Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 618: 620 rolling

Chapter 618: 620

Will's punch has already exerted all his strength. Even the power of the noble chariot itself was blessed in it.

However, after this boxing in Lin Tianyao, he just let him back a few meters, and no substantial injury was caused!

This result, if not personally experienced, Will will not believe it!

When Lin Tianyao rubbed his arms and said to himself gently, Will was completely stunned. He stood stunned, standing still, his fist still in the same position as he did before, without moving!

And in the stands, General Bude and Secretary Osnet almost forget where they are now. There was a fiery flame in their eyes, as if at the next moment, the two of them would be taken into their pockets!

Especially Lin Tianyao, that powerful strength not only conquered the two of them, but also conquered the many people watching the battle.

After a brief period of silence, cheers followed like a tsunami.

Among these people, only Estes was truly relieved. She looked at Lin Tianyao's posture standing proudly in the field, and her heart was about to fly out.

Fang Caiwei's punch, which was almost full, made her heart mention her throat. That punch, even her, had no way to catch it with flesh.

Although she knew in her heart that Lin Tianyao was not a reckless man, but taking the punch like that, she looked like a frightened person.

"Your strength, looking at the entire imperial city, can also be regarded as a superior level!"

Lin Tianyao shook his arm and smiled at Will.

Will lowered his head. He looked at his hand and suddenly clenched his fist.

He said: "Lin Tianyao, how can you cultivate such strength? I have never heard of the strength of the flesh against the emperor!"

"The size of the world is nothing strange! Emperor Gu does not mean top-notch existence!"

Will tasted Lin Tianyao's words carefully. For a long time, he suddenly looked up and said: "Play with me, I have practiced for so many years, and today I can play it well. Anyway, losing it to you is a foregone conclusion. I just want to go crazy once!"

"it is good!"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "This time, it's your turn to pick me up!"

As he said, his body jumped up sharply, and then his right leg looked like a whip, sweeping hard towards Will's ribs.

This foot was waving with a roaring sound. The fast waving legs formed a residual image.

At first glance, it seems that Lin Tianyao has grown countless right legs, throwing towards Will in a line-up posture.

Seeing this, Will said with excitement in his voice: "Good strength, enjoyable!"

He was wrong, with a leg whip hitting Lin Tianyao from the front, and then his two arms were brought together, showing a right angle to stop him in the chest.

"boom!" Will has just made a defensive posture, and Lin Tianyao’s leg whip has reached him.

The blow seemed to be mixed with great strength, and when it hit Will's arm, there was a "creaky" sound that made his teeth sour.

Will can see very clearly that his noble armor has appeared cracked!

However, these are not the main points. When Lin Tianyao's leg was hit with a whip, Will's two arms instantly lost their intuition. The huge impact force completely numb his arm!

After hitting, the strength remained the same. Although Will desperately wants to stabilize his body, but how powerful it is, after a short shake of his body, he flew straight out!

He flew out like a cannonball, panned directly along the ring, and quickly flew towards the fence outside.


Almost in a blink of an eye, Will's body hit the fence. The huge impact force made his whole body fall into the stone wall of the fence and set off a cloud of dust!

" foot!"

The audience almost fell off their chin!

Previously, Will had been attacking Lin Tianyao, but no matter what the offensive method, he could take it without moving!

In an instant, Lin Tianyao took the initiative to attack. That Will looked as mighty as before, but he was just thrown away by his only foot!

If Will didn’t have a noble chariot armor, Lin Tianyao’s foot may have kicked all his people into pieces!

Will stayed in the stone wall for a long time before regaining consciousness. Lin Tianyao's foot kicked him out before.

It was not until he recovered his consciousness. The armguards of the noble chariot were completely broken, revealing his two arms.

Later, the noble chariot could not bear this force, and slowly withdrew from him and became the short sword again.

Will struggled to climb out of the stone wall. The bright red blood formed a blood line at the corner of his mouth and slowly flowed out.

However, in his eyes, there is no slight resentment towards Lin Tianyao, on the contrary, there is a kind of inexplicable excitement and excitement.

He jumped off the stone wall, stood on the open space outside the ring, and waved to Lin Tianyao: "Good strength, Lin Tianyao, it's a blessing to meet you!"

The words of Will made Lin Tianyao change him a lot, and even had a good impression. This guy is not a loser. It is quite rare to meet this kind of mentality when meeting someone stronger than yourself!

"Lin Tianyao, win!"

Outside the court, the referee also recovered from the shock. Looking at Will who was already standing under the ring, he shouted loudly.

"What's the name of a ghost, a fool can see who loses and who wins, and you want to talk about it?"

Will glanced coldly at the referee, his tone unpleasant.

Then he turned his head, glanced at Estes on the high platform, and muttered to himself: "Hey, I wanted to take the opportunity to meet General Estes. I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

Feeling depressed, Will suddenly gave a thumbs-up towards Lin Tianyao: "Come on, marry General Estes back to the bed!"...