Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 611: Implementation of 613 plan

Chapter 611 Implementation of 613 Plan

After evacuating from the imperial palace, Lin Tianyao left the imperial capital non-stop and rushed towards the night raid camp.

The consensus reached with Estes this time was smoother than he had imagined.

The troubled world is often caused by some insidious and cunning, evil-minded people.

The plight of the Empire now can be seen by fools. Internal and external troubles!

There are aliens from the north outside, and a revolutionary army inside. Osnet now still has the leisure time to engage in internal chaos!

If he waited for the reunification of the imperial power, by then the mess would give him tens of thousands of fingers!

But it was precisely the psychology of Osnett that made Lin Tianyao seize the best opportunity.

If he can be destroyed from within the imperial capital, perhaps the revolutionary army can completely overthrow this decaying dynasty without having to fight the sword soldiers!

In fact, Lin Tianyao knew very well that Estes seemed to have an inexplicable affection for him. He could not like it, but he did not dislike it.

He thought that he could approach Estes through a blind date conference. Who would have thought that after entering the Imperial City, there would be a series of encounters at the bar.

If you use one sentence to describe it, it is too happy to come!

The main purpose of his return this time was to move rescuers.

Waiting for Estes's blind date conference will be a great time to kill Osnet!

When we returned to the camp, it was almost dawn. Lin Tianyao felt a little sleepy for a night without rest.

At the moment others are still asleep, Lin Tianyao's movements also became soft. After all, disturbing others is not a good thing.

As everyone knows, when he had just stepped into the grass in front of the camp, a cry of surprise came under a tree not far away.

"Brother Tianyao, are you back?"

Chelsea's weak body came to him on the other side.

Her smiley face was full of sleepiness. Lin Tianyao can guess without thinking, this girl must be worried about him, and waited here all night without sleeping.

He hurried forward, reaching for her delicate body and cuddling it into his arms.

Lovingly kissed her forehead, Lin Tianyao said softly, "What's the matter with you girl, but you haven't recovered from illness, just toss yourself like this, if something goes wrong, how can I be it is good?"

Chelsea locked his head in his arms, his voice trembling: "You're not here, I'm afraid I can't close my eyes! Inside the palace, it's even more sinister than prison. If you don't come back, I will really collapse !"

She said so, but it made Lin Tianyao's heart seem to melt. He said: "I'm back safely now, you can rest assured! Go to rest early, after a few days, I still need you to help me complete the task!"

The two relaxed a little, and Lin Tianyao sent Chelsea to rest in his room. And he went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee, waiting quietly for everyone to wake up.

Not long afterwards, there was a "squeaky" door opening in the room. Immediately after that, Najetta's figure appeared in the hall.

With cigarettes in her hands, she seemed to be more powerful than anything else.

Seeing Lin Tianyao sitting in the hall, her pupils shrank. Immediately afterwards, she quickly ran to the table.

She did not sit down, but stood beside Lin Tianyao and asked: "What the **** are you guys doing? Obviously the good thing is to go to the Imperial Capital to check the news, and then wait for the opportunity to attend the blind date conference. How quickly, you But he went to the palace and caused such a big mess?"

Najieta seems angry, but the meaning in her eyes is curious. She was very curious, why did Lin Tianyao do that unconventional thing!

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, reached out and gestured for Najieta to sit down, and then slowly narrated: "BOSS, this time I come back, it brings you good news!"

"what news?"

Najieta's tone was faintly excited.

"I have reached a consensus with Estes. This blind date conference is a good opportunity. If we can grasp it, we can take the opportunity to eradicate Osnet!" Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes and seemed to see through everything!

Najieta frowned, and said with a thin anger: "Can you stop selling things, so I ask you a question, and if you answer, how can I ask clearly?"

Seeing her a little angry, Lin Tianyao took a deep breath and stated: "Osnet is going to use the blind date conference to control Esdes in disguise. After I got the news, I went to talk to her. She told Osnet She is also angry at her tricks, so this time she will take the opportunity to suppress Osnet’s momentum!"

After listening to Lin Tianyao's narrative, Najieta became hesitant, and she slowly said: "With my understanding of Estes, she can't make such a decision! She has always been unsuccessful, How could Osnet restrain her because of the blind date meeting? Or, would this be her conspiracy and want to seize the opportunity to seduce us to set up an ambush?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "It's a BOSS, you and I think of it together. So this time I will come back to rescue the soldiers! We can kill two birds with one stone!"

"What do you mean?"

Najieta was full of doubts. She didn't understand what Lin Tianyao was talking about.

Lin Tianyao explained: "Esdes holds a blind date conference, which is a big event! All the focus of the imperial capital will be put there! The defense in other places will naturally become weak! We are not other. Are there many targets for assassinations? This way, you can take the opportunity to stir him upside down!"

Najieta stood up suddenly, her expression on her face no longer covering up.

She reached out and clapped her hands on the table, shouting loudly: "It seems that my decision is finally right! Lin Tianyao, how did your brain grow out, and you can come up with such a great move? ?"

Najta was really shocked this time. ....