Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 617: Emperor 619 is useless!

Chapter 617 Chapter 619 Emperor Tool is useless!

Bude and Osnet stood up at the same time in the stands, and even Estes was a little restless!

This Will turned out to be the emperor! You know, there are only 48 pieces of Emperor Gu. As Emperor Gu, every person uses extraordinary talents and extraordinary strength!

"It seems that this blind date conference has become a contest of martial arts! I didn't expect that besides the master named Lin Tianyao, there was also an emperor with an emperor!" Bud held his arms in front of his chest, and there was a touch of light in the corner of his mouth. Smile. This made his original serious face a little weird.

Osnet heard that, hey sneered. He reached out and took a bite of the barbecue, Yin and Yang said with a strange air: "General Bud, these two guys, I have played with your majesty before they participated in the game, they will be your majesty's guard!"

Boulder smiled fiercely, and he said coldly: "Osnett, you wolf ambition! The generals belong to me, and the servants belong to you. This is the law that has remained unchanged for thousands of years in the imperial capital. Do you want to violate it?"

Osnet shook his head again and again: "General Boulder, I think you misunderstood it! These two are guarding your majesty, but it has nothing to do with me!"

"Your Majesty and you are not..."

Bud said halfway, and stopped. He wants to say that the people of His Majesty and the people of Osnet are the same!

It's just that if such words are spoken, it will be a big deal. It seems that Osnet has been tampered with. Even if Bude is the general of the imperial capital, he cannot say such a straightforward statement. In this way, it is defamation to say that others have rebelled without sufficient evidence!

At that time, Osnet went to the emperor to blow his hair, and his life was not easy!

"Can you be quiet! Today is my husband-in-law, not for your players, or for your majesty to find a guard!" Estes reprimanded coldly!

Osnet and Bude glanced at each other, and they both sneered, but stopped!

After all, Estes's status is no different from them. If anyone offends Estes, she will help another person against the water, and that will turn the situation upside down!


At the moment, Lin Tianyao watched Will in front of him wearing armor and couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick his lips.

Unexpectedly, there has been such a change. At this juncture, there is such a master!

Emperor Gu, who is a figure who has a battle with the people in the night raid. Such a guy made Lin Tianyao suddenly have the idea of ​​solicitation.

Will moved slightly, as if adapting to the imperial armor. Then he reached out and pointed to Lin Tianyao: "Do you dare to despise me now? I'm beating you to find your teeth today!"

Lin Tianyao shrugged his shoulders and made a move. Chi Xiao's chopper appeared in his hand out of thin air.

As soon as Chixiao appeared, Bude and Osnet almost collapsed. Especially Osnet, the barbecue on his hand didn't have the strength to grab, and fell directly to the ground.

"Emperor Gu, turned out to be another Emperor Gu, and that guy is also Emperor Gu Ju!"

The people who watched the battle on the field suddenly became warm. Originally Will and Lin Tianyao were masters, and now, in a blink of an eye, they became two emperors and emissaries. This kind of change caused their blood to boil. The battle between the two emperors and emissaries can be countless times more exciting than the ordinary master battle! "Emperor, you even have an emperor!"

Will was armed with armor, and although he couldn't see his face clearly, the trembling voice had already explained everything, and he was going crazy in surprise!

In the stands, Estes saw Lin Tianyao take out Chi Xiao, and his hands clenched tightly. He took out Chixiao, which means that he encountered a rival. If this battle takes too much energy, the next plan will not be implemented!

However, the plan is not important to Estes. She is worried about Lin Tianyao's safety!

Lin Tianyao put Chi Xiao on his shoulders at will, and slowly said to Will: "I don't mean to despise you! I don't need the emperor's tools, your strength is not as good as mine, so I let you pull the sword and use all your strength! Now If you use Emperor Gu, I also bring out Emperor Gu, which is enough to respect you! But in fact, I don’t use Emperor Gu, and you are not my opponent!"

Will stepped back quietly, and only then did he realize that Lin Tianyao was not contemptuous of him, but was giving him a chance. He misunderstood the meaning!

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you! But then, I hope you don't keep your hand, even if you can't frighten me, I will thank you!"

After Will said this, his body moved suddenly, and the armored iron fist slammed towards Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao stood on the spot, carrying Chixiao in his hand, while the other left hand was gently extended.


A huge blast of air suddenly erupted from around them, rushing all the spectators close to the ground.

Lin Tianyao only blocked Will's punch with his physical strength!

"So strong!"

Among the audience, someone exclaimed!

Even Will, his heart was shaking, is this Lin Tianyao a monster? The strength of the noble chariot, he tried it himself, even if it was an iron block, he was hit by a punch, and he would be hit by a huge depression!

But Lin Tianyao is nothing but a flesh, how can he take his punch?

"Is it just that? With all my strength, I also want to try how long I can last!"

Lin Tianyao smiled at Will.

Will nodded, he did keep his hand. When Lin Tianyao extended his hand to the low gear, he was afraid of hurting Lin Tianyao, so he reduced his strength.

Seeing Lin Tianyao so relaxed, Will never reserved. He stepped back a few moments, and suddenly a wave of air was sprayed from the elbow of the noble chariot. His fist, as if it was a cannonball, was smashed towards Lin Tianyao.


There was another loud noise, this time Lin Tianyao frowned. Although he didn't move, his feet were moved away from the place, and a three-meter ditch was drawn in the stone ring!

"It seems that the Demon Emperor Yantian Jue still needs to be promoted!"

Rubbing his sour arm, Lin Tianyao muttered to himself! ....