Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 614: 616 Emotional

Episode 614

Seeing Asides, Lin Tianyao could be seen as a fool. I am afraid that this woman was really moved!

He gritted his teeth and shook his head violently: "Esdes, in your eyes, who is more important than Li Min under the sky?"

What a smart person in Estes, she instantly understood Lin Tianyao's meaning.

But she shook her head desperately: "How is the world, that's their life! Everyone lives in the world, don't they live for themselves? I don't care what you think, I want me to live happily! I love it Killing, but I love the man I like more! This is why I came back from the northern battlefield!"

Lin Tianyao stood up sharply and said to Estes: "You are right, everyone should live for themselves. You have selfish desires, and I also have! You want me to stay with you and live here Among the imperial capitals! But I also have my thoughts. If you want to be with me, leave the imperial capital and join the revolutionary army!"

Too tender to women, they can only let them kick their noses to face. Lin Tianyao has never wanted to take such a tough method, after all, women are still vulnerable. However, in the face of Estes, the tenderness plan seems to be useless!

Estes looked staring at Lin Tianyao, her tear-satisfied face suddenly showed a bitter smile, and she slowly said: "I can make such a hard line for me, the whole world, I am afraid you are the only one You deserve to be the man I fancy! It's a pity... you already have a woman. If I guessed well, was it the woman you rescued from prison last time? I really envy you!"

Lin Tianyao was silent, and such a cold female ruthless person could even say such a precious complaint. It seems that she also has a deep affection for herself!

"But it doesn't matter!" Estes's smile grew stronger, but her voice was as fierce as a sharp blade: "As long as I kill the woman, you belong to me alone!"

Lin Tianyao didn't think that Estes would even have such extreme thoughts. He said coldly: "Are you crazy? If you killed Chelsea, let alone be with me, you just hurt her. , I will kill you without hesitation!"

"Are you willing to kill me for her?"

Estes's heart seemed to be shattered. Before her, she was just angry, but Lin Tianyao was so attitude, it was too much to hit her!

Lin Tianyao also seemed to feel that his words were not appropriate. He sat down gently and reached out his arm around Estes's shoulder, and said in her ear: "You are always in my heart. Resolute and popular, and a little wayward Alice. I think that is also your true character! The empire right now is too corrupt! I really cannot help you because of you!"

Estes looked at Lin Tianyao's face in close proximity, her eyes fascinated. This man is not that desperate. Really desperate, but this world!

Seeing Estes did not speak, Lin Tianyao smiled slightly: "I swear to you here, no matter what the result will be, the Revolutionary Army will win or the Empire will win. As long as there is a result between them, I will choose to follow You are together!" Of course, what Lin Tianyao didn’t say is that no matter how you choose now, when he overthrows the empire and completes the mission, Estes, this girl, he has to decide!

"No, I don't want others to share my love! If you are going to take Chelsea, then I won't be with you!" Esdes shrank and shrank away from Lin Tianyao's arms.

This answer actually surprised Lin Tianyao. Now in this copy world, a man with three wives and four concubines can't be more normal?

"You and Chelsea, in my eyes, there is no difference, if you let me hurt any of them, it is impossible!"

Lin Tianyao sighed: "Perhaps, you think I am flowery. But you just said that people are alive, just for themselves! I live, that is, let me love, and those who love me, be happy!"

This last sentence has covered everything and assisted the revolutionary army to overthrow the empire, also to create a peaceful country. With peace, people can live happily!

Estes said: "Why don't I know where this empire has come? It's a pity that I have my hardship! Perhaps, one day, you can overthrow the empire, and I wait for that day to come!"

Speaking of this, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but ask: "What's the next plan, how are you preparing?"

The problem of feelings cannot be clearly stated in a day. It's better to change the subject. After all, let's talk more and neither of them feel well.

Estes also knew that when the topic went on, the two sides looked embarrassed, nodded by default, and replied: "Everything is ready, and by then, there may be a fierce battle between you and me!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Relax, you can be ruthless, just like you are fighting in the northern aliens, I can come next!"

Estes lowered his head, and suddenly his voice became soft, said: "I don't want to hurt you, then I feel bad!"

"Distressed? Why don't I?" Lin Tianyao said solemnly: "No matter what you think, you must not keep your hand when you start, and you can't let Osnet discover any clues! If you are targeted in the emperor, There are no other people around, I am even more worried!"

"With your words, how much I suffered in the emperor, it is worth it!" Estes stood up and pointed to the distance: "But you have to remember, only this time, because this time is not to help you, I am helping myself. I will not keep my hand on the Revolutionary Army in the future!"

"It doesn't matter what happens in the future, this time, it will be enough!"

Lin Tianyao reached out and held Estes's cold little hand in his palm, feeling the slight tremor of her palm.

After a little while, he let go, and then moved, he left! ....