Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 615: 617 Blind Date Conference

Chapter 615: 617 Blind Date Conference

Watching Lin Tianyao's leaving figure gradually disappear into sight, a sad look appeared in Estes's eyes. She said to herself: "Damn fellow, stole my heart, but also If you want to bully me like this, why can't I be strong after meeting you?"



It didn't take long for the night to open, and suddenly there was a burst of shelling in the center of the imperial square.

Then, in the sky and sky, colorful stars suddenly flashed. That wonderful man's fireworks, even among the imperial capitals, is very rare. Even people who are far away from other towns can see this beautiful scene from afar.

The fireworks lasted a quarter of an hour, and then, on the high platform above the square, a cold and noble figure appeared. This man is exactly Estes.

Estes didn't change her costume, she was still in the military uniform during the battle, and it was this costume that made her look more beautiful and moving.

On the high platform, the figures of Minister Osnet and General Bud, who had never been out, also appeared on both sides of the seat.

The emperor didn't make a difference this time. According to Osnet, the emperor was still young. It was dangerous to hold a blind date meeting this time, so it was inconvenient to come out and show his head.

Sitting in the center seat, Estes waved and shouted loudly: "You already know the things, I won't say much more this time! This blind date meeting is mainly to check the strength. After the competition, There are also puzzles, and only those who are both civil and military can become my husband-in-law!"

There was a lot of uproar in this place, and the people who came to the conference were all covered with excitement. Estes had enough face to capture their hearts. Not to mention that after becoming her husband-in-law, the status in the imperial capital is even more outstanding! "

After finishing speaking, Estes thought of a gong and drum. The blind date meeting also began.

Lin Tianyao was standing among the crowd at this moment, he did not know where to get a wooden bench to sit there. The black crowd crushed him completely.

However, Estes was sitting on the high platform at the moment, and looked down completely, and Lin Tianyao's body was also clearly seen by her.

A soft smile flickered in the corner of her mouth, and she secretly said: "This abominable guy, at this time, it can still be so calm, so charming!"

In this competition, there is no way to draw a lottery. Just like the competition, one person goes up and challenges the others below. After winning 10 games in a row, they can advance to participate in the intellectual contest!

This is also fair, after all, no one can fight from start to finish. No one can bear the long physical exertion!

Lin Tianyao did not rush to go up, after all, go up first, too eye-catching. And at the same time as the competition, someone will also take the opportunity to investigate their identity. He didn't want to participate in the intelligence contest, but was recognized by Osnet!

At the same time as the meeting was held, everyone in the night raid also saw the signal of the fireworks and went towards the target.

After meeting with Lin Tianyao for this blind date meeting in Estes, she did not invite too many courtiers to come and join, because they all came here, but the night attack had no target!

While waiting for the upper part of the competition to enter the second half, Lin Tianyao set off. He dropped the chair on the edge of the ring. This action also attracted the attention of people around him.

People with insight have made way for him.

Lin Tianyao twisted his body and flicked his feet gently, as if there was some invisible force pushing him, causing his body to fly to the high platform.

At this moment, this man has won nine games.

It was a young man with a thin body. It seemed to be very weak, but in fact it was extremely powerful. He carried a giant sword almost as wide as his back!

From beginning to end, his great sword has never been used. So after he defeated nine people, no one dared to go up and challenge.

Lin Tianyao is waiting for such an opportunity. This time it is more conspicuous, but it has reached the final moment of the game. Even if he is investigated, there is not enough time! In this way, he can not only attract the attention of others, but also hide his identity.

The young man saw Lin Tianyao coming up in such postures, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes. He asked in a cold voice, "Sign up, I will not beat the unknown!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "If you want to beat me, it's almost a lifetime! Pull out your long sword, otherwise, I will knock you off the stage directly, you will inevitably regret because you didn't use your full strength!"

"Hum, what a big head!"

The young man yelled, like an angry bull, and bumped towards Lin Tianyao. That thin fist, which contains a huge force, under this blow, the sound of breaking the air almost tears everything!

Lin Tianyao shook his head and sighed, "Boy, pretending to look at the occasion also depends on the person!"

He stood still, but raised his hand gently, extended his index finger, and gently.

The young man's punch came to a stop in the air. That huge impact force was actually resisted by Lin Tianyao's finger!

Quiet! At that moment the huge cheers of the audience were quiet! Even if you drop a needle, you can clearly hear its sound.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, and the cheers in their throats stopped them from believing that this superb young man was solved by Lin Tianyao with one finger!

The young man was also shocked. His eyes widened and his eyes were about to fall out!

"Pull the sword! I will give you a chance!"

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, closed his index finger gently, and then joined his other four fingers into a fist, slamming out.

This punch hit the young man's fist and directly flew him out. But he did not fall off the court, but fell to the edge of the ring!

With such strength and means, even Bude, who had been dozing in the stands, suddenly opened his eyes. His hand also snapped on the armrest! ....