quite strong! And most importantly, this guy can't be beaten to death before finding the core!

If you can't kill it casually, that's the best fight machine!

Lin Tianyao shouted in excitement, and his body suddenly rushed forward, slashing in flames, and slashing on Xiaobi's stomach!

This way, just like a surgeon performing an operation, he directly cut the belly of Xiaobi!


Xiaobi gave a roar. He ignored the huge wound in his chest and patted Lin Tianyao's head with both hands!

The wound on his chest closed in an instant, and then began to recover!

"After the madness, the speed becomes faster, the strength becomes stronger, and the self-healing ability becomes stronger! This guy is really abnormal!"

Looking at such a nasty little boy, the excited light in Lin Tianyao's eyes became more intense!

Chi Xiao in his hand pointed at Cyleus: "Chick, I really should thank you for bringing this puppy! Just wait a minute, I broke it, don't cry your nose!"

Seleuc thought Lin Tianyao was laughing at her, and Lan was still threatened by the hostage. She was very annoyed in her heart: "Shameless guy, you want to beat my Xiaobi, next life! You have to put Lan back. , Let's fight fairly!"

Lin Tianyao laughed and said: "Chick, I already said, this is a battle between me and your emperor, I will not threaten you with hostages!"

After he finished speaking, he no longer continued to take care of Seleus. Chi Xiao in Lin Tianyao's hands burst into flames and slashed towards Xiaobi's thigh.

Dozens of rounds back and forth, Lin Tianyao almost cut Xiao Bi’s body, but he still couldn’t find the core!


Suddenly, Mr. Fashion on the side published a book, and while Lin Tianyao resisted Xiaobi's attack, the hammer in the robot's hand slammed towards his back.

The huge hammer is like a falling meteorite. If Lin Tianyao was hit, he would definitely die on the spot! There is no **** left in the body! At this moment, Xiaobi’s claws are pressing on his Chixiao. If Lin Tianyao is going to use Fei Lei to leave, he must let go of Chixiao. There are no weapons in the battle. Not a wise choice!

Seeing that the hammer was about to smash, Lin Tianyao suddenly discovered that there was a gap in the huge claws of Xiao Bin. Because its body is huge, this gap is negligible in terms of its proportion.

But for Lin Tianyao, the size of a human figure, this gap is enough for him to go sideways!

It's too late to say, it's fast! Lin Tianyao's idea had just begun, and his body had been spared. And that Chi Xiao, just caught between Xiaobi's claws, stuck the force, making it think that the people were pressing Lin Tianyao himself.


When the hammer collided with Billy's claws, the collision force was amazing. Xiaobi's claws were directly flipped back, and then the whole body fell backwards. And the hammer of the robot was also pierced with several holes by the claws of Xiaobi!

And Lin Tianyao, after slipping between the claws of Xiaobi, left directly with Fei Lei Shen, without any slight fluctuations!

When the dust around the collision was dispersed, everyone looked at it again. The place was empty and there was nothing left. And Lin Tianyao did not appear anywhere else!

Seleuc found a trace of Lin Tianyao for a long time and couldn't help but laughed and said: "That guy has been smashed into scum and has completely disappeared!"

Mr. Fashion is also relieved. Lin Tianyao's strength still looks above Brand. That Brand can destroy his chainsaw, and Lin Tianyao is even a tricky existence!

Now that Lin Tian is dead, they can rest assured. As for Lubbock and Brand, the two of them are sure to deal with it!

Brand and Lubbock were shocked at the moment, they could not believe that Lin Tianyao would die in the hands of these two! General Bude is not Lin Tianyao's opponent. How could these two guys do it?

But the facts are right in front of them, and they cannot be tolerated. Lubbock screamed and stared at Seleeus, crying: "Small bitch! You are even attacking! I'm going to your uncle, I will strangle this birdman now!"

"Chick, do you believe in your strength that way? Kill me, I am afraid I am not qualified yet!"

Just as Lubbock was about to strangle Lan, Lin Tianyao's voice suddenly rang from Xiaobi's side.

Hearing the sound, there was a faint hunch in Celius! Because after the collision between the robot and the robot, it seemed to be asleep and could not move on the ground!

If the madness is over, Xiaobi will definitely look like a puppy, but how is it still like a giant mad beast?

As Celius wondered, she suddenly felt the wind next to her ears, and then, just under her neck, it was cold!

Lin Tianyao had already appeared behind her, and Chi Xiao was lying under her neck!

"You, what are you going to do?" Sailiu's eyes widened, and there was terror in her eyes. She couldn't imagine how Lin Tianyao came over!

Lin Tianyao held something similar to the shape of a capsule in his hand and shook it in front of Seliu: "Little girl, should you know this thing?"

Celius stared at the capsule, and then burst into tears: "Damn bastard, you give me back, you give me back!"...