Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 616: 618 Emperor Gu Noble Chariot!

Chapter 616 618 Emperor Tool and Noble Chariot!

Bude leaned forward, staring at Lin Tianyao below. Similarly, Osnet saw Baud so shocked that he couldn't help looking at Lin Tianyao.

Osnet is a literary minister, he does not understand martial arts, but Bude understands! Bude is still an expert!

Bude looks like this, it will not be easily exposed, so Lin Tianyao under the field must be a full master!

For the love of powerful people, Osnet even surpassed Bude a lot. After all, he is a literary minister, and the generals of the imperial capital are mostly under the control of Bude. If a person like Lin Tianyao can be included in his pocket, he will increase his strength!

Off the field, the fighting is continuing at this moment, and the youth also stands up. Looking into Lin Tianyao's eyes, he was horrified, and he paid a little respect. After all, those who can let their opponents exert all their strengths in order to fight in a fair and upright manner without using small means are worthy of respect!

The young man bowed to Lin Tianyao: "My name is Will, and I haven't asked the master your name!"

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao put on the top again, but instead appeared pretentious. He nodded and said, "My name is Lin Tianyao! Now, are you willing to draw your sword?"

Will scratched his head and smiled, "I actually want to draw a sword, but you are defenseless, I will inevitably take advantage!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "It's alright, come on, I can stop it!"

Will nodded seriously and pulled the giant sword from behind. Once the giant sword came out, he waved it casually. The huge force caused the giant sword to directly hit the ring, and the ring built by the stone directly hit a big pit.

"Master, watch tricks!"

Will roared, his body jumped more than ten meters suddenly, and the giant sword was lifted high above his head, and slammed down below.

"Does it work well with Brand?"

Lin Tianyao couldn't help but be surprised. This Will's strength is really strong. At least, in this copy, it's a good one!

But although he marveled at Will's strength, he didn't mean any fear at all. After all, the gap between this guy and him is a world apart!

Watching the giant sword hit the head, Lin Tianyao stood still, motionless.

Seeing this plot, Will frowned sharply. Ordinary wielding swords can smash the ring into a big pit. Under such a huge force, Mo said to be a person, even an iron plate, but also to be cut!

The people watching off the court, some timid people could not help covering their eyes with their hands.

Lin Tianyao had just that hand, they thought he was a master. But at this moment, they felt that Lin Tianyao must have been intimidated by Will and had forgotten to dodge. The result can be imagined, he is definitely dead!

"boom!" A loud noise was uploaded from the ring, and Will’s giant sword had hit Lin Tianyao.

The huge impact force caused the surrounding platforms to be shattered with gravel, and the dust flew for a time, wrapping Lin Tianyao and Will's bodies in it, and everyone could not see the scene inside.

But everyone is very clear, and there is no scene of blood splattering. The dust around it is very clean, even flying dust, and you can see two of them standing in it.

This situation caused those who blocked their eyes to quietly move out of sight. They were also very curious, what was the result on the field!

When the dust dispersed, the two figures appeared in front of everyone clearly.

Will was standing in front of Lin Tianyao, breathing heavily, his giant sword in his hand had been cut in two.

And Lin Tianyao didn't move at all. In his hand, he held a half-sword of the giant sword and broke it, just holding it with two fingers!

Regardless of Will's strength, the moves he uses are just ordinary giant force chopping, and the giant sword is just to increase its strength.

However, Lin Tianyao is carrying the demon emperor Yan Tian tactic. Under the blessing of internal force, let alone a giant sword, even if a mountain is pressed down, he can directly penetrate the mountain and fly to the sky!

"You, what a monster are you!"

Will panted gaspingly, his face unbelievable. He didn't understand anyway, how exactly Lin Tianyao did all this!

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, dropped the broken blade in his hand to the ground, smiled and said: "Only brute force will be used, but you will have to lose a lot when you play! Some people are naturally unable to restrain themselves!"

Although there is a warning in his words. But in Will's eyes, it turned into a mockery!

In Will's view, Lin Tianyao asked him to draw his sword in order to play fair. But his methods were completely excessive. No matter whether Will draws his sword or not, the result is the same and is solved by one move.

In this way, the respect in Will's eyes disappeared, but instead it was a kind of shame!

He screamed and his eyes were red. He gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Tianyao, do you really think that you can see me with such a strength as you look down? I don't draw a sword, maybe I am a bit arrogant . But in my opinion, you are more conceited than me!"

With that, Will suddenly took off his jacket, and a short sword appeared from outside his underwear. From the appearance, the dagger looks very special. What is even more peculiar is that there is a fierce and vicissitudes in the air!

Seeing Lin Tianyao staring at his short sword, Will sneered: "Are you surprised that there are such exquisite weapons in the world? I tell you, this weapon is not used to cut with you of!"

With that, Will reached out and drew the dagger. He put the hilt on his chest and shouted: "Emperor armed, noble chariot!"

As his roar came out, with his short sword as the center, a burst of dazzling light suddenly broke out.

The light is so dazzling that no one around can see the scene in front of him.

When the light dissipated, Will had lost his figure on the ring, and in the place where he had originally stood, a figure in armor appeared! ....