Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 609: 611 anti-interval meter

Episode 609

Looking at her like this, Lin Tianyao has understood that this little poison has planted a seed in her heart, a dreaded seed.

He said: "Osnet's plan is to use the blind date conference! If you fancy a man, then he will find a way to control the man to contain you! The words of the person beside the pillow are heard by others, are you like sitting on a needle What about?"

Estes's expression became colder with Lin Tianyao's words.

Suddenly, she stood up from the ground, an ice sword appeared in her hand, pointing at Lin Tianyao's neck and saying, "Why do I believe you, you are a night attacker, and I am an enemy! Didn’t he want to provoke alienation and let my minister fight inside?”

Lin Tianyao shook his head. He smiled bitterly and extended his index finger on the ice sword of Estes. He moved the tip of the sword and said, "I don't want to participate in the blind date meeting because I don't want to play with your feelings. The sword crossed the body, which is far less than the trauma and pain in my heart. I understand this before I choose to give up this task!"

With that said, he turned around and walked slowly towards the distance, leaving only a lonely back.

"I'll tell you what I said! As for how you choose, that's your business! When you find out that Osnet is mischievous in the future, you will understand that what I am saying is true or false!"

Lin Tianyao suddenly turned around and smiled softly at Esdes: "In my heart, you are just Alice, not Esdes! If you can't get mixed in the emperor any day, you can come to me at any time, No one can hurt you with me!"

Estes was stunned. She stood dumbfounded, and the ice sword in her hand seemed to lose her support, slowly turning into ice chips.

"Don't hurry!"

Estes shook his head slightly and calmed his emotions. She said: "If it is as you said, what other plans does the minister have next?"

Lin Tianyao shrugged and said, "This, you can only check it by yourself. I only know a little bit of fur now! But, I killed the spy tonight, will Osnet change the plan, Not yet known!"

"Oh yes, Shira was killed by me!"

Estes took a step back, his tone somewhat surprised: "You killed Shira, how is this possible? He has space to send Emperor Gu, how did you kill him?"

What she didn't say was that Shira was the son of the minister, and Lin Tianyao dared to kill him. Didn't the emperor want to turn the sky upside down?

Lin Tianyao spread his hands and said: "If you are asked to kill Shira, can he escape from your hands?"

Estes took a deep breath, and the chest fullness rose.

Then she said, "Do you have a way for me to avoid this plan? I don't want to get involved in those conspiracies!"

Lin Tianyao asked back, "Then I ask you, can you reconcile the revolutionary army with the emperor? Or, do the northern aliens ask you not to fight them?" "This is not possible!" Estes sneered.

Lin Tianyao said with a chuckle: "This is not over, Osnet had long wanted to overthrow Bude, the family is the only one! You are sandwiched between the two, he is the one who is afraid of you now! What he wants, Either you disappear or join him!"


What else did Esters want to ask, but she couldn't figure out how to ask. This time she came back, maybe it was a mistake, a wrong choice that would make her irreversible!

Seeing her so hesitant, Lin Tianyao suddenly thought of a way in his mind, he said: "Are you willing to join the revolutionary army?"

"Impossible!" Estes was absolutely decisive.

Lin Tianyao repeatedly waved his hand: "Sorry, I said the wrong thing. I asked you to work with me for the time being. When this thing passes, let's go all the way."

"Cooperate with you? What's the difference with joining the Revolutionary Army? Do you want me to be a spy?" Estes flicked his hand directly, and an ice cone blasted towards Lin Tianyao.

"Why are you a woman, do you want to kill me in three sentences? I risked my life with good intentions to come to the emperor to give you a message. You still have to deal with me?"

Lin Tianyao pretended to be angry, he took the ice cone and smashed it, and his voice was a bit uncomfortable.

Although he pretends to be, it looks very real in Estes's eyes.

At this moment, Estes's heart was touched inexplicably, why the man in front of him was so different. In his eyes, does it mean that there is no enemies or foes, and it is up to oneself to act? He looks like he is not a person in this world!

"Don't be so clever, don't you want to persuade me to join you, or just stand by and watch you rebel? I can't agree!"

Estes was still dead on his lips, and he did not give Lin Tianyao any chance.

Lin Tianyao said plainly: "In the information held by the imperial capital, my identity is not yet known to anyone yet! And this cooperation, I just smooth the trouble for you. After the event, we are like strangers, Oss. Nate cannot know that you borrowed my help. Naturally, there is no collusion with the Revolutionary Army!"

"Similar to strangers..."

Estes gnawed her silver teeth, and at this moment, she was inexplicably bitter. It's just that face, like a glacier for thousands of years, doesn't show anything.

"Why are you helping me?" Esdes asked softly. She just wanted to determine what medicine Lin Linyao sold in the gourd!

"I told you a long time ago, in my heart, you are Alice, not Estes! I don't care what your identity is, I just treat you as a friend!"

Lin Tianyao's face, with a smile on his face, became serious. Even the tone of speech became very serious.

Estes was silent, and there were two ideas in her heart fighting at the moment. After a while, she suddenly raised her head and frowned, "I promise to cooperate with you. Next, tell me your plan!"...