Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 621: 623 hands on

Episode 621

Estes replied, Lin Tianyao nodded with satisfaction: "Since the general let us leave, it means that we can't look down on us! But we have spent so much energy to stand in front of you. If you can't give us An answer, then we are also unwilling in our hearts!"

Lin Tianyao's remarks are in fact the army of Esdes!

For Estes, the answer is only two, one is killing and the other is staying!

The unlucky ghost had already given an answer! Well, the correct answer must be the one left.

There are only two kinds of staying in France! Either divorce your wife or give up Estes!

These two answers are precisely the questions that these people are considering!

Of course, Esdes asked that, in fact, it was aimed at Lin Tianyao. He now has facts with Chelsea. This is exactly what Estes cannot see.

She asked like this, just want to hear Lin Tianyao's answer!

But how can Lin Tianyao be silly to say this question? Either way, Estes will have a mustache in his heart. After all, she is a latecomer, and Chelsea has already taken the lead!

Therefore, Lin Tianyao changed a clever way to come up with the thoughts of Estes!

Estes is not a fool, and when asked by Lin Tianyao, he is also somewhat ambiguous. She was silent for a while before saying: "I'm not interested in you, so you don't need to know this question!"

Seeing that she did not want to answer, Lin Tianyao reached out to Bude and made an arch ceremony: "General Bude, we are all martial arts. The most important part of this martial arts is calm, if you enter my heart and stay Unfortunately, I am afraid it will be difficult to save in the future!"

Bude listened to Lin Tianyao and was shocked. The current strength of Lin Tianyao is beyond imagination! And he is still young, and in time, he will definitely become a giant! I’m not sure, I can stand side by side with Esdes!

If such a person is good with him and waits for him to grow up, then the situation in the imperial capital may have to fall completely to his side!

This kind of talent, he is simply amazing! If it was because Esdes turned into a waste, then he would not agree anyway!

Thinking, Bud said to Estes: "General Estes, this Lin Tianyao is the emperor's ambassador, and his strength is extremely powerful! I think his thoughts seem to want to join our Imperial Army. This kind of talent, I don’t allow you to kill him, I hope you can tell the answer!"

Estes has a blue face! She didn't expect Lin Tianyao to do something that would prevent her from coming to Taiwan on such occasions!

Looking at Lin Tianyao's plain smile, her heart began to be inexplicably sour.

Before, the two were on the roof, and many things were very clear! But she was unwilling, she did not allow other women to share her feelings!

Therefore, this fictitious blind date meeting reminded Estes of a way to ask his honest words on this occasion.

This wishful thinking, Estes thought for a long time. But now it is executed, but instead it sets itself in!

So many people are watching now, the person who said that the wife was killed has been decapitated by her. Then it will be explained. She did not want to kill Chelsea!

Now Bude took the opportunity to help Lin Tianyao to force the final result, then Estes now also faces a huge choice.

Her choice is whether Lin Tianyao chooses her or Chelsea!

If Estes chooses himself, then the same as the conversation between the two above the roof, Lin Tianyao's answer is no! If she chooses Chelsea, then she can only let go, or choose to share!

These two results, she can't accept anyway!

After a long silence, Estes' eyes suddenly turned red. She clenched her fists in both hands. The jaws bit tightly, with a trembling voice in his voice: "Lin Tianyao, why do you treat me this way? Although I am strong, I am a girl after all! Don't you feel too cruel to treat me like this?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tianyao froze.

Not only him, but General Bude was stunned! On the side, Osnett bit his tongue directly, and covered his mouth in pain, screaming again and again!

"This... what the **** is going on?"

The four people standing with Lin Tianyao began to mumble.

Even a fool can see that Lin Tianyao and Estes know each other, and the relationship between them is extraordinary!

Lin Tianyao pursed his lips, and he sighed a long way: "Esdes, my heart, why not be like you, can't choose you? Your heart hurts, why am I?"

With that, Lin Tianyao looked up at the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly: "The time is running out. Since we can't choose, this problem can only be put down temporarily!"

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Tianyao's body moved. In his hand, Chi Xiao came out of the air and stabbed at Osnet fiercely!

"No, he is an assassin!"

Osnet saw Lin Tianyao screaming at him, screaming in fright, and he didn't care about the pain of his tongue being bitten, and his fat body got directly under the chair!


The symphony of gold and iron sounded. Estes pulled out his saber at the waist and blocked Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao.

Osnet was relieved to see Esdes shot. But being watched by so many people, he got under the chair, and it was inevitable that he was too embarrassed, but there was a burst of shame on his face: "Esdez, who the **** is this guy, did you put in to assassinate me?"

Estes gave him a cold look and said, "Minister, you'd better polish your eyes. Now who is helping you to block this sword!"

Seeing Bude on the side, his body moved, iron fist in his hand, and also smashed hard towards Lin Tianyao.

His heartache is not much better than Estes!

I finally took a fancy to a genius, but did not expect to be an assassin. This huge contrast made Bud almost fainted! ....