Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 636: 638 Modern Machinery

Chapter 636 Modern machinery

On a high mountain outside the Imperial City, Mr. Fashion and Seleu are standing together. With a telescope in his hand, he looked at the aircraft falling from the sky, and he suddenly laughed.

Seleuc didn't know why, so he asked him, "Mr. Fashion, the aircraft was destroyed. Why are you still laughing?"

Mr. Fashion shook his head slightly: "This forest looks endless. In fact, there are only a few places that can be suitable for habitat camps! There are natural geographical advantages around that mountain, and there are rivers below to keep the water source! Where Living is more appropriate! Moreover, the aircraft was destroyed there again, indicating that there were people on the mountain! In this way, we have found the night raid camp!"

"Do I need to inform General Estes?"

Seleu holds Xiaobi in her arms and is ready to report!

Mr. Fashion thought for a moment and nodded: "It's not too late. My aircraft was found, and those who attacked at night will be prepared! Notify the general, quick action is the best policy!"

"No more notice, I'm here!"

Suddenly, Estes's voice was heard not far above their heads. I saw a giant winged lizard hovering in the sky, and on this dangerous species, Esdez was standing!

"General! What shall we do next?"

Both Seleuc and Mr. Fashion looked at each other, and were shocked by this dangerous mount! They all bent down and gave a courtesy.

"You go to inform others and move in the direction of your goal. Remember, you must keep it hidden on the way!" Then, Estes stepped on the foot, and the dangerous species gave a roar and flew out towards the distant sky.

Celius watched Estes fly away and couldn't help but wonder: "Mr. Fashion, where is this general?"

Mr. Fashion smiled slightly, his eyes gleamed wisely: "I am afraid that the general is going to cover us. She will first entangle the enemy and let me be a backup!"

In the sky, the dangerous species of Asdes sitting down is extremely fast. The night raid camp was more than ten miles away from the imperial capital, where the forest barrier of the Tianshan Mountains, coupled with the sinister terrain. Ordinary people do not know the way, and blind cats generally move forward, it is estimated that it will take about a day!

But flying in the sky, these are no longer a problem!

After a while, the dangerous species of Estes had already flown to the high mountains where Lin Tianyao and others were located!

The huge figure of the dangerous species covered the sky and the sun and completely covered the tops of the three people's heads. The pressure caused by the black pressure made both Main and Hill a little nervous.

"What the **** is it, just take a shot!"

Maine raised his hand to raise the pumpkin, just to shoot!

Lin Tianyao on the side hurriedly stopped her and said, "Don't get excited, just look at it and say it! Hurry up and let the other party take advantage!"

The three now followed the cover of the boulder, and on that day, they could not see their figure.

With the lessons learned from the flying machine, Lin Tianyao will naturally not be stupid and stay in place waiting to be discovered!

After the black shadow circled the horizon for a long time, it suddenly began to descend. After seeing through the clouds, Lin Tianyao discovered that this is a giant dangerous species. And on it, there is still a person standing!


Lin Tianyao's pupils shrank and his eyes stared straight at Estes's unfamiliar body. He murmured: "What the **** did this woman think? There is no such way to die? One person?" Going alone in the night raid camp?"

As soon as the idea came out of his heart, he suddenly widened his eyes, and his heart drifted towards the camp under the mountain!

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Hill's arm and said, "No, tune the tiger away from the mountain! Estes is doing it on purpose, her purpose is in the camp!"

Listening to Lin Tianyao's words, Hill also understood, she hurriedly said: "So what should I do now, shall we go down the mountain immediately?"

Lin Tianyao frowned and said, "No, it's too late! At the speed of you and Mann, when you go down the mountain, the daylily is cold!"

Looking at the increasingly dangerous species above his head, Lin Tianyao couldn't take care of that much! He turned his head and said to Mann and Hill: "You two, go find a place to hide, I will block Estes! After finding the right opportunity, I will take you directly down the mountain!"

After finishing talking, Lin Tianyao's hand moved, and he grabbed it out of thin air, and Chi Xiao's slashing sword appeared directly in his hand.

Without much thought, he directly operated the demon emperor Yan Tianjue in his body, and with the blood of Jinwu, a flame suddenly wrapped his body and Chixiao.

He stepped on his foot, and looked like a sword, shooting straight towards the sky.

"Jinwu Blaze!"

Using Jin Wuyan many times with Chi Xiao's slash, Lin Tianyao has created this knife technique! Also name it!

The knife technique he created himself is not incompatible with system skills! So there are no restrictions, no matter what copy to go in the future, there will be no restrictions!

A blaze of gold and black flames was chopped out, and Chi Xiao's knife showed a golden light. The flame knife gas instantly expands in the sky countless times, and its length can even be compared with this giant dangerous species!


The giant dangerous species saw such a huge knife gas suddenly burst out under him, and a roar inside his open mouth! A pair of eyes larger than a cow showed an extremely fearful look!

Its wings flapped fiercely, and below it formed a hurricane! According to its idea, it seems that this knife will be blown away!

For a time, the whole mountain top flew sand and rocks. The huge blowing force seemed to blow the mountain down and collapse!

However, how can Lin Tianyao's abilities be destroyed?

Dao Qi was not hindered by any slightest obstacles, evenly, and directly crossed a wing of a dangerous species!


With a loud noise, as the dark green blood rain fell, the wings of the dangerous species were directly cut off by Lin Tianyao's knife!

"Roar roar!"

There were huge screams spreading all over the forest, and a bird flew away! ....