Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 633: After all, 635 can't hide

Chapter 633 Chapter 635

Najieta looked at the two men in black on the ground, and there was a surprise in her heart. There were ambushes around the camp. How did these two people sneak in without knowing it?

She looked towards Lin Tianyao seriously, "Tianyao, how did you find these guys?"

Lin Tianyao said with a chuckle: "I found it when I was young in the morning! The forest around the campsite is basically well-understood. These guys sneaked in privately, and there will be some movement!"

This explanation made Najieta even more shocked. Speaking of the familiarity of this forest, I am afraid that these old people who attack at night are more familiar. How long has it been since Lin Tianyao came here, he has learned so much!

"Speak, who sent you! You can touch such a close place, you must have investigated this place for a long time!"

Lin Tianyao's face changed, not at all the gentle smile when he talked to Najieta before. At this moment in front of the two, his expression was as cold as ice!

The two men in black looked at each other and shook their heads again and again: "We don't know anything!"

"Don't you say?"

Lin Tianyao snorted and reached out directly to grab a black man's arm. A "creak" came out softly, and the black man's arm was directly twisted into a weird shape. The bones were worn directly out of the flesh and blood, and flesh and blood were blurred!


After the arm of the man in black was dismantled, a screaming scream was made. His body also twisted in pain on the ground. However, he was still **** with rope, and he didn't even have the chance to press the wound to stop the pain.

After twisting his arm, Lin Tianyao did not give him a chance to explain, but reached out again and plied his other arm!

"no, do not want!"

Seeing Lin Tianyao holding out the devil's hand again, the black man's face was terrified. He screamed loudly: "Please, please let me go, we are also doing things for people, we must do it!"

"Huh, since you are doing this, you need to be conscious. You only have to tell me honestly, and I will let you go! If not, you will wait for me to torture you today!" Lin Tianyao said nothing, He stretched his hand to clamp his arm and twisted it again, and the man's only intact arm was twisted into a twist!

Why has that man ever received such a torture? After Lin Tianyao twisted off his two arms, he turned his eyes white and fainted!

Seeing this man fainting, Lin Tianyao turned his gaze to another person: "Your companion is really too fragile! The sound of twisting your arm sounds a bit uncomfortable. I want to try the taste of thigh twist now!"

With that said, Lin Tianyao had to reach out and twist the thigh of the man in black!

"Rao Ming, I said, I said all!"

The man in black saw the miserable situation of his companion in person, and no matter how tight his teeth were, his consciousness gradually began to collapse! In his heart, he already resented Lin Tianyao to the extreme!

When this guy actually caught them, he directly took the poison from their mouths. The way the light car was familiar was obviously not the first time to do such a thing!

Anyway telling a secret and going back is also dead. Not to mention, Lin Tianyao is now tortured to death. Even a fool knows what to do!

Moreover, he fell into the hands of the night raid, and the chance of survival was gone. It is also good to be less tortured before dying!

Thinking, he deflated his mouth and glared at Lin Tianyao with a grudge, before saying: "Damn, even if you kill me today, the minister will avenge us! Let me tell you the truth, you It’s not going to be a few days!"


A loud slap in the hall echoed for a long time. The man in black who was speaking was thrown around in circles, the teeth in his mouth splashed like a machine gun. When he stopped, there was no one intact tooth in his mouth!

Lin Tianyao was sitting on the bench, still holding a slap-and-fan gesture. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the man in black, and pulled him to his face fiercely, asking with cold voice: "I will ask you the last time, what is your mission! If you are sloppy with me, you want to say There is no chance!"

The man in black widened his eyes, and his eyes were about to stand out! Under the pressure of Lin Tianyao's momentum, and so close, he felt his heart was about to explode!

"It's the minister. The minister searched the emperor's ambassador in the empire and formed a hunting team! Their goal was to target you at night!"

Almost at the same time, the man in black couldn't wait to tell the secret in his heart. He didn't even know why he said it! It's just a mess in my head, and my mouth is out of control!

Lin Tianyao threw the man in black fiercely on the ground. He suddenly stood up and grabbed the glass on the table and drank it. In his heart, some bitterness appeared inexplicably!

"Esdes, are you still on this path after all?"

He slowly closed his eyes and muttered to himself. Night attack and kangaroo, the two forces at the core of this copy! Lin Tianyao has more or less seen the comics of the pupils who cut down the red eyes, and he can't be more clear about this!

He had attacked the scheming as before, just to get Esdez into the camp here before he became the leader of the hunter! But I didn't expect that the final result would be a driving force!

He thought so, but also drilled a loophole, a loophole for the main mission.

In the main task, there is no mention of the leader of the hunter. Under the background of the empire, the hunter will definitely form, but the leader, not necessarily Esdes!

But now it seems that everything is too late! This situation is destined to form!

The setting of the copy is to follow the original story after all. No matter what he did, Lin Tianyao failed to change after all!

Seeing Lin Tianyao mentioned Esdes in the mouth, everyone looked at each other, and they could guess that there must have been an encounter between the two! ....