Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 635: 637 advent

Chapter 635: 637

After a few breathing time, Lin Tianyao took the two women to the top of the mountain.

Ma Yin's small body made Lin Tianyao have no idea. But Hill is different. That gentle face, plump chest, and a pair of eyes, the whole is a devil-shaped elder sister!

Such a beauty, in the real world, is simply the goddess being robbed!

After putting down the second daughter, Lin Tianyao found a stone and sat down for a rest!

Hill looked around and asked softly, "Tianyao, what are you going to do to bring us here?"

She had just asked her question, Ma Yin suffocated and looked at Lin Tianyao with an annoyed face: "Shameless pervert, my stomach is about to be put on your shoulders! Can't you be gentle with girls?" "

Lin Tianyao pouted and said, "You are struggling to survive there! Why is there nothing for Hill?"

"Shameless pervert, believe it or not, I fell in a shot!"

Ma Yin was so angry that he grabbed the pumpkin on his hand and pointed it at Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao is in a bad mood right now, and too lazy to ink with her, he ticked his finger and said: "You can try, but you can see if you can hit it!"

"Okay, okay! Don't quarrel between the two of you!" Hill reached out and grabbed Mann, moved the pumpkin in her hand, and then said: "Tianyao, please talk about your intentions! If only I’m going to get angry when I look at the scenery!"

Asked about the subject, Lin Tianyao stood up and pointed in the direction of the imperial capital: "Ma Yin's emperor, the accessory telescope is most suitable for long-distance investigation! Based on my understanding of Esdes, she may have brought The squad was attacked! So, you two are here to monitor the surroundings!"

Maine said with a curse: "Huh, surveillance, as long as I am alone, do you let Hill come with me to be bored? You are just revenge!"

"My God!" Lin Tianyao couldn't bear it at last, this chick was too venomous, right? His tone was also a bit tough: "Hill is calm, I am afraid you will be bored alone, let her come with you! If you are someone else, who can bear your stinky temper? Besides, although it seems to be geographical here Okay, can't anyone else think of it? What if the enemy is attacked? I let Hill come to protect you!"

"Dogs bite Lu Dongbin, don't know good people!"

Lin Tianyao lifted his foot and kicked a huge rock out, then turned and walked towards the cliff. He was very depressed about Esdes's affairs. He was so disrespectful to others at this time that he only blindly cursed people. This chick's heart is too bad!

Speaking so straightforwardly, Ma Yin also froze on the spot. She turned her head carefully and looked at Hill, like a child who did something wrong, with a grievance in her voice: "Hill, I don't really want to scold him, why is he angry?"

Hill shook his head softly and said softly: "Tianyao is not angry, but he is not in a good mood! Don't you forget, was there anything between him and Estes at the blind date meeting last night? You can also take into account your feelings, let me accompany you to perform the task together, he has done a good enough job! Just kidding, but also on occasion, you have to learn to observe and observe!"

Hill's explanation made Marin look at each other. This gentle elder sister seems to do nothing, nothing. In fact, the heart is still excellent!

"Am I going to apologize to him?"

Ma Yin's eyes were a little red. After all, she was a girl. She was treated by Lin Tianyao's tough tone. She still felt aggrieved, even if she did it wrong!

Hill shook his head gently, holding the pumpkin in her hand and said: "You, perform the task well, prepare to monitor it! Tianyao is not that stingy person, I said it, he was a little heavy, not because of you !"

With Hill's instructions, Ma Yin obediently found a time and place. Then I found a few stones to make a bedding, honestly put on the telescope, and began to observe the forest.

Lin Tianyao, after turning a few times around the cliff, was about to leave.

Seeing that he was leaving, Hill asked: "Tianyao, where are you going to go? It's not good for a single person to perform a task, no one can answer!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "I'm going to look under the cliff, I'm not sure, someone has touched it! I just took you up, and I'm walking on the avenue, if the enemy has monitored here, we will find us, and then start Action, actually... I used you as bait!"

"I knew that you guys were not good!"

Ma Yin whispered after listening to Lin Tianyao.

At this moment, a small black spot suddenly appeared above the heads of the three people. Under the sunlight, a little light was reflected above the black spot!

"Are they really here?"

Lin Tianyao sneered, he walked over to Ma Yin, raised his finger to the black spot in the sky and said, "Slap that thing!"

Maine looked up in the direction of Lin Tianyao's fingers, then a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. There was almost no aim. She raised her hand directly with a shot and directly shot down the black spot!


A burst of sound came from the sky, followed by a burst of flames. The black spot in that flight, with a cloud of black smoke, fell from the sky.

Lin Tianyao rose into the air, kicking it on the ground when the thing was about to fall.

This foot removes the force from which this thing fell, so that it can avoid crashing.

After it fell to the ground, the three people saw that it was a box-sized flying machine. At the top of the aircraft, there is also a surveillance camera!

Only after the explosion, there was only one frame left in this aircraft, barely left only the shape.

Looking at the wreckage of the aircraft on the ground, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick his lips. He said: "It seems that we have been exposed! The speed of the enemy's coming is beyond imagination!"...