Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 606: 608 Learn about the plan

Chapter 606 Chapter 608

At this moment, Lin Tianyao thought of the refraction of the telescope that flashed in the distance when he previously played against Esdes!

He was still wondering who was going to spy on Alice.

Now Alice's identity has been determined to be Estes. Judging from the situation in the imperial capital, the relationship between the minister and Estes is stiff. In this way, the identity of this spy is accurate, definitely under the hands of Minister Osnet!

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyao challenged the spy: "Did I watch you from a distance when I was fighting against Estes?"

After spying on the words, the already frightened face instantly became cloudy and unsteady, but he still denied at once: "What are you talking about, I don't understand!"

"Don't you understand?" Lin Tianyao sneered: "Then I will explain to you carefully!"

With that said, Lin Tianyao directly punched him in the stomach. This punch didn't bless the internal force, only the physical force to hit, and the force was not great.

This punch was not lethal. But the most supple body is the abdomen. Even if the strength is small, the pain is very intense.

Peeping his mouth wide open, he only felt a cramp in his abdomen, and his stomach began to twitch. The constant retching gave him no opportunity to breathe, only to feel that the air in his lungs had to be spit clean, and he could not breathe again.

Lin Tianyao would not let him find such a chance to recover. He grabbed the spying hair and pulled his head back, his chin was about to separate from his neck.

The pain of the torture was endless, and the light in his eyes became hesitant.

This way, Lin Tianyao felt satisfied for a while. All he wants is this effect. The use of torture on prisoners is to destroy the obsession of others by torture. Just asking questions, others will not say so simply!

But in an instant, Lin Tianyao's hand froze. As the spy's head was pulled back, his mouth opened slightly. From this angle, it can be seen that his mouth seems to have a white cylindrical object stuck in the teeth.


In a flash, Lin Tianyao reacted. The secrets they know about these occupations that do small moves in secret are also very important. When big men use them, they also take protective measures.

Once this spy is caught, if it is found that the escape is hopeless, it will choose to keep the secret by dying. This poison is this effect!

Seen in this light, the hesitation to spy on the previous eyes is not to decide whether to confess, but to die!

"Huh, with my eyelids lowered, it's not that simple if you want to die!"

Lin Tianyao squeezed his chin, palms directly towards his cheek gang.

The spying was still hesitant, and Lin Tianyao discovered the existence of the poison, and he was about to bite once his heart was crossed. But his jaw was pinched and he couldn't bite. He moved his tongue around and licked the wax seal of poison! But Lin Tianyao’s speed, in fact, can he compare? Almost instantly, Lin Tianyao's slap directly on his face.

Under the tremendous strength, all the probing teeth were knocked off. Without the imprisonment of the teeth, the small cylinder filled with poison also fell. Lin Tianyao grabbed his hair and shook it fiercely. The cylinder fell out of his mouth.

Spying on the eyes directly hit by this series of actions turned black, and lost consciousness for a while.

Lin Tianyao kept him on the ground and stepped on his chest with his feet. After he regained consciousness, he asked directly: "Tell me, what purpose does Minister Osnett let you see Esdes?"

The spy turned his head to the side. He didn't want to answer Lin Tianyao's question at all. His family is still in the hands of the minister. If he does not die now, his family and children will be wiped out!

"Don't you say it?"

Lin Tianyao turned his head and yelled at the soldiers on the side: "Laozi is too lazy to start his hands, this guy will hand it over to you for interrogation. If a secret is asked, I will let you go for a life! He died before asking, you Go to the funeral!"

There is no better way to survive a dying person than to survive!

As soon as Lin Tianyao said this, the soldiers seemed to have hit chicken blood, and their eyes were red. They looked at the spy as if a group of perverts had seen the undressed prostitutes, and there was fire in their eyes!

The spy was scared, and after seeing these soldiers' expressions, his heart was about to pop out of his chest! These soldiers, the usual means of abusing people in the army, can be described as endless.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is torture to death!

Looking at the soldiers who had come around, the spying finally collapsed. With tears in his eyes, he screamed loudly: "Don't let them come, I said, I said everything!"

Lin Tianyao smiled and said with satisfaction: "This is not over. If you have cooperated so well, why should you suffer those hardships?"

The sneer swallowed a **** spit, and his swollen face made him speak a little vaguely. He said: "Secretary Osnet let me monitor General Estes, just want to find out her thoughts."


Lin Tianyao reached out and touched his chin, and the two people in a state of stalemate guessed what the other person was thinking, and the fool knew it!

The spy continued: "Esdes wants to hold a blind date conference, which was released by Minister Osnet in advance. At that time General Esdes did not make a decision, so this time he came to Beijing to report his job. After hearing this news, she Suddenly changed my mind, so I have been wandering in the emperor, not going to the palace!"

"You said Estes hasn't made up his mind yet?"

Lin Tianyao was really shocked this time. As such, if he is going to attend the blind date conference, he may not succeed. After all, if Esters repents, no one can do it!

The spy nodded, then shook his head again: "Eastes did hesitate before, but tonight, she suddenly returned to the palace to report her job!"

"Can you speak so less ink, what is going on?"

Lin Tian was angry, this guy was going around, he was not sure about it! ....