Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 610: Meeting between 612 giants

Chapter 610 The meeting between the 612 giants

In the middle of the night, the atmosphere in the minister's palace has become extremely tense.

Osnet sat on the ground, looking at the wooden box in front of him, a face full of horizontal meat, the expression had been twisted into the dough in the hands of the chef.

Suddenly he yelled into the sky and thumped his hands on the ground desperately, as if the floor had the hatred of killing his father!

A few of the spies in black on the side, shaking with Osnett's body, began to tremble. It's as if the fist punch was in their hearts.

"Who is it, who killed Shira in the end! My son is so powerful, who can kill him with such cruel means?"

Osnet wailed again and again. The wooden box in front of him contained nothing else but Shira's head.

Due to Lin Tianyao's previous heavy foot, Shira's head has been kicked at the moment. If it is not the iconic scar on his face, others may not recognize it!

A spy raised his head slightly, his voice trembling in panic: "Minister, we found the body of His Highness Shira in the stronghold of the Revolutionary Army! The soldiers who went with him all fled back. , Only the spy who accompanied him died!"

"Damn, my son is dead, and they can still escape! Kill all the soldiers who went to kill me!"

Osnet's heart has sunk to the bottom! In his eyes, his son is nothing, just a more intimate chess piece! It is just now that Esdes' blind date conference is about to be held, and Shira's position is extremely important. He died at this time, it can be said that the minister's plan was completely disordered!

The spy received an order, and suddenly released as a load, hurried out of the palace. Osnet is now an angry hungry wolf, continue to stay here, if he is angry, I am afraid that his life can not be saved!

The other two spies on the side saw him running away, feeling envious in his heart, but then his heart became more frightened.

"It must be the guy who attacked Shira at night and was able to kill Shira, and only that guy has such a skill! Estes, that stinky lady must not be able to escape the relationship, they must be a gang, and unite to murder me! "

Osnet was more and more angry, but in fact, he was not optimistic about this speculation, but just found a comfort in his heart.

"Minister, General Estes Seeks!"

When Osnet was cloudy, a guard suddenly rushed in from outside.

"Esdes? What is she doing here now, is it to see my joke?"

Osnett's iron fists clenched tightly, and then he waved towards the two spies: "Hurry up and hide Shira's head. Don't let this thing leak out!" The spy hurriedly got up and carefully took Sila’s head away with a wooden box. They are very grateful to Estes now, they are simply reborn parents!

Osnet just sat in the seat, and the figure of Estes appeared at the door.

She didn't seem to care about the briefing, and Osnet didn't pay attention to her.

The bodyguard was terrified with cold sweat. At the same time he came to report, Esdez came in. No matter what the reason was, the minister should be held accountable, after all, it was his fault.

But Osnet was uncharacteristically. He waved towards the bodyguard, indicating that he would go down first, and then put on a smiley face. He looked excited: "General Estes, you only returned to the palace today to report your duties. , I still have time to come and see my old bone, which really scares me!"

Estes sat down in a chair next to him and smiled at Osnett: "Minister, I haven't seen you in a few days, you are still so polite!"

"General Estes is well-known, and I should be polite!" Osnet said with a grin: "I wonder if the general came to see me so late, is there anything?"

"Yes!" Estes straight into the theme said: "I heard that this blind date conference is hosted by you, I do not know how it is arranged?"

Asked about this, Osnet's face twitched uncontrollably. What annoying things, what come! Shira has just died, and this plan needs to be changed. At this point, he is urged by Estes. This is not a good sign!

He accompanied with a smiley face: "The general is assured, according to the original plan, can start in three days!"

"That's good!" Estes also had a smile on her face. She nodded. "Thank you for this matter! When I find Ruyi Langjun, I will come to thank you!"

"That's right, General Estes does not need to be like this!" Minister Pi laughed not at all.

Estes got a reply and got up to leave. Suddenly, he glimpsed a trace of blood on the floor, and her pupils shrank.

She paused and did not say much, so she continued to walk towards the door.

As he walked to the door, Estes suddenly turned his head and said to Osnet: "Yes, I almost forgot something! At night, I found a member of the night raid outside the prison. Traces. After I fought with him, he still let him run away. That person is extraordinary, my blind date meeting is coming to make trouble, I hope the minister will increase some more manpower! I don’t want to have trouble in a good day!"

Osnet nodded hurriedly: "General, rest assured, I will arrange everything!"

Estes turned around and left with confidence.

After she left, Osnet threw the things on the table to the ground. The horizontal meat on that face did not consciously twitch.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Estes told me about this and offered me increased manpower defense! Isn't she related to the night raid member?"

Osnet reached out and patted his forehead, and his brain began to turn a little bit. At this moment, he even wondered if the previous approach was wrong? ....