Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 623: 625 Golden Black Bloodline

Chapter 623: 625 Golden Black Bloodline

Seeing Lin Tianyao's hand, Estes' eyes suddenly widened.

But in the blink of an eye, she understood Lin Tianyao’s intention. She pressed down the pain in her heart, and her voice was extremely cold: "Lin Tianyao, I didn’t expect you to be an assassin. Today I will bury you in this place!"

Bude saw Esdes so cold, the doubts in his heart disappeared. After all, his previous punch did not have much chance to cause damage to Lin Tianyao. On the contrary, Estes was successful!

Bude looked at Lin Tianyao, his face also hesitated. If such a talent can be used by him, it will be a help! But I didn't expect to be an assassin!

He took a sharp breath and said to Lin Tianyao: "Boy, if you repent now, you may still have time! As long as you promise to work for the empire. I only need to beg for you in front of your majesty, and you can avoid killing yourself. What a curse!"

"Pleading?" Lin Tianyao sneered. He stretched out his hand, pulled out the sword that Esdesza had in his body, and threw it on the ground. "You really think that with this little means, you just want to Stop me?"

With that, Lin Tianyao's figure moved, and Chi Xiao in his hand suddenly burst into golden light. As the light bloomed, there was flames looming on that blade!

At this moment, Chi Xiao's blade seemed to be soaked in kerosene, and then ignited. When the flame was burning, the horrible temperature made the boulder floor on the ground where his knife tip fell, all began to melt. Now!

Bude was inexplicably surprised by this terrifying flame. If the body is touched, it must be burned to ashes.

Lin Tian slowly raised Chixiao in his hand and placed the blade in front of him. Through the flames, the trembling and burning air made his face seem to tremble.

Without the imaginary cut, Lin Tianyao turned the blade around and slowly penetrated into his heart.


Estes screamed, her face showing a horrified look. Seeing Lin Tianyao's action seems to be committing suicide!

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly: "You just aimed, it seems not my scapula, but my heart? Since you hate me so much, then I will make you satisfied!"

With that said, he thrust Chi Xiao into his heart fiercely.

The rich flame seemed to devour everything. But when Lin Tianyao's heart was inserted, it suddenly went out!

With the insertion of the tip of the knife, Lin Tianyao's heart and mouth, those skins and skins took the initiative to work hard. Revealed the heart beating inside! However, the surrounding space seemed to be still, and no blood was sprayed.

When Chi Xiao's knife tip touched the heart, the blood vessels around the heart also seemed to burn with it, and began to glow golden.

At the wound previously stabbed by the Estespe sword, the flesh suddenly began to creep. The little golden awn in the blood actually promoted the growth of the flesh and began to recover automatically!

This sudden situation made both Estes and Bude stunned. They couldn't understand what Lin Tianyao was doing!

"call out!"

Lin Tianyao suddenly pulled Chi Xiao out, and at the same time, all the flesh on his body healed automatically, recovering as before!

This method seems to be suicide, but in fact, it is a treatment!

Three days ago, Lin Tianyao did not know this method. The reason why he understands this role is to thank Esdes!

During the battle outside the prison, Estes let him know more about the role of Jinwu bloodline.

Jinwu is the predecessor of Phoenix! Phoenix nirvana, the rebirth of the fire, is the essence of this golden blood vein!

Last time Lin Tianyao fought with Esdes. Although there was no injury, the skin on his body was more or less scratched.

However, when he was using Jin Wuyan, the blood of Jin Wu vigorously radiated all over his body, so that all of his small wounds were automatically restored!

This time, Estes's sword hole pierced his shoulder blades, and the wound was indeed a bit bigger. Therefore, Lin Tianyao used the golden Wuyan mixed with the demon emperor Yantian tactics as a primer to force him to force the golden blood in the heart.

Therefore, as Jin Wujing blood is excited, his wound will recover so fast!

Seeing Lin Tianyao arbitrarily use Chi Xiao to insert it in his heart, the wound was recovered, and Bude's face suddenly became somber.

He thought Lin Tianyao wanted to punish himself, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into healing.

This blinding method is extremely useful in combat. Others thought that Lin Tianyao was going to commit suicide by stopping the attack. If he was healed by other means, who would give him a chance?

"Thunder Punch!"

Bude no longer hesitated. If Lin Tianyao retaliated directly, he might still have the heart of love and bury him! But this guy took the opportunity to heal the wound, which shows that he already has the heart of fighting!

Since you can't conquer, then kill it! As a general, Bude still understands his thoughts!

"Huh, do you want to use the same trick a second time?"

Lin Tianyao snorted, and Chi Xiao in his hand made a fierce split, greeted the thunder ball on Bude's fist fiercely.


At the same time that Lin Tianyao splits out of Chixiao, a flame rises into the sky! The huge flame blade seemed to have expanded its shape many times. For a time, the golden light shone like a day in the whole venue!

"Ah, what the **** is this!"

Bud uttered a scream, and he was directly flied out. It hit the wall of the high platform heavily, and the whole person was deeply embedded in the stone wall.

His body and clothes have been burned, and even his hair has completely disappeared!

In his hand, the Thunder God's Fury Emperor's Tool was cut directly into two deep gullies.

Fang Cai, if it weren't for his wits and wits, blocked Lin Tianyao's attack with the wrath of Thor, I'm afraid he was dead on the spot at the moment! ....