Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 622: 624 Chaos

Episode 622

While Bude and Esdes entangle Lin Tianyao, Osnet, under the cover of the guard, withdrew from the dangerous high platform!

He yelled in the distance: "Esdes, you must give me an account of this matter! You know this assassin, you can't escape it!"

Estes gritted his teeth and shouted coldly: "Osnett, I have to bear with you for a long time! Even if you send someone to monitor me, now I save you, you still slander me, you really think I don’t Dare to kill you?"

All plots have been developed according to Lin Tianyao's expectations.

The reason why he let others know that he and Esdes knew through dialogue is also part of this plan.

After all, let Estes and Osnet turn their faces, and the relationship between the two can become tense.

In this way, Estes does not have a cold for the Minister, and Bude will also wait for the opportunity to please Estes.

Osnet is in this position, and he certainly dare not continue to provoke Estes. After all, the more he provokes, the more chance Bude gets close to Estes.

Now, the assassination of the night attack should be coming to an end. When Osnette's main death is dead, he will flee, and his power will be further weakened. In this way, he would sit on the needle felt and give him some courage, and no time to provoke Estes!

In this way, in the short term, Estes will not be in any danger. Here, Bude will also take the opportunity to suppress Osnet at this time, and the civil strife of the imperial capital will also speed up his footwork.

As long as Esdes continued to remain neutral, Osnet was in a weak position, he would only find ways to deal with Bude. But Buddhism is not deep, even if he is downwind, his simple mind, let him not get much benefit.

In this way, the situation is truly balanced! After all, when the forces of the general and the minister are similar, the wise side always takes advantage!

This plan can be described as two birds with one stone. It can not only protect Estes from harm, but also strengthen the imperial civil strife, so that the revolutionary army can better implement the plan!

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

When Lin Tianyao was fighting against Estes and Bude, three fireworks suddenly appeared in the black night sky. When the fireworks bloomed in the air, a bird-shaped pattern appeared!

"This is... a signal of a night attack!"

When Osnet and Bude saw this signal, they were messy in an instant.

Fu Wushuang is the best, and misfortune is not alone! But this blind date confusion happened, and the night raid outside came along!

Osnet’s spirit was about to collapse. He could see that the location of the night attack signal was actually on the third floor of the palace! You know, that location is the residence of civil servants!

"No, people who want to kill me at night!"

Osnet screamed, and his body twitched as if he were going to faint.

Although Bude played against Lin Tianyao, but with the help of Estes, it was easier to fight. When he saw the location of the signal flare, and then looked at the tragic picture of Osnet, he instantly understood. That night, it was a sneak attack on his site!

At this moment, Bude suddenly smiled. This time the minister’s party was killed, his power must have been further weakened. In this way, the era of civilian officials suppressing military commanders is probably out of date! "Thunder Punch!"

In Baud's excitement, his emotions followed. He shouted, and suddenly a bright blue light cluster appeared on his hand!

In the light group, he kept vomiting lightning towards the outside!

Bude played this trick, and even Estes's pupils contracted. She never imagined that this guy actually used Digu!

Bude's emperor, Thor is angry! It is a kind of armor emperor's body parts. Among them, it is possible to bless the power of thunder and lightning!

Being struck by thunder and lightning, even if not lethal, is at least paralyzed.

Battle between masters, the limbs are paralyzed and stiff, then it is equivalent to a corpse!

In response, Estes raised his hand sharply, and the ice sword crossed an arc in his hand, cleaving towards Lin Tianyao's neck. At this position, if Lin Tianyao wants to dodge, he must quit ten steps away!

But Bude's Thunder Punch, the attack distance is close! In disguise, Estes is saving Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao saw this, no expression on his face. He can't show his feet right now, and he will lose his task if he slacks off a little!

His body jumped away with the ice sword of Estes. As he jumped away, Estes seemed to be hiding his purpose. The sword in his hand was thrown out, aiming at Lin Tianyao's shoulder blade!

Lin Tianyao flashed in mid-air, seeing Esdes' saber flying towards him.

At this moment, he hesitated. Because Bude's thunder fist fell through. The expression on his face was a little surprised, and he seemed to be secretly looking at Esdes's expression!

Bude's action means that he has doubts about Estes!

Lin Tianyao somewhat helplessly rolled his lips, originally intended to wave the blocked Chi Xiao, but also slowed down.


The sound of sharp objects crossing the skin was also heard.

Estes' iron sword directly penetrated his shoulder blades and came out from behind.

Because of the great strength, only the hilt of the sword was left in front of Lin Tianyao!

Bud was stunned. He thought that Estes had deliberately forced Lin Tianyao back, making his thunder fist fall.

But this time, the result seems to be different from what he thought. Estes himself found a way to reinvent Lin Tianyao before he did so!

Thinking of this, Bude couldn't help but dispel the ridiculous idea that he had before.

Both he and Estes are generals. Although his official position is higher, as a general, he has a kind of pride, a pride that does not take others by his eyes.

Estes didn't cooperate with him, so he fought and did what he wanted.

After Lin Tianyao was punctured by Chang Jiandong's shoulder blades, cold sweat began to flow from his forehead. How many times has it been, this is the first time he has been injured in a copy! ....