Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 634: 636 pervert

Chapter 634: 636 Pervert

After a long silence, Lin Tianyao waved at the others: "These two, please help me deal with it! I'm going out!"

Chelsea heard the word, leaned over, and put his arm around Lin Tianyao's arm and said: "Brother Tianyao, where are you going? If you have any concerns, just tell me. Although I can't help you, but Say it, I will feel better!"

"It's okay, I'm like this, I'm used to it! You might think I'm stingy, but I'm such a person!" Lin Tianyao sighed, gently broke Chelsea's hand, and lifted his foot toward the gate !

A celebration feast, but because of these two men in black with short eyes, completely distracted! In addition to being depressed, everyone turned their anger to these two unlucky ghosts!

"Yes, Hill, Main, you are with me!"

When he reached the gate, Lin Tianyao suddenly turned his head and looked at Hill, who had been sitting silently on the side, and the sullen Mann.

Hill heard it, raised his head in a daze, and pointed his finger to his nose: "Tianyao, are you calling me?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said, "Well, I need you to help me!"

Regarding the difference of Hill, Maine jumped directly. She reached out and grabbed an apple and put it in her pocket. She complained: "You guy, don't eat anything by yourself, and don't let others eat it! Good celebration. The feast, it turned out that I couldn’t eat any food, and I was so mad!"

Seeing this, Brand couldn't help but shake his head and smiled bitterly. This Lin Tianyao was really out of place with ordinary people. This girl, Ma Yin, was the top pepper in the night raid. He chose to provoke her at this time, really daring!

He thought so in his heart, but there was another saying on his mouth, "Tianyao, do we need other people to do anything?"

Lin Tianyao gently shook his head and said: "It's okay for the time being! But you need to strengthen the precautions around you! Since these two spies can touch here, how can the team of vets eat dry food? It will be a fierce battle!"

Having finished speaking, he beckoned towards Mann and Hill, turned and walked out!

In Lin Tianyao's mind, there are already countermeasures! These two spies were definitely sent by Osnet! With Esdes's temperament, she can't use this kind of waste wood to explore the way!

Therefore, Osnet may have told Esdes about the news of the night raid camp!

Estes is definitely more anxious than Lin Tianyao, and as expected, she is already on the road now!

After leaving the camp, Lin Tianyao went straight towards the mountain behind him.

Because the geographical position of this area at the moment is a flat forest, and this mountain, just like the construction of the imperial capital, stands like a flock of birds in the forest. Seeing that he was going to climb the mountain, Ma Yin's face was bitter, and he complained to the hill beside him: "This **** Lin Tianyao, definitely wants to deliberately revenge me! There is so at home Many people, why did he ask me to come out and climb the mountain as soon as I come out, I really want to strangle him as a careful-eyed man!"

On the side of the hill, listening to Manin’s complaint, there was a slight smile on her face, and she said softly, “Mine, don’t complain, if he is retaliating against you, why would you call me out? Me and There is no hatred in Tianyao! You must have thought about it for a long time, and Tianyao does things in a proper manner!"

"Humph!" Ma Yin stretched his hands on his hips and raised his head to the plate angrily. But Yu Guang in the corner of her eyes has been watching Lin Tianyao ahead. Inside her small mouth, two rows of silver teeth have already made a slight "creak" sound!

Suddenly, Lin Tian stopped. He looked up at the top of the mountain, then turned around again to look at Hill and Maine.

Stretching his hand and touching his chin, he thought, Lin Tianyao suddenly walked towards Manin!

Seeing Lin Tianyao's menacing situation, Ma Yin couldn't help but startled, and thought he had been heard by him before! Frightened, Maine screamed and said: "What are you going to do, you shameless guy, don't come over!"

Lin Tianyao was too lazy to ink with her. Without a word, he reached out and hugged her waist, and put her on his shoulder!

"Let me down, you shameless filthy son, you called us this remote barren mountain, did you just want to misbehave?"

Ma Yin's hand reached out and beat on Lin Tianyao's back, the curse in her mouth became sharper and sharper!

"Hill, your foot strength is too slow, I will send you up!"

Halfway through the words, Ma Yin suddenly opened her mouth and bit on Lin Tianyao's shoulder, his lips twitching for a while.

With his head full of black lines, Lin Tianyao clamped Ma Yin's waist with his arms: "You give me a point, believe it or not, I will **** you now, and then throw it down the mountain to ruin the dead! Others asked , I said you were killed by the vet, and the bones are gone!"

Such intimidation, unexpectedly did not work at all! On the contrary, Main called even more fiercely, "You shameless pervert, had this idea in your heart! I was so simple, I was tempted by you! Hill saved me, a pair of scissors cut this pervert Cut your waist in half!"

Hill's eyes chuckled, and the two men in front of him were free and easy! From the beginning of the night raid, it seems that the noise has never stopped!

She looked up at the top of the mountain. Her body moved gently and got into Lin Tianyao's arms, saying: "Two people, can you hold each other? To be clear, you can't take advantage of me. Or I will go back and tell Chelsea!"

Lin Tianyao sweated for a while, and said in secret: "What are the two women thinking? Does he look like a pervert?"

Helplessly glanced at the hill with a slight smile, Lin Tianyao reached out and hugged her slender waist, and kicked her foot, like a arrow, and flew towards the mountain.

"Oh my god! You are going to kill us!"

Lin Tianyao flew up, and Ma Yin screamed in fright.

Hill stretched his hand and pushed his eyes, said softly: "Can't see it, your physical strength is so strong!"...