Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 620: 622 diametrically opposed

Chapter 620: 622


As soon as the man finished speaking, his head flew out directly.

Not far behind him, an ice blade was stuck in the dirt.

Estes's expression was cold, and there was a chilling voice in his tone: "Damn fellow, you are so tender, now treat your family like this, and treat me like this in the future!"

Such a reckless and popular method left others unresponsive for a while. When they saw that the headless body was sprayed with blood on the neck and fell to the ground, they reacted.

The four people were scared and sat directly on the ground, looking at Estes as if they saw a demon. Where is the previous fiery?

Lin Tianyao could only reach out and touch his forehead, and Esdes's nature remained unchanged for thousands of years. If you do not agree with one another, you will kill them directly!

But this can't be blamed on the hapless guy. The question of Estes obviously asked him. The guy touched her sorrow at this juncture and deserved it!

After the four people sat on the ground, they began to sneak out towards the back. About ten meters away, he fled directly. In front of Xiaoming, they dare not bet. After the success, the temptation was enormous.

Watching them run away, Estes didn't have any expression. For these soft eggs, she did not look at her. But now in the imperial capital, she cannot easily cause too much killing. After all, the impact is not so good!

Among the remaining people, except Lin Tianyao, there are only four left. They were thinking about it at the moment, and they were unwilling to come forward to speak first. After all, the further back they have, the more likely they are to succeed if they have temptations.

Seeing no one talking, Estes sat down again, and she said in a cold voice: "Can none of you answer my question? Since that's the case, then you all go!"

As soon as this was said, the other four also became hesitant. If you don't want to let this opportunity pass, then take the initiative to say it, but if you make a mistake, then your life is gone! But not to mention, Esdes has already issued a guest order.

At this time, they were caught in a dilemma.

Osnet laughed aside, and the roast on the plate was almost finished by him.

He had originally invited Shira to attend the blind date conference. But at this juncture, Shira was killed!

His temperament has always been arbitrary, since he can't get it, he naturally doesn't want to see others get it!

This blind date conference is no longer an opportunity for him. Estes cannot find a suitable candidate, which is in line with Osnet's intentions. He can look for a second chance!

"Humph, a bunch of soft eggs!"

Estes snorted, turned his head and looked at Bude and Osnett: "Everyone said that the emperors have young talents, but what are these things? I knew so, and I continued to stay in the north It’s a waste of time to return to the Imperial City on the battlefield!"

Bude was silent, he had no intentions. If he said the wrong thing at this time, it caused Estes to be unhappy, but it was more than worth it!

But Osnet did laugh out loud: "General Estes, the time for the blind date meeting was not fully prepared, it is inevitable that some people will have no time to catch up. I can't find it today, there is still a chance in the future, you give the old man For some time, I will make you satisfied!"

"Now that's the case, let's break up!"

Estes waved his hand to prepare for dissolution!

At this time, Lin Tianyao stepped forward suddenly. He smiled at Esdess slightly: "General, before asking someone else's question, you must have an answer in your heart?"

When he asked questions like this, he seemed a little bit rebellious. In the eyes of others, he was just a civilian. A civilian dare to talk to the general in this way, I am afraid that ten heads are not enough!

In Osnet’s mind, he wanted to end the conference earlier. Now Lin Tianyao inserted a bar horizontally, which made him very depressed. He reproached coldly: "Hello brave, a pariah, dare to speak like this!"

The idea in Bude's mind is different from Osnet. He is a general and likes powerful people. When Lin Tianyao played against Will earlier, that strength already made him look at each other.

Moreover, he secretly looked at Estes' face. When discovering Lin Tianyao's question, a light flashed in Estes's eyes!

This time, Bude had counted. If he helps Lin Tianyao at this time, he will definitely win his favor. In this way, Lin Tianyao could never become Osnet’s party.

If Lin Tianyao can be spotted by Estes, then he can use Lin Tianyao's goodwill to get closer to Estes!

Bud thought of this, and there was a sudden surprise in his heart. He stood up and waved at Osnett: "Minister, this time General Estes held a blind date conference, he chose his husband. The following contestants, Are qualified to speak!"

Osnet saw Baud's shot, and this came back. This guy must have taken a fancy to Lin Tianyao's strength. He just had some ideas about Will and Lin Tianyao, but he was a literary minister and could not be subdued by direct means.

He wanted to wait for the blind date conference to end and secretly summon Lin Tianyao and Will. Who would have thought that Bude directly took Will in the face of Estes!

In this way, the minister felt that he would not have received Lin Tianyao and Will, and would rather take the opportunity to suppress!

Who would have thought that Bude was so open to his bid this time, which made his heart sink to the bottom for a while!

Facing Lin Tianyao's question, Estes's pupils shrank suddenly, and she said coldly: "Since I'm asking you a question, of course I have an answer in my heart!"...